craft beer magazine assignment...advice and ideas thread

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I'd like to see a regular section on innovations in beer, and in particular, how brewers are subverting beer styles. I'm currently enjoying a Mountain Goat Hopfweizenbock and am thinking a regular recipe section called "style benders" or something snappier would be great.
No personal offense intended, but as bum mentioned fundamentals, I find a fundamental principle based on print as a root or primary form of publication a problematic basis to work from. Anecdotally, a lot of people say they prefer print but are less willing to pay.for it.

In my world, book publishing, it is probably more discussed and has more print hardened luddites fearful of changing models effecting approaches to publishing, and frankly, is less likely to adapt to new media than other publishing sectors. Even some of the largest publishers like random house, penguin, etc. Are having trouble changing cultures in many respects. I shouldn't.have assumed or inferred your lack of knowledge or awareness of contemporary concerns in this area, but it does concern me how universities.deliver content in this field. I.have concerns about how designers are trained for example.
I have published articles in this area, discussing problems with approaches to what we now call "publishing". And, I have colleagues and know printers who have personally struggled through the.small boutique independent periodical side of things and its cutthroat. Takes a lot of innovation and passion to survive. And by that I mean a lot of hours, often low to no pay. It's a bitch of a beast.

I appreciate the content side and I think you're building a great audience profile, and have some great suggestions here. Guess.I forget this is a home brewing forum and not a publishing forum.

Ive argued myself, for a strong and commited basis for pprint to.continue, but practically see it as an uphill battle. One worth fighting for, but the survivors I've seen diversify, and quickly, if not first. Talk to people working at the. ABC about the 360 degree coverage and tthey will tell you about lack of editorial vigour due to lack of resources, stretched staff & burnout rates.

I hope you get it up and running, I'd love. To read the mag, but I'm playing devils advocate.

It's a ****** up beast the old publishing game.

My 2 bucks 50.
And i.understand is a hypothetical venture.

Don't mean for that to sound sarcastic at all either, after reading it again it did.
Camo6 said:
Best of luck with this, sounds like a great project. And I'll always choose printed media over online given the choice. You can still read a magazine with no internet connection but you can't wipe yer ass with a phone when the TP's gone. (Not that I'd choose to do that with your project, unless it was an emergency :D )

Along the lines of the ghetto theme, a DIY section would be great. Brew Ware has a lot of DIY projects and there's a heap of build info on here too.
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The success of any new mag is going to be largely determined by what it offers that is different to what already exists on the newstands.

So you need to break new ground. I suggest you dedicate a page to the new beer cocktail fad that is sweeping the UK pub and bar scene.

And like it or not the beer cocktail trend will sweep the bar and club scene here in Australia soon too. Anyone for a lagarita?

Perhaps solicit reader feedback via recipe suggestions, publish letters-to-the-editor from traditionalists bemoaning another phase in the 'winification' of beer, and those from hip brewers rejoicing in a new beer dimension. Be controversial and make a splash. Build a reputation with mainstream media (particuarly TV, eg. The Project and other programs reaching the younger market segments) pitching yourself as an authorative spokesperson on the beer cocktail phenomenon.

This story from the UK will give you the gist.

Beer is the unexpected ingredient in the hottest new cocktails

Not long ago, beer lived down the pub. With the lads. It was heavy, it was bready, and it usually made you burp. But it didn't care. Because it was beer. And it didn't need love or any of your metropolitan affectation. It was happy alone in saloon bars, and on football terraces, maybe in your living room, certainly in the fridge. But you wouldn't find it in fancy restaurants, unless you were in Belgium. It just wasn't its scene. And cocktail bars? You're kidding, right?

But now, like old friends from school, it's changed. These days it's often to be found with vodka and embracing tequila. For beer has become nuanced and mannered, and is now has a seat in all the smartest bars in town.

In growing numbers, bars are going the way of the hop, and adorning their menus with cocktails made with beer. And, no mistake, beer cocktails are an adornment. They are, as The Good Food Guide points out, the drink of 2013...

(See: )

Edit: Meant to add, from the business planning perspective a beer cocktail page widens the list of potential advertisers to hard liquor merchants - eg. vodka makers would jump at the opportunity to sell a bottle of their gut rot to people who otherwise only drink beer.

Feldon said:
Edit: Meant to add, from the business planning perspective a beer cocktail page widens the list of potential advertisers to hard liquor merchants - eg. vodka makers would jump at the opportunity to sell a bottle of their gut rot to people who otherwise only drink beer.
You're a genius! I didn't even think about that! That significantly increases my potential advertising revenue so thankyou :)

Phil Mud said:
I'd like to see a regular section on innovations in beer, and in particular, how brewers are subverting beer styles. I'm currently enjoying a Mountain Goat Hopfweizenbock and am thinking a regular recipe section called "style benders" or something snappier would be great.
Style benders actually sounds like a good name for that section!!! Thanks very much!

Camo6 said:
Best of luck with this, sounds like a great project. And I'll always choose printed media over online given the choice. You can still read a magazine with no internet connection but you can't wipe yer ass with a phone when the TP's gone. (Not that I'd choose to do that with your project, unless it was an emergency :D )

Along the lines of the ghetto theme, a DIY section would be great. Brew Ware has a lot of DIY projects and there's a heap of build info on here too.
hahahaha i wouldnt mind if you wiped your ass with my magazine as long as you had paid for it ;)

definitely including a DIY section!!