ALBATROSS ALE 1.8k Coopers Real Ale
1k CSR/Coopers Brewing Sugar
250g Powdered Corn Syrup
35g Goldings Hop Pellets (Bulk)(Alpha 5%)
Rating 9/10
Clear looking slightly darker ale. Taste of bitterness.
ok, i got this off BJ's home brew and i'm wondering if anyone has some tips for me...
(they seem to think this is a great brew)
i was thinking maybe this:
coopers real ale can
1kg LightME
[250g dextrose; 125g light malt; 125g maltodextrin]
[straight from pack mix](maybe bulk prime with this too?...)
and as it's going to be my first try with secondary fermentation, would a hand-full of Goldings Pellets be enough in the secondary?
1k CSR/Coopers Brewing Sugar
250g Powdered Corn Syrup
35g Goldings Hop Pellets (Bulk)(Alpha 5%)
Rating 9/10
Clear looking slightly darker ale. Taste of bitterness.
ok, i got this off BJ's home brew and i'm wondering if anyone has some tips for me...
(they seem to think this is a great brew)
i was thinking maybe this:
coopers real ale can
1kg LightME
[250g dextrose; 125g light malt; 125g maltodextrin]
[straight from pack mix](maybe bulk prime with this too?...)
and as it's going to be my first try with secondary fermentation, would a hand-full of Goldings Pellets be enough in the secondary?