C'mon Straya - you know you want one.

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roger mellie said:

Mate, and undoubtedly fine brewer.

I started brewing in 1980 aged 14 , in a bucket, using stinging nettle I plucked from the compost bin where the chickens in my back yard used to poo. When my mum gave me this silly book on how to home-brew by this english chap with mutton board chops - and I had zero money but a penchant for a mad science experiment. FWIW It tasted like **** except when you made it into a shandy. From that point on I was kind of hooked. Made many heinous brews using god knows what ingredients but it didn't matter - we all start somewhere.

I have brewed in systems ranging from Bucket 'o death, esky with a chunk of braided hose stolen from a BBQ burner hose, 2 Vessel, 3 Vessel - 10L, 20L, 50L the 2nd last system I had was a 100L tippy dump I brought of Rossco. I have fermented in 4.5l glass carboys, buckets, 30L fermenters, 30L stainless conicals, 60L black backbreakers. I made my own grain mill, my own CFWC, 'borrowed' 50L kegs, have more swagelock fittings than a modern process plant, STILL have a $100 4KG pretty red fire extinguisher that I brought from a place in perth as my CO2 supply.

So its kind of been an obsession --> progression. Proud to say I still have most of the kit I used to use (except of the 100L system) - and would go back there in a heartbeat if I had to.

Now I have a BM20 and a WW basically because I like the minimal footprint and simplicity that it offers, and I make better beer than I could ever dream of - as reductive as I can be, very simple, set and forget fermentation, automatic carbonation, simple keg transfer - G2B in < 7 days.

More importantly - like a lot of the people I have met in the 8 years I have been on this forum prior to you joining, I have dragged a lot of people into this hobby/obsession.

So please don't tell me where I am posting - I refined my brewing methods by listening to a lot of people that for some reason don't post here anymore. Yes I enjoy a wind up - especially when there is a trans tasman flavour to it - I admitted that the OP was a troll.

Seriously I couldn't give a **** if WW never sold another fermenter - despite knowing the inventor a little bit and living 10 minutes from their factory. But they will sell them and is that such a bad thing? Some people tip goo and powder into theirs and win international awards. I labour endlessly over recipe design, ingredients, yeasts --> you know the score - aim for perfection - usually miss the target by a wide margin.

I can't actually think of a way to wrap this rant up.

So I won't - I will however enter the exclusive WW beer awards next time they are held - because I can.

You know what Australians hate more than a smug New Zealander? A smug New Zealander who can afford a WW!
Sounds like you've got your system sorted mate and it works for you. Most probably paid for by our welfare system but as a fellow homebrewer I admire your resourcefulness.
Wether you were trolling or not, ewe don't seem such a baa'd bloke.
Pilchard said:
Ok. So this has turned into a slinging match... I'm watching in anticipation.

To the OP, with all the boffins on here reworking systems like 3v and brewmister, why have none of them done this one? I challenge you to answer the question. The mock up wouldn't be hard with a conical, gas bottle and old style bar fridge, would take up about the same footprint I think.

To the OP, look at the forum you are posting on, AG brewers with several thousand years combined experience between them. I can't see this type of system selling well, I assume this is a troll post meant to get people going...

Each to their own but hell you are in the wrong place to plug a REDUNDANT product.
Why hasn't it been cloned here? simple SS conicals aren't cheap and most available locally aren't pressure rated. There are several AHBers that pressure ferment, fewer using a WW. Most of us use some sort of temp control and I believe most would agree the tightest ferm control is that offered by BrewPI as linked above. There are reasonably price pressure conicals available from overseas and 95% of what the WW does has been done by brewers around the world for some years.

Clone one??? Challenge accepted!!!

