Coopers Dark Ale Sale At Woolworths

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By chance I stopped in past Double Bay (NSW) Woolworths yesterday to get some stuff and found Coopers Dark Ales kits for $4.30 each or so. Dont know if its a Woolworths wide thing or just that one, but there is a few cans there if anyway else is going past. Expiry is end of 2011.
By chance I stopped in past Double Bay (NSW) Woolworths yesterday to get some stuff and found Coopers Dark Ales kits for $4.30 each or so. Dont know if its a Woolworths wide thing or just that one, but there is a few cans there if anyway else is going past. Expiry is end of 2011.
Thanks for the tip Bricho
I'll check in at Bribie Woolies in about half an hour and check there as well. I reckon the dark would make a good brew along the lines of:

Do a full sized mash of 4kg BB Ale plus 300 dark crystal
Split between 2 fermenters with a can of dark in each
500g sugaz in each fermenter
Any bit of non lager yeast cake you have at the moment.

No extra hops, looking for a Hunter Old style.

A good keg filler for about ten bucks a keg.
Not in regional NSW. Still asking more than a tenner at the local woolies, must be a one-off for all those poor people in Double Bay who have taken a hiding in the gfc. :(
Not in regional NSW. Still asking more than a tenner at the local woolies, must be a one-off for all those poor people in Double Bay who have taken a hiding in the gfc. :(
Nah, that's if they will even lower themselves to drink "old man beer"
They'll be donning the oversized sunnies and sneaking into the bottlo to buy cleanskin beer.

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