Citra Summer Ale

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If you dry hop your Citra beer with PoR you'll instantly want to find a guy wearing a pink shirt and headbutt him in the nose.

PoR's aroma is the same as the armpits of a guy who operates a sawmill cutting Victorian Ash logs.

Sweet - I had enough self-control to not become a POR OT troll, now someone else has done it and I can sit back and wait for the excrement to hit the rotating cooling device.

(aka - I do not like POR at all).

I find with Nelson, I used some 0 min addition and dry hopped Saaz really balanced out the sweetness.

Now that all the nasty bickering is over (nelson, citra, PoR) - it is in the cube and waiting patiently for the fermenting fridge to be rid of the lager that is slowly fermenting ...
I will let you know how it turns out and maybe (just maybe) chuck it in the database if it is worthy ....
thanks to all ....
Transgender fish tours and girlie beers, I love it , cant wait for my snip and tuck .
"Is that a Sauvin beer your sipping" ?" No silly its a double Citra mocha latte IPA."

I can see it before me - pulling away from the dock on the Bada Bing, Citra double macciato frothy in hand with Helen Reddy blaring from the flybridge speakers - I'm welling up here....

Speaking of Excrement, You two are full of it.

Let me know how the Citra goes Triple B. If its good I will have to try some in my next ale.

I just recently did a very pale ale lightly bittered with amarillo to 19 IBU and then with a 5 min addition of Citra (for and extra 3 IBU). I've only had 2 bottles of it so far but it's definately fruity!

I haven't made up my mind about it yet - I need to have a bit more of this batch. Good to hear some other opinions about it though.
No offense, but a 33.6 IBU 5% beer is not an American IPA.

I'd say it sneaks in in the lower end. I get over 40 IBUs, and if it's bottled it'll be 5.5%.

That's an AIPA ... just. Then again - a lot of what they sell in America with IPA on the label isn't.
I'd say it sneaks in in the lower end. I get over 40 IBUs, and if it's bottled it'll be 5.5%.

That's an AIPA ... just. Then again - a lot of what they sell in America with IPA on the label isn't.

My pet peeve. An IPA should be an IPA - more bitter, not just another pale ale.

That's why Pale Ale has its own category. I love both, but when I have a sip of a glass that advertises one and appears to be the other, it irritates the life out of me. I know what I want to drink, that's why I chose it, and I don't need that stuffed up with poor classification.

You wouldn't classifed a Red Ale as a Stout or a Porter as dunkelweizen. Specific characteristics, and I chose my beer on the basis of those.

There's quite an overlap in the BJCP between an APA and an AIPA.

A 1.055, 40 IBU Ale using American hops and a clean yeast could be either.
There's quite an overlap in the BJCP between an APA and an AIPA.

A 1.055, 40 IBU Ale using American hops and a clean yeast could be either.

True. But when I get an "IPA", and it is 30 IBU, absolute maximum, and I was expecting 40 or more, I get cranky. If I wanted a non-bitter regular Pale Ale, I'd have purchased one.

I'd say it sneaks in in the lower end. I get over 40 IBUs, and if it's bottled it'll be 5.5%.

You appear to be more caught up with the cashet than the flavor. Why not have a good, legitimate example of an APA, rather than a pathetic AIPA.

Other than Feral Hop Hog, I have yet to have an Australian "American IPA" style beer that tasted like an American IPA. Some did not even have the flavor profile of an APA. This is why I started brewing beer.
14B. American IPA
Vital Statistics: OG: 1.056 1.075 IBUs: 40 70 FG: 1.010 1.018 SRM: 6 15 ABV: 5.5 7.5%
OCD Citra Ale (BIAB)
American IPA

Original Gravity (OG): 1.049 (P): 12.1
Final Gravity (FG): 1.012 (P): 3.1
Bitterness (IBU): 33.6 (Average)
ABV ~4.9%

Guys chillax. I just looked and on the brewmate software the American ipa is under the american pale ale. I clicked the wrong one ..... but really ....... I couldn't give a ****, Its going to be tasty fruity beer ....
Brew on
The Trekkie is right.

Those IBUs are way too low though for that hop schedule - and if you're bottle priming and using US05, you'll get 5.5% and 40 IBUs.
Kegging Nick. That is what brewmate spewed out ..... Still do the aroma hop in the keg ??? or back it off a bit????
:icon_offtopic: Hear is a thought. The BJCP is not the be all and end all of beer styles. It is an interpriation of how a group of people see the beer world and that is it. For an example of this look at 11a Mild then go and drink Sarah Huges Mild.
Yes I think I will just throw 20g in and see how it turns out ....
Thanks for the help

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