Coopers Bavarian Lager

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Halfluck Brewing
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Hey Guys,

i've heard around that the "Coopers Bavarian Lager" kit you get comes with a true lager yeast
presumably a saflager? does anyone know what one it is S-23? or W-34/70?

also i see it is just kept under the lid not in the fridge like in Home Brew Shops, is it still viable
or am i better off getting a fresh/cold one?

i've also read that you actually need 2 packets anyway if you are going to ferment @ 12 Degrees
so why go to half the effort of including a good yeast and only supply one pack?

this is the only supermarket kit that i've heard of that has a decent yeast supplied with it, does anyone
know any other?

Cheers Rob.
When I did one. It fermented at 13deg well and I reused the yeast on a coopers Mexican Cervaisa. I rehydrated it first in sterile water and pitched at about 25deg. I put it in my cold Canberra winter garage and it sat at 13deg. No trouble, good beer both brews. I have not used Sagfager yet so can't help there.
Hey Brewtus,

so you reused the yeast that came with the barvarian instead of the one that came with the cervesa because?

Thanks Rob.
Hey Brewtus,

so you reused the yeast that came with the barvarian instead of the one that came with the cervesa because?

Thanks Rob.
Well, it was lager yeast (the Cervesa yeast is ale), my garage was cold and I wanted to try reusing the yeast to get the hang of it so when I got some good yeast I knew what I was doing. The trill of trying something new.
Would suggest the coopers kits are using ale yeasts. Some of the morgan kits have some pretty reasonable yeast with them, I've bought ESB Paint tins that come with safale/lager yeasts, or a version thereof, but that may have just been a special of the shop.
I'd be thinking any lager yeast under the cap is likely to be stuffed, keep it as a backup or nuke it to use as yeast nutrient and buy a proper saflager.
Would suggest the coopers kits are using ale yeasts. Some of the morgan kits have some pretty reasonable yeast with them, I've bought ESB Paint tins that come with safale/lager yeasts, or a version thereof, but that may have just been a special of the shop.
I'd be thinking any lager yeast under the cap is likely to be stuffed, keep it as a backup or nuke it to use as yeast nutrient and buy a proper saflager.

I can confirm the ESB paint tins come with decent yeast. Just bought a lager yesterday and under the lid was some saflager
I can confirm the ESB paint tins come with decent yeast. Just bought a lager yesterday and under the lid was some saflager
But would you trust a yeast, ale 0r lager, that hadn't been in a non-temp controlled condition.
Best to get a new yeast outa the HBS fridge
Hey Guys,
i've heard around that the "Coopers Bavarian Lager" kit you get comes with a true lager yeast
presumably a saflager? does anyone know what one it is S-23? or W-34/70?
also i see it is just kept under the lid not in the fridge like in Home Brew Shops, is it still viable
or am i better off getting a fresh/cold one?
i've also read that you actually need 2 packets anyway if you are going to ferment @ 12 Degrees
so why go to half the effort of including a good yeast and only supply one pack?
this is the only supermarket kit that i've heard of that has a decent yeast supplied with it, does anyone
know any other?
Cheers Rob.
I would use the best lager yeast you can get your hands on (dry or smak pack or vial)
if you can control temp and are going to ferment @ 10 - 12 and lager it.

Don't know what yeast is in the tin kits but I would boil the packet yeast to use it as nutrient in a starter . :D


Lager rocks !
- Luke
I can confirm the ESB paint tins come with decent yeast. Just bought a lager yesterday and under the lid was some saflager

Unless your HBS is a tightarse and swaps them for something cheaper. CHECK under the lid before forking out your cash.
Would suggest the coopers kits are using ale yeasts.

Sorry mika,

It was definitely lager yeast. It fermented at 12 deg twice and the cooper instructions say ferment at 20 deg EXCEPT FOR BARVARIAN LAGER which ferments at 12 deg.
Would suggest the coopers kits are using ale yeasts.
Coopers specifically say the Bavarian kit is supplied with a lager yeast.
You also get that typical lager sulphur smell.
Stick your head in a fermenting fridge after a couple of days to get that lovely rotten egg smell :)
I've made this kit a few times and reckon it's a beauty.
The Coopers Bavarian definately comes with a Lager yeast. I was an original member of the Coopers Club, and was assured of this.

Also the Coopers Pilsener was also supplied with a Lager yeast. I summised that it had to be Saflager.

I was never assured that it was Saflager, but never denied that it it wasnt.

Both beers, brewed properly at around 14 - 16 degrees turn out lovely. No need to add too much. Just brew them right. Clean and crisp.

A good ship for Coopers. :beerbang:

thanks for comfirming that guys, given its a saflager yeast that sure makes for a cheap kit!
