For sure let us know how ya first brew turns out mate, welcome to the forums. For what it's worth 2 1/2g wont be noticable, unless you put that in each bottle? Good on ya for throwing youself into it, it's a slippery slope this HB caper.
OT: I find it strange that so many people report their lady friends like sweet light beers. Apart from some dangerous flirtation with platinum blond when she first tried it (shortlived and not as exciting as it may read), my lady is a fan of refreshing bitterness and hearty malty beers like stouts and porters.
G'day Mate.
If your using the actual Coopers ones they are especially designed for brewing and are good for easily 6-9 months.
sorry but are you saying that the bottles themself will last 6-9 months and then you will have to get new ones or do you mean that once you've bottled brew in them, that they will last 6-9 months? im just curious because i use them. cheers
I have brews in PET which are fine after 14 months, i have had the odd brew that was a little flat but considering my caps have been used up to 6 times i'm not surprised. I'm in the process of ditching any cap that's been used 3-4 times and using new ones. I don't match caps to bottles either which i hear can extend their life.
Caps are cheap so i may end up only using them once or twice.
I bottle in glass as well and to be honest i like PET for ease of storage in terms of lack of weight, they are also lighter when full, tend to bounce when dropped (i've lost a few glass bottles that way).
Glass looks and feels better, but my mind is turning more to PETS just for ease.
you can always add some lemon rind to the boil
or lemon grass (not too much of either)