Coodgee Is Back!

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Well-Known Member
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Greenslopes, Brisbane
Hi guys,
some of you might remember me from last year/start of this year. I had just finnished my all grain setup and had done 3 ag brews. Unfortunately I had an incident with a motor vehicle and a bag that one blows in, and I decided to give up all alcohol related activity for a while. well I've learnt my lesson and am a more responsible drinker for it. so today I did my first ag for the 2006/2007 fin year.

did a lager.

brew size: 36L

8kg German Pilsner malt
1kg carapils
75g hallertau @ 60 mins
15g hallertau @ 15 mins
10g hallertau @ 2 mins

White labs german lager yeast (830)

I had had efficency problems in the past, but after talking to Norm at Brewers choice gaythorne, I thought I had solved this problem. Norm thought that the problem with my efficency was mash ph and I added calcium sulphate to combat this. Unfortunately it didn't work out quite to plan and my efficency was still down at 50-55%

So the beer didn't quite work out to plan, but it's probably better in hindsight that I brewed a lighter beer :)

my fg came out at a disapointing 1035, 10 points off where I was aiming for.

my bitterness has ended up at 34IBU, so it's not going to be the most balanced beer in the world, but them's the breaks! everything else went to plan, excellent sanitation etc.

I am guessing this is going to be a pretty dry beer, because I mashed at 63-65 degrees.

anyone brewed with a similar IBU and fg? what did your beer taste like?

I am considering doing a mini mash tomorrow because I still have another 6kg of cracked grain. Do you think it will be worth doing? I am absolutely exhausted after a 6 hour brew day (out of practice!) so I don't want to do it tonight.

any suggestions welcome.

p.s. hi there ross, this is Paul, I came for a brew day with you ages ago, it was pissing down rain!!
sounds like you have moved into the homebrew business side of things eh?
Welcome back Coodgee.

Thanks for telling us about the incident with the car and bag you breath into. These things don't just happen to strangers, they happen to people you know, and can happen to you. It is expensive, embarrassing, inconvenient and well, we have all seen the graphic adds on TV. You have learned your lesson.

I hope your mash paddle hasn't rotted away through lack of use. Good to see that things are in perspective and you are back with us.

You are right, 63-65 will make a thinner drier beer, and with a starting og of 1.035, it may be on the thin side, plus 35 IBU's is a big figure for a low finishing beer.

Every so often people come on and ask about low efficiencies. Often they feel it is the water, their equipment or their techniques that are letting them down.

The three answers are:

1. Powells malt is notorious for low efficiency. If you are using Powells, this will probably be the reason.

2. Crush of the grain. This is usually the cause. There have been a number of brewers who have been reporting low efficiency, they have either purchased or constructed their own mill and have immediately cured their low efficiency.

3. Too fast a sparge if you are fly sparging. Slow down, sparge slow.

With your 6 kilos of grain, just do a smaller batch. You have done a 36 litre batch with 9kg to give 1.035. How about doing 20 litres with the six kilos. If your efficiency doesn't change, you should end up around 1.040. Mash at 65-66.

Cannot help you with how your current beer will turn out, as I haven't mashed that low with those IBU's.
Hi Coodgee - welcome back.

I reckon it'll taste fine, 35 IBU's at that alcohol will go great as a low alcohol pilsner.

Yep, into the craft brewing business, not what I'd planned, but enjoying the challenge all the same... :)

Hopefully we'll catch up soon....

cheers Ross
Welcome back Coogee, I think it will be a nice mid strength lager, with a good hop bite. Easy drinking and tasty, you will probably try to brew it again. As is the case with most stuff ups, they tend to be one of the better brews.

Good onya Coogee
Welcome back, and your a champ for coming forward with your confession. (for a better word)
Your beers will blossom for it :beer:
well my wort is bubbling away in two fermenters. One of my fermenters has a ratshit airlock grommet, so it took a while to get a good seal and get a good bubble happening. I had to take the lid of the fermenter just to make sure there actually was a Krausen. I used to worry about causing an infection but it aint happened yet so I'm not going to stress. very happy that my liquid yeast starter went off after on 12-18 hours. this should be a good beer.

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