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Geer bod
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Had to go to a new quack today as I have a tendon problem. As part of the 'getting to know you' chat he asked if I drank, and how much. I told him that I usually have a longneck a night, maybe a few more on the weekend..all quite moderate I think. He said that I was over the suggested alcohol intake, and I should have a night or two a week, alcohol free (yes, I will never go back to this doctor again). many of you are under the '4 standard drinks a day' limit?
Well, I actually just read a report giving supported evidence that drinking 1.5-2L of beer a day is quite good for you.

Here we are:

Benefits of Moderate Beer Consumption. Beer as a wholesome beverage has formed a staple part of human diet for thousands of years. When consumed moderately and regularly beer is not only enjoyable to drink, but also beneficial to health. A daily consumption of 60 80 g alcohol (corresponding to 1.5 to 2 L of beer) by a healthy, adult male, or 40 60 g alcohol by an adult woman is not harmful. These guidelines vary according to body weight, age and nutritional habits as well as physiological condition. Rules for reasonable beer consumption are given in [53], [54].

It has been shown in many studies throughout the world that moderate consumption of beer in contrast to heavy drinking or abstention is protective against cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and some forms of stroke [55]. One explanation for this effect is that beer increases the level of good HDL cholesterol in the blood [56], another explanation is that alcohol reduces blood coagulation [57]. Beer is reported to protect against gallstone formation [58], diabetes [59], and even osteoporosis [60]. Hops contain active compounds which prevent calcium depletion of bones. Beer drinkers are protected against Heliobacter pylori bacteria [61], which cause stomach ulcers and may increase the risk of stomach cancer. Beer is also a source of soluble fiber (5 10 mg/L), originating from the cell walls of malted barley. A liter of beer contains on average 20 % of the recommended daily intake of fiber. Fibers do not only support a healthy bowel function, they also retard the digestion and adsorption of food, and lower cholesterol levels, which may help to reduce the risk of heart diseases [62].

Beer is also a source of antioxidants (200 600 mg phenolic carboxylic acids, flavonoids and tannoids per liter of beer), which show a cancerostatic activity [63-65]. Additional research has shown that the antioxidants present in beer are more readily available to the body than those from solid foods [66]. Furthermore, beer contains a large amount of dietetically valuable silicon as orthosilicate, its biologically available form. The silicon content of the human body has a direct effect on the mineralization of the bones and the density of the bone marrow. Beer contains 10 40 mg SiO2 per liter, which is absorbed to more than 50 % by the human body. Thus beer is one of the most important dietetic silicon sources.

Article taken from Ullmann's Encyclopaedia of Industrial Chemistry.

Borrow a copy from a university library and slap that doctor across the face with it. Try not to kill him :)
I don't trust ANY medical [so called] doctor :angry: If I had I would have been dead years ago TRUE
I gave up seeing any medical person then and there as I should have died in 1987 aged 37 ,take this and that drug, have these three operations etc, I did not drink much then, a doctor [who is now dead, he was murdered :( ] said have two beers a night and half an asprin and dont let them cut you [this is 30 yeas ago <_< ], I am now 56 and better then ever, mind you, I have over done it a little :p but fitter then most half my age

Off soap box and have beer #3.

_cid_003401c6369f_af5b1600_0201a8c0_john.gif many of you are under the '4 standard drinks a day' limit?
I've been doing the medical rounds of late too and I'm averaging more like 6 std drinks/day - shock, horror cut back man. It has nothing to do with what they're treating me for but I cop the 4/day mantra anyway!

