Hop to it
A rare US grown hop, originally bred for its bittering characteristics. Said to have character similar to wild American hops that are "objectionable to some brewers".
Dank and herbal smelling. Has some citrus notes to it, but it's just.... well... smells like weed
MOD: Post edited by Lord Raja Goomba I, to ensure all hop descriptions are at the start of each topic. Original Post below:Bittering Hop with a unique Wild American aroma, and wonderful zesty grapefruit, lemon, and orange notes. This hop is a great balance between grassy and citrusy flavors.
Typical Brewing Style: Ale and Lagers.
Possible Substitution: Galena
Not been discussed here before, there is little on the Net about them but what I could dig up seems promising.
"Bought a pound last year and it was my favorite hop. Hoping that pellets get released by HD soon. Made a comet only pale ale and the flavor is straight grapefruit juice. I mean strong ruby red juice. The dankness really didn't come through with dry hopping, just grapefruit. If you're a grapefruit fan then rock it hard and don't be afraid, otherwise use sparingly with other citrus hops because it's pretty intense. Currently conditioning a comet dry hopped sour that's got the same grapefruit flavor. I'm a fan."
from >HERE<
Im thinking that because they are not available here I am going to have to import some, at least a few Oz's just to try them myself.. they sound right up my alley