Coopers Yeast Question

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Hi all

Tried a beer at my LHBS yesterday and like it enought that I bought the ingredients and am about to mix it up.
Recipe goes like this:

1.7kg tin Coopers Prem selection Aus Lager
1.5kg Morgans unhopped pale malt extract.
500gms Brewcraft Japanese blonde malt.
1 sachet dry enzyme
1 bag Hallertau finishing hops
1 bag Tettnanger finishing hops.

Basically its a dump and stir affair but I've got a couple of questions.

1. I was just going to use the under lid yeast but I need to know what strain this is. Lager or Ale(the yeast sachet has"PS" stamped after the date).
I also have some US56, S23 and Saflager 34/70 if one of these are going to be better choices.
I can comfortably brew at 18 deg.

2. What exactly is this Japanese blonde malt? I've never heard of it and it smells nothing like malt. Haven't tasted it yet though.

Any help would be great.

1. PS = premium selection yeast, not a lager strain.

Would work best with the 34/70, at 10-12C, otherwise use the US-56 at 18C (or less if possible). Leave the dry enzyme out, unless you dislike maltiness.

2. How much did you pay for the "Brewcraft Japanese Blonde" malt? Sounds like a crock of faeces to me :)
1. PS = premium selection yeast, not a lager strain.

Would work best with the 34/70, at 10-12C, otherwise use the US-56 at 18C (or less if possible). Leave the dry enzyme out, unless you dislike maltiness.

2. How much did you pay for the "Brewcraft Japanese Blonde" malt? Sounds like a crock of faeces to me :)

The blonde malt was pretty expensive, $9.50.
It was described as a rice malt, and tasting it, it is pretty light. It looks a lot like liquid glucose. Same colour and consistency.
I haven't used dry enzyme before and I really liked the crisp finish of the beer I tried at the HBS.
I've been brewing them a bit fat lately and it was really refreshing to have something a little bit cleaner and crisper.
I would use the 34/70 but I've got a porter and Amarillo ale in my brew fridge and so need to use a yeast that's going to be compatible with the temp these are currently at (19 deg).
Thanks for the suggestions.

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