Crushed Grain Question

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How long is grain still good to brew with after it has been milled?

(kept in an air tight bag)

should be fine for months if you keep it in a cool dark place
Some will tell you only weeks and others will say months. Myself I would much rather use in in a few days to weeks but have also done a brew with some quit old crushed grain about 6 months. It turned out OK and was quite drinkable. So go for it some may tell the difference and others will say this is the best beer i have drunk in ages :)

I remember hearing that it may only last a couple of days once its been milled/crushed? That was probably bad advice though!

I think your probably right!
I've had some personal experience with bad grains...they tend to oxidize once crushed. Putting them in a plastic bag does not help much since plastic bags are poor oxygen barriers. Heat accelerates the oxidization.

I would say a few weeks if stored in a cool dry place.

If you plan to store them for a longer time, put them in a proper oxygen barrier container (such as a foil bag), remove as much oxygen as possible and then put it in the freezer. This will let you store crushed grain for several months if necessary.


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