My Dad is 74 and has in the last few years cut back to about 8 std drinks/day. :eek: He has just had his first health issue (a stroke) but has made a quick recovery that has surprised the doctors. I guess after 2 weeks without a beer he has good incentive to get home next week and back into the routine that has served him well. :p

Cheers, Andrew.
I know I'd be buggered, so I lied on the latest medical :ph34r:

Has anyone seen the Ben Elton live comedy where he was rambling on about how many drinks you tell the doctor you've had ?
last time I saw me doctor I was honest and said I had 4-5 beers a night....didnt tell him they were longnecks n double that on a weekend! :p
I don't trust ANY medical [so called] doctor If I had I would have been dead years ago
I gave up seeing any medical person then and there as I should have died in 1987 aged 37 ,take this and that drug, have these three operations etc, I did not drink much then, a doctor [who is now dead, he was murdered :( ] said have two beers a night and half an asprin and let them cut you [this is 30 yeas ago I am now 56 and better then ever, mind you, I have over done it a little :p but fitter then most half my age

Off soap box and have beer #3.

Oh Yeah, he's fit. Dr Bindi.
I've been over for his pilates class a few times and well, it's great. Sometimes pass your empty glass back, stretching the whole way and sometimes you can sneak a pour yourself when the fo'castle is unmanned. Great exercise. :D
My EX Doctor told me i am a binge drinker because i drink more than the regulation standard :blink: :lol:
I went and had a session

Big D
I have to have a medical as part of my job every two years. i'm not looking forward to answering that question since going to kegs... :blink:
Poor mummy thinks I'm an alcoholic because when I come home from uni/work I always head out the back to get a brew, wrestle with the dog, and THEN say hello to her.

1-3 standard drinks a normal night, x10 for a going out night :chug:
I have to have a medical as part of my job every two years. i'm not looking forward to answering that question since going to kegs... :blink:

I thought a keg was only one drink. :blink:
Once, when doctor checked my liver, he said: "o man, you were always very thirsty in your live, werent you?"

o no doc, I replied, I never let it come to that :)
Well I just get a liver function test to make sure the sucker is coping with its punishment. I cant imagine 4 - 6 stds drinks a night coming off good at any quack ;)
I think I remembered someone saying that if you do something too much you go blind or get hairy palms. I used to remember what that "something" was but now I just can't recall. I have been hooking in beer wise for the last 5 years and found no extra hair on my palms (except that from constant wanking) or the need for optical support.

I am therefore convinced that if you drink too much beer you would see some physical signs of folical growth(extra-ordinary) or sight deteriation or just forget what this post is all about...what is this post about anyway?

I think I remembered someone saying that if you do something too much you go blind or get hairy palms. I used to remember what that "something" was but now I just can't recall. I have been hooking in beer wise for the last 5 years and found no extra hair on my palms (except that from constant wanking) or the need for optical support.

I am therefore convinced that if you drink too much beer you would see some physical signs of folical growth(extra-ordinary) or sight deteriation or just forget what this post is all about...what is this post about anyway?


Bahahahahahahaha! Love it!
Used to have 4-5 a night but started exercising in the evening (my daily work transport lunched itself so it's a 46km round trip on the pushy) so the last thing I crave when getting home is a beer.
Don't exercise on the w/ends though so lets hit it! :chug:
I did read somewhere that Home brew or naturally conditioned beer like Coopers is better for you because of the yeast still in the beer.

Apparantly it is a source of Vitamin B but also has other qualities that are good for the liver...
I work shift work, and had a rule where I only drank beer on a night when I had the following day off...

Trouble was that during a five week cycle, I had a few single days off, and usually worked late the day before, so was too tired to go to the shed and have a beer.

I also get 1 three day w/end, and 1 five day w/end.

During these w/ends, I become a candidate for this so called 'bing drinking' (I have up to about 6 tallies :beerbang: )

I modified my rule so that if I didnt start on an early shift the next day (on sigle days off), then I could have a beer.

Didnt help my long w/end habbit...
I only have about one longneck per weeknight. I may have 2 on weekend nights. Not exactly heaving drinking, but my liver is probably still recovering from my rather excessive youth.
Went to the quack some time ago for a check up. Problem was that I fell into the keg the night before. First question he asked ( no doubt he could smell it on me ) was did I fancy a drink or two ? With that I looked at my watch and said its only ten in the morning, but hell I'm keen if you are Doc ! ............Consequently I am in the process of finding another Doctor.


Redgums :beerbang:

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