Clever Brewing

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Batz Brewery...Hand crafted beers from the 'Batcav
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i see a new sponser Clever Brewing has appeared at the top of the page. Welcome Clever Brewing.
I'm always interested to know where you are located, I maybe missing something but I can't find it. I do like your range of White Labs yeasts as I'm a bit of a yeast junkie. Also you have Yeast Nutrient for $2.95, again perhaps I'm missing it but is this a gram or a kilo?

And all the best with the new venture.

in Melbs mate, super slick website - so easy to check out stuff and ...order ... very good service, Tim was the guy that I spoke with who was very accommodating of us erm, der hick - country folk
Hi Batz,

Thanks for the welcome! You've actually pre-empted the "official" launch post in the Sponsors forum, which I was planning for tomorrow, but thanks all the same.

We're based in Moorabbin in Melb.

We're an online warehouse (ie. not a retail shop outlet), but I'm happy to accommodate/negotiate with locals who might want to pick-up their stuff & save a bit on postage/shipping.

Yeah, we've got a swag of White Labs stuff in stock (brand new shipment received just a couple of weeks ago, so it's ultra-fresh), including a couple of lines that are in the new pure-pitch sachets. I think we have something like 55 strains available right now & more to follow (including some of the weird stuff that folks like to play-with..)

Anything getting close to BB-date will be pulled from sale early (& used by me for my own brewing :D ) rather than being simply discounted, so you can be assured that you'll always get fresh supplies. All fresh yeast is mega-wrapped with free ice-packs for shipment to make sure it gets to the recipient in best condition. I'm a home brewer, so I send it the way I'd want to receive it...

The yeast nutrient is $2.95 for 50g. A swag cheaper than the White Labs stuff.
Droid, thanks for the feedback. Tim has moved-back to his own commercial endeavours in NZ (& has promised me a freebie case of his first release... :kooi: ).
The excellent service you've gotten so far will continue with me.



(ed> remove swearing) pooh hot mate, good onya B)
(including some of the weird stuff that folks like to play-with..)
That's what I'm looking for. ;)
Used Clever Brewing a few times now, great service and range. Amazing prices on a lot of gear to. Delivery in sydney is impressive, order monday morning, get it tuesday lunch. Can't complain about that!
Ohh Martin hasn't been at Clever for a loooong time!

It was a Kiwi business that decided to move all the operation back to NZ and so closed down the operation that Martin ran.
I just checked Clever Brewing website and they have stopped trading, sad that has happened. I always got great service at Clever Brewing, thanks Martin.
Thanks, mate! I'll take that as a personal compliment, even 'though I worked with some great people who shared the same passion.
It was honestly the best online homebrew store when Martin was running it out of Melbourne. I'm not sure what they were thinking trying to run it out of New Zealand. I've struggled to find a replacement with the same service since.
It was honestly the best online homebrew store when Martin was running it out of Melbourne. I'm not sure what they were thinking trying to run it out of New Zealand. I've struggled to find a replacement with the same service since.
I started out using Clever Brewing for my fermentables and hops back in October, but I was surprised by their shipping costs - usually around $50. Then I realised they were shipping from NZ and looked around again. Tried Grape and Grain, but I found their crush too coarse for my tastes.

These days I'm buying whole grain from BeerCo and milling it myself. The prices are excellent, and the delivery is cheap and fast (to Melbourne's Eastern suburbs). Communication and responsiveness, likewise excellent, and Dermott sometimes slips a little extra present in (a small pack of EKG last time). If it wasn't for the unremitting puns ("hop" for "hope", "tanks" for "thanks" etc), I'd say they were pretty much the perfect supplier, unless you demand pre-milled grain.
Well that's disappointing, there were certain things one could only get from Clever Brewing. A real shame to shut down.