Country Brewer Kits

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Hi There,

Who has tried the Country Brewer Wals - Rapid Creek etc, Xtract, Wetpak etc
Are they their own range, never see them anywhere else - what is the verdict?

They also have Ginger Beer and cider too?

They have a few stores, so can't be bad.

I did try and search but too many results related to country. Nothing to do with them.
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Before I fully reconstructed my brewery after an interstate move, I recently used a can of Wal's Admiral Ale, but added some extra Fuggles hops.
Used the kit yeast, and additionally a packet of Lallemand Windsor dry yeast. I don't like underpitching.
Turned out quite OK, and drinks nicely, but in my view not as good as my usual AG brews.

Link here for them:'s-Beers/
Generally, the Wals extract and rapid creek series aren't bad for the convenience they offer. I particularly liked the stout extract after about 3 months of conditioning. If you are an extract brewer they are worth experimenting with. The quality is there, the taste just comes down to personal preferences.

Never tried the wet pack - Id rather put that sort of cash into an ag brew.