Ok, I will explain myself re: my original post above...mite be a little long though...
"But the strong growth rate is slowing and Australia's third-largest beer company will have to battle a growing number of newcomers to continue its progress..."
That's crap!! The Oz beer market is going through a growth not seen since before my time(I'm 32) and globally even bigger!!
Fact - Australia is in the top 5 beer consumers globally(liters drank per head) and within the top 10 producers(capacity).
I'm also getting rather offended at the liberal use of the term 'craftbeer'...if it's anything other than VB or Crown Lager, it's regarded as a craftbeer. What about wine?? Do we regard the use of any other grape other than Chardonnay or Shiraz as a craftwine?? NO!
Fact - Beer has been made since ancient times, making beer IS a craft!(especially if you want it to taste good!)
"In an increasingly crowded market, with 11 major breweries and about 100 micro-brewers vying for drinkers according to Australian Associated Brewers..."
A crowded market?? Have these guys been to the UK or Europe?? On average there would be a minimum 2 breweries(brew pubs, etc.) for every town.
I, myself enjoy Cooper's beer, it has more flavour than the megaswill from both Foster's and Lion...granted everyone has different tastes but in my opinion they make a more 'Premium' beer than the likes of VB and Crownies. In my mind a 'premium' product is produced with higher quality ingredients(not refined to the *********, e.g. isohops) and the process in production requires greater care and time.
Times are a changing...the consumer(or at least a greater percentage) is waking up to the BS that marketing is, i.e. Just because Boony drinks crap, does't mean I have to or want to...or just because I can get a plastic toy with my beer(mind you the lacing of amphetamines does make it more appealing...for those whom have just gone "huh??", the toy is from China!!)...
Oh and let's not mention putting a great big set of TITS in the Ad
Now some may say I'm a little hypocritical in my next comment....
I enjoy JSGA buttt...never seen an ad for it so in a sense I'm not hypocritical as I have made my choice on buying this product because it is a different offering from VB/Crowny and not due to any marketing hype. I also enjoy it because it has a flavour profile to it...
Anyway I could go on and on and on...but that will do for now...I mite post some more later.