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I kid you not, our safety analysis includes doing calisthenics before doing work in a cramped position.

Oh and it's company policy that you MUST have one hand on a handrail when walking down stairs.

This is just a snippet of the crazy over the top safety stuff we go through for every job that gets done.

Well, on day shift anyway :)
I had to go onto a " construction " site that required hard this site was out in the open, nothing above about waist height but the dick of an OHS insisted that hard hats needed to be worn. SO being a typical smart ass I asked..." Why do we need hard hats" which he replied :" So you dont get hit in the head from falling objects." I asked, point up wards...." What falling objetcs...clouds...the sky...what.." which he replied.." Its part of have to wear hard hats on construction sites " I replied " Mate thats ******** "...he said..." I know the legislation, I had to study it...dont argue with me " me, knowing a tad more than this cock went to the car and got my copy of NSW Workcover 2000 manual on OH&S and passed it to him, opened on the page regarding when and where to wear hard hats...

Needless too say he was not impressed that he got shown up .
Ducatiboy stu said:
In the days of old, John worked in HR...which was basically the people who did the pays and you rang up to see how much leave you had accrued
No, John worked in Personnel and dealt with actual people, until WE became nothing more than Human Resources to be used up, spat out, and replaced by more people so desperate to find an extra 10 hours a week which left us only a little below the poverty line that they would be willing to have to be part of the vicious cycle we've been drawn into.

And I do recall also, in those days they did seem more personable and human to deal with if needed. Now, they're more likely to be cold hearted pricks/prickesses. I recall a female type HR who came up from Sydney to can my arse in a deadset fit up, I had contributed to said situation by responding/reacting quite firmly to deliberate provocation but the fix was in and three QC's couldn't have saved my arse. This woman was as cold as ice, almost executioner-like, which I guess was quite fitting since that was what she was sent to do without any real prior awareness of the complete set of facts. And a similar experience with another woman was eeerily similar in her manner...just cold as ice even when there was video evidence to the contrary of the 'facts' she was trying to present, there seemed to be not a shred of humanity there. At least with a lot of blokes you will get a 'mate, this is just how it is'. With the female version of that position, it's just downright cold. Or maybe they are simply representing the true heart of the organisation they are representing.
You blokes want to see over the top safety requirements? Safety hats? 3 points of Contact? Pfft- forget construction sites- try getting onto a Coal Mine. Those bastards wrote the book on over zealousness.
Droopy Brew said:
You blokes want to see over the top safety requirements? Safety hats? 3 points of Contact? Pfft- forget construction sites- try getting onto a Coal Mine. Those bastards wrote the book on over zealousness.
Or Offshore Oil Platform -_-
For most of us these rules seem like a joke but there are some who defy logic and common sense. I imagine they're the reason these laws have been implemented. I'm not complaining. I'm now in an industry were all these rules apply but the entitlements I get as a consequence make them bearable!

My wife's in HR and has the nickname 'The Grim Reaper' as she's the last person you want to have a meeting with. But I can understand the indifference she can apply at times. When you're dealing with everyone's complaints, troublesome employees, vindictive management, unavoidable redundancies etc you need to have a steely composure on the job. Funny thing is she started this line of work as she's personable and wanted to help others. A far cry from what 90% of her job entails.
surely most of it (regarding OTT safety requirements) is the construction/mining/whatever company keeping their insurance bills down.
mje1980 said:
I kid you not, our safety analysis includes doing calisthenics before doing work in a cramped position.

Everybody! Y.M.C.A!!

Camo6 said:
For most of us these rules seem like a joke but there are some who defy logic and common sense.
Mainly because those that want them followed have NFI of what the job is about...

Ever seen an OH&WS safety officer rock up to a building site in high heels and sart going on about the safety breaches....I have...

I have even seen Workcover rock up not wearing safety boots or a disco jacket.......go figure
sponge said:
It's all glorified ass-covering.
Exactly. The make it so YOU are responsible because you didnt do " X "..... So you get the blame and the bullet. They get the glory of saying how wonderful their OH&S policy is working by weeding out the dangerous workers...

I couldnt be a big enough cnut to work in OH&S...
Similar to ISPs sending out the email saying you've downloaded torrent so-and-so, just to say that they've informed the end user and have done their duty.

The rest comes down to the individual.

sponge said:
Similar to ISPs sending out the email saying you've downloaded torrent so-and-so, just to say that they've informed the end user and have done their duty.

The rest comes down to the individual.
Hahaha....I work for an ISP and I have emailed those letters.... :lol:
Ducatiboy stu said:

Hahaha....I work for an ISP and I have emailed those letters.... :lol:
I had a feeling you did..

If there's ever 'space nuts', 'I dream of Jenna', etc, just let them fly :ph34r:
Most of it's on the employers shoulders now. A bloke recently last half his foot under something really heavy by using unsafe practices. He doesn't lose his job, instead his boss gets reamed by worksafe for letting it happen in the first place. Agree that a lot of it's over the top but if the act was adhered to, in this instance, the guy would still have all his toes and the employer wouldn't have his premium increased. Win win.
It'd nice to be able to rely on Darwinism but his theories are based over millenia. It's not gonna save you from the bloke who trips on an extension lead and throws his mash hammer 20 feet into the air. Good thing you had that hard hat on though.
I'll admit I'm playing the Devil's advocate here. Working in the auto industry and on farms I've done enough **** that would give an OHS rep a seizure.
One thing's for sure, all these laws and entitlements aren't fiscally sustainable in this economic climate. What goes up...
I had almost an identical situation to Stu above. I was working on a gold mine site just outside orange. I was a hydrographer at the time and me and my work mate were measuring the flow in the river that is used as part of the mine. Its a knee deep river, about 5m wide and flowing SFA. I'd done the induction over 3 days!! and knew you had to wear a hard hat everywhere on site. Where we were, we couldnt even see or hear the mine, let alone be around any 55 ton trucks that my hard hat would protect me from....
So its a scorching day and I say "stuff this hard hat, I'm putting my wide brim on". As luck would have it, a mine employee drove by and he has some duty to call out anyone not obeying safety etc. He pulled up and said "Where's your hard hat?"
Me: "On the bank"
Him: "You know you have to wear it everywhere on site?"
Me: "Yeah but come on mate. Look where we are. Whats going to fall on my head?"
Him: "You can tell me to **** off, but I am going to report you"
Me: "You are?"
Him: "Yep"
Me: "**** off then"
My collegue: "Hahahaha"
No problem. Didnt hear boo from anyone.
He's probably still working on his strongly worded letter..
Yeah, he just can't find the SOP that tells him how to warm his hand up before writing, take a break every 4th word etc.

Honestly one of our pre maintenance slogans is "Stop, before you get hurt"

Easy huh!
Writing in these temperatures? Best get the union involved..