crown urn exposed element, burning during boil

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I'm having dramas with my element burning the wort during the boil. I have tried to stir it when I'm ramping up to the boil and even stirring it while boiling but it is still burning on. Is there anything else I could try to get it to stop doing it? Does anyone else have the same problem with the exposed element burning every brew?

Is there a low density replacement for the urn on the market or even just a generic element suited to an urn that would fit?

are you doing a protein rest by any chance? (EDIT: or have you done one recently which coincided with the start of your burnt beers)

from recent experience - once you've got crud burnt onto the element, you need to scrub/scratch as much of the char off as possible before the next brew otherwise it will permeate. Not just the crud that's easy to get off, but the hard black **** which requires a paint scraper or steel brush. I've just had to turf two brews which otherwise would have been fine, because while the element was "clean" it had a black coating around all of it.

Current batch with most of it scratched off is tasting great out of the fermenter. Phew.
Is this all-grain beer or extract beer? If it's extract it's possible your goo and/or powder is clumping on the bottom and burning on the element.
Liam, yes I am cleaning the element after every brew, bloody takes me around 40 mins to scratch all the crap off. I do not do protein rests as I think this would just accentuate the problem.

Slash, it's All grain brewing.
Have you soaked it with PCB or napisan? I have found that a fair amount of **** gets caught on the bottom of the element. I usually only scrub it clean but every couple of brews I let it soak to get rid of the excess underneath. Seems to come up pretty well for me.
Throw some bicarb soda in with just water and boil it for about 15-20 mins, my missus does it with our pots and pans when there is crud burnt on them - brings them back to new
the only other thing I could suggest is wiring a pot scrubber to a your mash paddle after lifting the bag and giving the element a quick scrub as you ramp to boil.
I have tried soaking in sodium perc but that doesn't work, I'll try bi carb next time.

Does anyone know of any replacement elements apart from the crown one?
I reckon it will be pretty difficult to get anything off the bottom if it's burnt on. I wonder if you could get the element off to have a look.
I have taken the element out before to clean it but now I just use a teaspoon and run it underneath the element and it gets pretty much all of it. I can't see a tiny little bit left under it causing the rest of the element to burn the wort.
Simple solution Aydos, get of your arse and get your 3V system up and running. Urn only need a quick rinse when used as a HLT.
I will get into 3v as soon as I can, funds are limiting me atm.
i give the elements a scrub during cleanup rinse then put enough water in the kettle to cover the elements by 50mm throw 2 teaspoons of citric acid in boil/let cool/boil again .
once cooled (the next day) scrub the elements,drain,rinse well job done. ...cheers...spog...