Just note I was the one who started the whole Matho's controller thread, and **** me I've just about got that done!(however many years later). I'm a little poor, so you'll have to bare with me. I'll be sure to include a triclove with a ball lock post and a tap on the ferment fridge just in case I run out of kegs.

manticle said:
Watch cold steel videos if you really want a laugh.
Thank you
I can't work out if it's real or a piss take, but I've a nasty feeling it's the former
MastersBrewery said:
Why hasn't it been cloned here? simple SS conicals aren't cheap and most available locally aren't pressure rated. There are several AHBers that pressure ferment, fewer using a WW. Most of us use some sort of temp control and I believe most would agree the tightest ferm control is that offered by BrewPI as linked above. There are reasonably price pressure conicals available from overseas and 95% of what the WW does has been done by brewers around the world for some years.

Clone one??? Challenge accepted!!!

Just note I was the one who started the whole Matho's controller thread, and **** me I've just about got that done!(however many years later). I'm a little poor, so you'll have to bare with me. I'll be sure to include a triclove with a ball lock post and a tap on the ferment fridge just in case I run out of kegs.

As someone who thinks a PID is something that people with a lisp do after drinking too much beer, I may not be best placed to question your judgement, but why would you want to clone a WW?
Blind Dog said:
As someone who thinks a PID is something that people with a lisp do after drinking too much beer, I may not be best placed to question your judgement, but why would you want to clone a WW?
WW invented very little with their machine.
Their process is without fault.
They also got very little wrong.
They just tied it to a single beer at a time(this is the bit that made it patentable)
Then they trebled the price for profit

If you were going to design a pressure fermenter (as opposed to an entire brewery) that utilised co2 from fermentation for dispensing (not a new idea) then you could do worse than a WW concept. Forget the wanky marketing, forget the price tag and look at the system itself. It ferments wort - whether wort made from their special tins or wort from joe's bucket o death, bill's braumeister or barry's sabco 3V. It ferments wort and dispenses beer within a closed system.

Like the braumeister (also pricey) it has many aspects worth cloning.

I could not, in a million years, even if I wanted to, afford an expensive fermentation system of this ilk but I'm interested in the principles and whether I can get some of the same benefits within my budget (around $5,858 less).

Criticise the system for its inadequacies by all means but don't pretend it has no positive features. Whether they are worth the cash or can be found in other ways for less is another story.
raises hand meekly... Analysis. Forum generally tracking/ticking over at normal pace (normal level of piss taking etc). Someone introduces WW into the forum. This results in increased level of piss taking, polarised views, fanboyism and some would say views bordering on hate for WW. (Must also mention that there are some level headed comments scattered among the concrete views). Conclusion is that WW causes anxiety, stress and maybe even mild mental health problems for some. Simple cure is to take the edge by off by drinking some good home brew, or throw down a diazepam or seek professional help from psychiatrist!! However probably best to stick to some home brew. Take home message, chill a little, its just machine; probably not worth all the vitriol spewed on this this post.
And just to throw a spanner in the works, it ferments to perfection.
You need to take a long term view on this. I you currently hire a CO2 tank you could be spending $150 or more a year on gas. At this rate it would only 20 short years before the WW had paid for itself! Not to mention the benefit to the environment of not having that extra CO2 released into the atmosphere.

Cost effective and environmentally friendly!
Camo6 said:
You know what Australians hate more than a smug New Zealander? A smug New Zealander who can afford a WW!
Sounds like you've got your system sorted mate and it works for you. Most probably paid for by our welfare system but as a fellow homebrewer I admire your resourcefulness.
Wether you were trolling or not, ewe don't seem such a baa'd bloke.
Ah yes - the fallback position of a Austrayan

1. Accuse Kiwi's of ripping off the Strayan Welfare system
2. Obilgatory reference to sheep

FWIW - I live in New Zealand because it is after all the best country in the world, with the best rugby team, the cleanest air and the most attractive sheep, I work globally and even employ a couple of your fellow Austrayans - so I guess I am actually a nett contributor to the Strayan welfare system.

@Masters Brewery - good luck with it - this thing has some nifty engineering to reduce the footprint - but it is certainly possible to do some form of cloned system. The fermenter lid is ~10 inches in diameter allowing for ease of cleaning - so factor that into your design - the vessel has a PRV set at 300kPa.g - and if the lid let go at that pressure would do some damage.

