Crown Lager

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Visitors recently came around for dinner.... they drank all me home brew :party: :beerbang: :super: and left their six pack of crown lager :icon_vomit:

The question is what to do with the crown lager?
Always good to have a backup plan. When you had your heart set on a beer and crowns the only option, it will be better than nothing!
Visitors recently came around for dinner.... they drank all me home brew :party: :beerbang: :super: and left their six pack of crown lager :icon_vomit:

The question is what to do with the crown lager?

send them to me, i'll look after em for you.
Wait until a 40C day in summer, then chill them down to freezing temp.

It will be cold, refreshing and numb your taste buds enough to mask it's flavour.
you could always give the bottles a good clean and use them,,, I don't think the stuff inside is useful! lol
Stuffed with hop flowers
The flavour will really shine
Otherwise the sink
you could always give the bottles a good clean and use them,,

Nah. Since they've gone to screw caps they're not even worth the trouble of washing anymore. Sit m on the kitchen bench in the Sun till Christmas then give em back.

Edit: About time we had another Crown Lager thread. I need to get my post count up... :p
If you fish do what I do and keep them for when you need to make beer batter. They're good for that.
The question is what to do with the crown lager?

A year or 2 ago one of my mates received a 6 pack of crownies off his tight ass boss as a chirstmas bonus.. He asked me the same question. "What the F%#K do I do with this crap!?"

I'll give you the advice I gave him..

Stick them on the window sill that gets all day sunlight at home, then in 12 months return the gift.. ;)
Gift them to a megaswell drinker on some random occasion.
Drink them.

Each time you sip, repeat to yourself, "I am a beer snob".

It's not the best beer in the world, but it's not that ****** bad. Tastes the same as the thousand liters you used to drink before you became a limp-wristed beer poofter.
I actually prefer draught to crown, which is kind of ironic given that crown is essentially draught after some extended lagering! I'll happily drink either without hesitation if there's nothing else going though, but I honestly can't enjoy VB. Id forgo my alcoholic urges if VB were the only option. Not to paint the wrong picture of myself; I'm a craft beer snob when I have the grace of choice.
I have made a habit of giving surplus beers to my annexing neighbours. That is what I would do.
if you really cant just call them beer and drink them.... then i think "adryargument" had a good idea.

chill them super cold, twist off the lid and into each of 5 of the bottles place about 0.5g of a different hop, flowers or pellets as you have them.

re-cap, let them sit at winter room temp for a week or so, then open them up and teach yourself what 5 different sorts of dry-hop actually taste like (one unhopped to use as a control)

better a lesson learned than a beer wasted
Like the Peso and the Rupee they're worth something to someone.

Get some brewery bling modified by your local welder/stainless guy for a 6 pack of Crownies. :D

There is no better use for Foster's anyway.

Actually, a cold, cold Crownie on a hot, hot day is rather refreshing.
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