I dont really take any notice of what my beer looks like before I filter it - It going through the filter regardless in the vast majority of circumstances.
I too possess a packet of gelatine and fridge for cold conditioning - and i have never seen, ever, a beer from either myself or from any other brewer commercial or home, which was as clear without filtering as beers which are filtered. I have seen a lot of beers that brewers have shown me to demonstrate why they think that filtering is a waste of time when they can make such clear beer with just gelatine and cold conditioning... and I always smile and tell them yes, indeed your beer is very clear... and its always a little bit hazy.
And indeed I know at least a dozen pro brewers who would look at the beer I filter through a 1 micron filter and make nice sounds in my direction - and all the while be making sideways comments about lack of clarity... and they would be right. The beer I made a picture of is really amazingly clear.... for homebrew. But when you compare it to beer that is actually clear... not so much.
Same with beer treated with gelatine - its clear, sometimes its very clear - buts its never, ever as clear as filtered beer, and you are having yourself on big time if you think its as clear as commercial beer.
Whether that level of sharpness matters to you or not is a completely different matter. But I will happily make a bet - a large sum of money bet - that if you test the beers for clarity, filtered beers are clearer... and if you cant, I can - see the difference.
PS - 1 micron absolute. nominal filters are a waste of time.