One of my favourite subjects :icon_chickcheers:
I've built a few cold smokers over the years, each one a little more succesful than the one before it.
Started with an old fridge and a remote fire pit and travelled through incarnations including an 18 gallon keg and my newest version that is made from some sort of computer box.
Used everything from wood to gas to electrikery.
Here's my old smoker, ran with two elements, one under the remote fire box and the other inside the keg fro temp control.
Here it is smoking malt for an unmentionable mash.
I have it pretty good now though, with independent controls for the smoke generator hotplate, the box temperature controlled by an pie warmer element, and a fan for drying when i use it (most of the time) for Beef Jerky.
Here's a load of brined chicken marylands...
I haven't any pics of it in it's current state i'm sorry, just construction pics, but this will give you an idea of the setup...
One more of my Jerky, it's pretty popular, i post it all over Oz...
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