Coopers Bavarian Lager

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First batch went into the fermenter monday night and is happily cooking along, time to prepare for the next brew.

Im gonig to use a Coopers Baverian Lager with 1kg of BE2.

i will ferment until it reached 75% of FG
diacetyl rest of 2-3 ar room temperature
before racking to lager in the fridge for a month or 2

How does this sound????

to lager to you have to rack off into another container, or can it remain in the primary fermentor??
How do you determine the FG to find the 75% of FG to diacetyl rest???

Any suggestions on improvement to recipe or process aer much apreciated.

Thanks Twenty
First batch went into the fermenter monday night and is happily cooking along, time to prepare for the next brew.

Im gonig to use a Coopers Baverian Lager with 1kg of BE2.

i will ferment until it reached 75% of FG
diacetyl rest of 2-3 ar room temperature
before racking to lager in the fridge for a month or 2

How does this sound????

to lager to you have to rack off into another container, or can it remain in the primary fermentor??
How do you determine the FG to find the 75% of FG to diacetyl rest???

Any suggestions on improvement to recipe or process aer much apreciated.

Thanks Twenty

I'd rack to another vessel.

use this site to estimate final gravity, or just ask around here I'd say around 1008.;idDetails=172

I'd try some saaz hops as well for a bit of extra flavour/aroma. You can just add boiling water to these and leave to sit for five minutes, tip into the bottom of the secondary and add transfer the beer onto the top of it.
went down to the local home brew joint top pick up my can this morning.

grabbed a Cooper Bavarian Lager can
500g Dex
500G LME
and some hop pellets.

all good until the guy at the home brew store says that no coopers can has lager yeasts contry to all opinions on here.

also reading "simplytotoro" post regarding the "P" on the back in the code, it has this.

Just wondering what temperature i should ferment this out at??

Coopers kits come with instruction sheet under the cap. They specifically state that the Bavarian Lager & Pilsener kits have lager yeast.

Another LHBS error!
Coopers kits come with instruction sheet under the cap. They specifically state that the Bavarian Lager & Pilsener kits have lager yeast.

Another LHBS error!

yep its a lager yeast. I fermented my Pilsner at 8 degrees.
Yes the instruction say it, the flavour of the final product most certainly indicates it's lager and the fermentation continues at very low temps. It's a lager. All Cooper's come with an ale except Mexican Cerveza (=ale/lager mix) and Bavarian (lager), and the Pilsener. The different codes also indicate it. The guy at the shop should know better.

i will definantly ferment this one out on the garage floor then. (as i was going to initially <_< )

I've been following this threat (and another one) on Coopers Bavarian, as this is what I was planning to do my next brew with.
Lots of good info, but didn't cover one thing I'm considering, which is including some wheat malt .

I want to just add 500 gm of wheat malt, 500 gm of dextrose, & some Hallertau at the end - mainly for aroma. My two main aims here are:-
1. Keep it simple
2. Not change the basic character of the kit.

But will the wheat malt improve the body and head, and will it do it without changing the basic character of this beer ??.

I have also thought of mavbe doing the same thing with Canadian Blonde - to get light easy drinking summer beer, but which will still pour and hold a decent head - any comments ??.

Cheers, Deegee.
my last one holds a great head and it only had 150g of grain in it but i cannot for the life of me remember what it was, i think it was vienna but not sure
I always got a pretty good lasting head on this kit with just the brew enhancer (can't remember which one.. probably BE2(the one with malt)).

Oh and Barls... I thought "David Hume could out consume Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel" although knowing Python, there's probably 10 different versions.
could be mate i just got it from the web so it could be wrong
Quote:- "My last one holds a great head and it only had 150g of grain in it but i cannot for the life of me remember what it was "

Barls, I'm guessing that this means that you did a mini-mash with 150g of malted grain and added a basic brew enhancer or just dextrose to make up the second "K".

From this and Bonj's comments it seems that this kit doesn't need much help from extra malt etc. to get good body and head. So maybe I should try this one with a basic brew enhancer. That would certainly keep it simple and not change the brew.

I'm thinking of trying the wheat malt because my last two K&K brews, (a Pilsener and a Canadian Blonde ) were both lacking in body and head retention. They were both made up with a brew booster pack which only had about 200 or 250 gms of malt.
something like that mate bear in mind my last batch was at the end of 05, and with only 5 bottles left, it will hold a head for about 20 minutes.
All Cooper's come with an ale except Mexican Cerveza (=ale/lager mix) and Bavarian (lager), and the Pilsener.

I have never heard that the mexican cerveza had an ale/lager mixture... can anybody else confirm this ? I was about to put down a tucan of this (but with a saflager yeast) the origan yeast packets that come with it have the stamp code "29806 MC" and barcode "8811900007"

If indeed it is an ale/lager mixture what sort of temps would be recomended for this ? the coopers instructions on make mention of the need to change bavarian lager temps nothing about pilsner or cerveza.

I got the info from here Coopers Yeasts
When I made one a few brews ago I had a good look at the yeast before I pitched it and there was 2 different shapes in there, one was roundish one was longish. When I fermented I let the brew go down to 10C and it still kept going. It does seem to have a lager strain in there. I've seen it talked about in the forums before and one person was of the opinion that Coopers did this to make a pseudo lager flavour available to amatuer home brewers without the need to worry too much about temp control. If it's fermented warm the ale yeast strain is more active and if it's kept cooler the lager does a little more work. In addition lager yeasts can eat up more sugars than an ale so their inclusion in the sachet would lead to greater attenuation and hence a more lager like flavour. I can't explain with any solid conviction why Coopers don't mention it in the instructions like they did with the Bavarian: I'd just assume however it's because it's a 1/2 and 1/2 mix and it's aimed at the kit and kilo brewer they don't feel it's necassary to provide overly complex instructions which could baffle the inexperienced.

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