Cracking A Keg

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Does the excitement fade after a while?

Just wondering, as i'm finnishing the last pint of my amber ale atm and about to crack a new keg.

This ones the ******* kolsch/ale made with all amarillo.

So a new beer and a hop i've never tasted before :icon_chickcheers:

You waited until one keg was empty before you cracked the next?
Would never happen in this house! :icon_drunk:

PS.. Hasn't faded here yet after 60 odd kegs.

There will always be the joy of cracking a new keg.. However there is also the disappointment and loss when it blows.
Kegging is shit.

What you really want to do is go back to bottling.
Heaps easier washing 60 stubbies as opposed to one keg.

Tell you what, to save you the hassle, send the kegs to me and i'll carefully dispose of them for you :icon_cheers:
I'm the other way round. When the tap goes, PPPPHHHHHTTHHTTHHHHH I often feel sad.
Kegging is shit.

What you really want to do is go back to bottling.
Heaps easier washing 60 stubbies as opposed to one keg.

Tell you what, to save you the hassle, send the kegs to me and i'll carefully dispose of them for you :icon_cheers:

The excitement has faded slightly for me because I can only fit 4 kegs in my fridge & have 4 full with another I need to fill tomorrow. Guess what I'm doing tonight? It's a cruel world we live in.
too scared to crack my first one as it was so good(coppers best extra stout clone) took me 5 days to almost finish it and i'm saving the last couple of glass'es for a special occasion meanwhilst the next one's half empty(aussie pale ale with citra hops)need more time to brew.
I have a couple 9 litre cornies that i normally fill with a ******* ale consisting of the 2 brews ive already filled into 19L cornies. The dissapointment when the blend tastes better than either of the 2 individual brews, considering theres only 9 litres. PSSSSSHHHHHHHT..... :'( Happens way too often!
I been kegging for years, still enjoy cracking a freshy. Some of my most looked forward kegs are my dregs keg. I'm currently drinking a Pils/JSGA; and it is bloody awesome. The clean bitter base and Amarillo finish. I've had a quite a few recipe ideas thanks to my dregs keg.

** My dregs keg is basically I fill up my fermenters high, and once the corny legs is full the rest goes into dregs keg. Fark I've had some good beers from it

I'm the other way round. When the tap goes, PPPPHHHHHTTHHTTHHHHH I often feel sad.

I hate that sound......What's worse is my ears have become tuned to the sound of the keg blowing inside the fridge, so I don't ruin the last pint with sediment.....
I been kegging for years, still enjoy cracking a freshy. Some of my most looked forward kegs are my dregs keg. I'm currently drinking a Pils/JSGA; and it is bloody awesome. The clean bitter base and Amarillo finish. I've had a quite a few recipe ideas thanks to my dregs keg.

** My dregs keg is basically I fill up my fermenters high, and once the corny legs is full the rest goes into dregs keg. Fark I've had some good beers from it


This sounds interesting. Do you keep this in the fridge and just add to it?
My kegging journey just became a lot more enjoyable (2X9L), just by drilling 3 holes and adding 3 JG fittings.

Its funny how just cause i can now do everything without oening the door , its changed my whole outlook on it.

I am soon to experience the low of that blowing sound though.... :drinks:
I been kegging for years, still enjoy cracking a freshy. Some of my most looked forward kegs are my dregs keg. I'm currently drinking a Pils/JSGA; and it is bloody awesome. The clean bitter base and Amarillo finish. I've had a quite a few recipe ideas thanks to my dregs keg.

** My dregs keg is basically I fill up my fermenters high, and once the corny legs is full the rest goes into dregs keg. Fark I've had some good beers from it


:icon_offtopic: Love the idea Kev. So to get it right, do you carb the keg as you add to it and release the pressure to 'top up' or just use enough Co2 to purge the O2 and carb it when it is full?

Nothing worse than blowing a keg half way through a session then realizing there is no backup!
Personally, I fill with the remains of a brew... say 2-3 litres... Then simply purge the air out. Bung it in the fridge, once another brew is ready to be kegged, Release the pressure in the 9L and add the new brew straight on top. No carbing, until its full.

I leave it in the fridge, mainly cos i have room for the lil' ones :D
It never fades, even if it's a recipe you've made heaps of times. It's always a treat when you either nail it perfecty or come out with something similar but different. I love my kegs, and my taps, and my fridge, and.....I just love brewing. I've even got back into bottling, just cause I love it all.

Swmbo does not though, but you know, oh well
It never fades, even if it's a recipe you've made heaps of times. It's always a treat when you either nail it perfecty or come out with something similar but different. I love my kegs, and my taps, and my fridge, and.....I just love brewing. I've even got back into bottling, just cause I love it all.

Swmbo does not though, but you know, oh well

im trying to work out what you love more. the missus or the brewing? <_<
Thanks people. It's not that i'm new to kegging, i've been doing that for years. But the kits were always predictable and boring, now with allgrain i just don't know excactly how brilliant the next one will be.

One thing i do know is that it ain't gunna taste 'like home brew'. :icon_cheers:
This sounds interesting. Do you keep this in the fridge and just add to it?

:icon_offtopic: Love the idea Kev. So to get it right, do you carb the keg as you add to it and release the pressure to 'top up' or just use enough Co2 to purge the O2 and carb it when it is full?

Nothing worse than blowing a keg half way through a session then realizing there is no backup!

I have 3 fermenters running that the beer lives in for 3 to 4 weeks so they have plenty of time to ferment and then clear. I start/finish all the fermenters at the same time and get 2 to 3L dregs per fermenter, that's 6 to 9L into the dreg keg. I just chuck it in the fridge / on gas with the rest of them, I ensure it has been drunk prior to the next set of fermenters being ready. I don't think there would be any issue if I had not drunk it prior to the next batch and dumping it on top.

I personally would not leave it outside of the fridge, or not on gas for the risk of losing it. It you wanted to you could leave it out of the fridge and wack in some sugar to allow it to carb up.