I wouldn't say progression RM, more like repeated failure until giving up and falling back to K&K megaswill style from a singe beer machine.
Ive 2 comments...



Whatever Floats.jpg

:) :D ;)
Can you use gladwrap on the WW..?

No one has answered the question of where the kitten goes. We all know you cant do a decent ferment without a kitten.

If you use AG beer in the WW will it be better than the WW Tins ?

Will WW users eventually climb down the ladder and submit their beers to general comps ?

If you use a Coopers tin, will it react with the WW ?

Do Hobbits brew with WW's ?

Is a fermenter that costs almost as much as a new car really worth it ?

Will the mere mention of a WW on AHB eventually bring praise and gratitude ( as opposed to laughter and head shaking )?

Is a WW like a Harley that needs polishing before use, and even when not being used ?

Now that the Liberals have stopped the carbon tax, is the recycling of C02 worth it ?

Does RM know the difference between Ducati & Moto Guzzi ?
I have no interest in poking these smouldering embers, I just like this video.

HBHB said:
If I had 6K in my pocket, I'd be talking to a financial planner about investing. Not buying an extract brewing blingamejig.
What sort of homebrewer are you, to not invest in your brewery primarily?

roger mellie said:
Fellow Beer Lovers

No not a retailer

Humble apologies for the troll - couldn't resist. But jeepers you blokes are good for a wind up - you are all missing the point - that Elz made so succinctly - its a good work horse - it does what it says on the tin - brews wort into beer.

I have (probably like a few other here) spent a small fortune on Golf clubs/cricket bats/fishing rods/boats etc... over the years that a 6K purchase that will last until the bastard medics tell me to stop drinking or I curl my toes up - (whichever comes first) - so in my world that justifies this purchase as a good investment.

Indeed I wish I was sitting at home playing with my shiny WW - alas for my sins I am banished to the surat basin probably until November. There will be some power brewing before Xmas I tell ya.

So come on guys seriously - 50 months interest free - blah blah blah...

Soooo, you admit to being a troll?? (*a clever one, potentially, but nevertheless a plague/scourge upon the internets?*)
manticle said:
If you were going to design a pressure fermenter (as opposed to an entire brewery) that utilised co2 from fermentation for dispensing (not a new idea) then you could do worse than a WW concept. Forget the wanky marketing, forget the price tag and look at the system itself. It ferments wort - whether wort made from their special tins or wort from joe's bucket o death, bill's braumeister or barry's sabco 3V. It ferments wort and dispenses beer within a closed system.
Like the braumeister (also pricey) it has many aspects worth cloning.
I could not, in a million years, even if I wanted to, afford an expensive fermentation system of this ilk but I'm interested in the principles and whether I can get some of the same benefits within my budget (around $5,858 less).
Criticise the system for its inadequacies by all means but don't pretend it has no positive features. Whether they are worth the cash or can be found in other ways for less is another story.
Assuming you have kegs etc to start with, a spunding valve should cost less than $142
Pressurized fermentation is interesting and fermenting in a corny and then serving from the keg using mainly the trapped co2 is on my to do list, but it won't cost $6k. A side by side with cube fermented, force carbed in the blue corner and corny fermented, naturally carbed in the red would be interesting

I an see the point in cloning a BM (ie making an exact copy) as it's an elegant solution. I can't see the point in cloning a WW. As designed it allows only 1 brew at a time. Aspects of it are appealing, but If I was starting from scratch and wanted a closed system, a 3 font kegerator, 3 new kegs, taps, fittings, spunding valve and a bottle of co2 would set me back about $1500 not $18k for 3 WWs

humble apologies for the troll - couldn't resist. But jeepers you blokes are good for a wind up

Truer words...
I understand the expense and limitations - presumably if designing your own, you could take the positives and reduce/remove the negatives.
Just in case anyone takes any of my posts on this thread the wrong way, if you have $6k and want to buy a WW, then fair play to you and I wish you many pleasant pints.

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