Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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technobabble66 said:
"I'm sure you're little doggie will be around here somewhere..."

"Maybe he's just hiding somewhere..."

"Have you checked under the house?"
Reply: "But the house is on a slab!"
... (- awkward pause -)

spog - "Well I'm only trying to help."
spog said:
Yappy dogs and old women,let me tell you a story, a true story.
Concreting a driveway at this old dears house with her yapping mutt that would not shut up,she was going out and asked not to let the dog out.
Concrete poured all going well when this Cnut of a dog got out ran across the wet concrete and attacked one of the boys,he back handed it with a steel float and killed it !, oh **** oh ****.....
A hole was quickly dug in the still wet concrete in goes the dead vicious Pygmy mutt and all evidence smoothed over.
Of course when asked, nobody new where the ****** had gone,trying to keep a straight face when denying any knowledge is difficult.
Is your company called 'Fuhgeddaboudit' concreting?
Slow homebrew equipment suppliers. I've put an order in for about $600 of gear. Actually, this is the second order - I put one in last weekend, which still hadn't been dispatched by Friday, despite my almost daily phone calls to find out what was going on (and promises of deliver "first thing in the morning").

So I cancelled that order and ordered from elsewhere Friday night. I sent a follow up email immediately afterwards to get a shipping cost emailed so I could send them the cash. Haven't heard a sniff from anyone. The cash has been taken at least, unlike my previous order. A bit frustrating to say the least. Does anyone want to actually do business with me or what? :angry:
As the owner of a rather aggressive dog (to other dogs, well, basically anything that wasn't a person really) that I had to put down, jeezus, a year and a half ago now, if you find yourself in the position of the previous poster who had to break up the dog fight here's what you do. Grab a fizzy drink (beer, coke, lemonade, west coast cooler [after all, it was a nice day at the park]) , shake the **** out of it and spray the foam up the nose of the offending dog. It coughs and splutters and you get it off the victim dog.

No need to beat off (I think I've got the wording right) the offending dog. That's how I used to justify walking the dog with a few beers in pocket and in hand, just incase. And why I was no doubt known as "the drunk prick with the pig dog" everywhere I lived.
Well, I'd rather do that than take one by stander's advice and "stick something up it's bum". Anyway, this was on the local talkback radio & TV news down here & apparently the staffy had been recently acquired from gumtree. It was put to sleep today which was probably for the best. Facebook tells me the poodle looking thing will survive, so I guess it's a happy ending. But not that kind, even though there were six blokes beating off a dog.
Prince Imperial said:
Facebook tells me the poodle looking thing will survive, so I guess it's a happy ending. But not that kind, even though there were six blokes beating off a dog.
welly2 said:
Slow homebrew equipment suppliers. I've put an order in for about $600 of gear. Actually, this is the second order - I put one in last weekend, which still hadn't been dispatched by Friday, despite my almost daily phone calls to find out what was going on (and promises of deliver "first thing in the morning").

So I cancelled that order and ordered from elsewhere Friday night. I sent a follow up email immediately afterwards to get a shipping cost emailed so I could send them the cash. Haven't heard a sniff from anyone. The cash has been taken at least, unlike my previous order. A bit frustrating to say the least. Does anyone want to actually do business with me or what? :angry:
That's a shame. But I can say I've never had that sort of experience when dealing with online home brew suppliers. There are about half a dozen or so businesses that I buy my h/b stuff from. All of them are either sponsors or regular contributors to this forum and their service is %100. They never let me down, in fact, I'm always impressed by their exemplary service.
I've had great service from the sponsors that I've used. Only once was an order forgotten (I'd paid for it) and when I got in touch a week later they were apologetic, acknowledged the mistake & gave a $20 refund for putting me out.
spog said:
Yappy dogs and old women,let me tell you a story, a true story.
Concreting a driveway at this old dears house with her yapping mutt that would not shut up,she was going out and asked not to let the dog out.
Concrete poured all going well when this Cnut of a dog got out ran across the wet concrete and attacked one of the boys,he back handed it with a steel float and killed it !, oh **** oh ****.....
A hole was quickly dug in the still wet concrete in goes the dead vicious Pygmy mutt and all evidence smoothed over.
Of course when asked, nobody new where the ****** had gone,trying to keep a straight face when denying any knowledge is difficult.
Didn't find Jimmy Hoffa in there did ya?
Prince Imperial said:
Well, I'd rather do that than take one by stander's advice and "stick something up it's bum". Anyway, this was on the local talkback radio & TV news down here & apparently the staffy had been recently acquired from gumtree. It was put to sleep today which was probably for the best. Facebook tells me the poodle looking thing will survive, so I guess it's a happy ending. But not that kind, even though there were six blokes beating off a dog.
I actually meant it. Great advice. Dog's noses are very sensitive. If you get a little something up there, not to mention an entire can of explosively fizzy soda, they're pretty well incapacitated.
Got an apologetic email from one of the suppliers today and offered me free shipping next time so that was good of them and the other place replied later this afternoon so all sorted! Was just getting a bit frustrated! However my fermentation fridge arrived this eve so all good again :)
jlm said:
As the owner of a rather aggressive dog (to other dogs, well, basically anything that wasn't a person really) that I had to put down, jeezus, a year and a half ago now, if you find yourself in the position of the previous poster who had to break up the dog fight here's what you do. Grab a fizzy drink (beer, coke, lemonade, west coast cooler [after all, it was a nice day at the park]) , shake the **** out of it and spray the foam up the nose of the offending dog. It coughs and splutters and you get it off the victim dog.

No need to beat off (I think I've got the wording right) the offending dog. That's how I used to justify walking the dog with a few beers in pocket and in hand, just incase. And why I was no doubt known as "the drunk prick with the pig dog" everywhere I lived.
Since we're beating off dogs, when my old man use to race greyhounds I'd sometimes help out in the catching pen. For dogs that were being broken in, the lure would be slowed toward the end so it could have a chew on it, (after its muzzle was removed) sometimes a dead rabbit would replace the lookalike. A couple of methods to get the dog to let go were to grab it by the tail and pull straight back, grab it by the ear and give a bit of a twist or actually blow a quick puff of air into the ear itself. I wouldn't recommend sticking your face that close however to a pair of rabid dogs going at it however.

Its no joke when things get snappy. I could lift my old Ridgeback / Bullmastiff cross up by dangling him off one of those rope dog toys as he held on with his teeth. Not bad for a 35 kg dog.
Bloat - common in large dogs - got him about eighteen months ago. Horrible ******* way for your pet to go I can assure you.
I always thought sticking your thumb up the aggressor's clacker was the best way to break up a dog fight.
Liam_snorkel said:
I always thought sticking your thumb up the aggressor's clacker was the best way to break up a dog fight.
I'm assuming you were either told that by someone who made it up on the inter web or someone who doesn't like you. Would stop the dog fight mind, it would just go for you instead.
Apparently a woman employed the technique successfully in Melbourne a few weeks ago. Her radio interview was classic as she gave a re-enactment of the dog's reaction.
In terms of the dog turning on you, I reckon some dogs won't attack people. After the incident on Sunday, I held the staffy by the collar while the owner washed his bites with water. It was highly agitated and could easily have bitten me, but I reckon he had eyes for the yappy dog only. Not that I'd have liked to test that theory further.
Liam_snorkel said:
I always thought sticking your thumb up the aggressor's clacker was the best way to break up a dog fight.
Or a people fight.