Cigs War Won: Now Cancer Campaigners Set Their Sights On Beer

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Not sure about the fake smokes, if I pick up a fake les paul made in china you can tell the difference and I am sure the same will be so with my beloved port royal, time will tell.

I don't have a problem with plain packaging and I don't think the same could happen with alcohol, plain packaging for giggle juice sounds good but wine and beer? The government would surely not touch wine but I have no idea about beer.

What really gets me is its totally legal to sell children energy drinks, disgusting.
While I'm not in agreement in any way shape or form with the connection of Alcohol to Cancer, I am aware that the statistics are pretty damning for the stuff.

If pretty-much ***** society sideways.

Read this article and what else cause's cancer

i think it's a load of crap. the links between alc and cancer are pretty damn thin. thin enough that you have to wonder how vigorous the studies were, and how well controlled their studies were. There's been a lot of studies, with thin evidence.. but lots of studies with thin evidence doesn't magically increase the evidence. (I'll take of my scientific hat now). The wikipedia page on Alchocol/Cancer is intense, someone has been through there and bombed the page with pictures of all the tumours that were mentioned. On the page, the studies are listed by organ - so there's a pic of a tumor for each. It's like a pack of smokes.

Lets face it, as long as there is no link between grain, hops, yeast, and cancer.. we should be good.
.. and if people drink less beer, and production goes down, perhaps grain prices will get cheaper.. ?
I think somewhere in that article it said that 5% of cancer deaths are directly related to chronic alcohol abuse.

big. whoop.

tobacco is responsible to 30% or so...
Aw man, now our boss has canned our 1/2 yearly work drinks.
Talk about demoralized!!! :(
There already is a black market for tobacco, it's called 'chop chop'. You can buy tobacco by the kilo from dodgy tobaconists and roll your own. ...........

I reckon hops direct could do it as a sideline
I got a bottle out of the fridge a while ago, realised my opener was in an inconvenient spot... just out of arms reach. I decided to use a butter knife instead of walking all the way into the next room.

Short story shorter, I slipped and sliced a bit off my index finger knuckle. As I have now been touched by the carnage I will wage a war against alcohol, butter knives and will campain for bottle openers to be surgically attached to me. Just imagine if a child tried to do the same, people!

According to last weeks Courier Mail in Brisbane I believe you may also have an action for workers compensation & can I ask did you arrive by boat per chance?

It's getting ******* ridiculous & this fucken lesbian ranga bitch is governing by the 6pm news. Grow a fucken spine will you.


I thought that too, did a bit of digging around and couldn't find a rat...

Somehow I don't think those organizations would be involved in a campaign bankrolled by Philip Morris & BAT. The risk of losing their credibility would be too great.

You are probably right - I take back what I said here!
I put this up a couple of years ago....once the wowsers arent getting enough govt hand outs to kill of the ciggies they will turn their efforts to 'alcohol'...not wine or beer nor spirits......but Alcohol.

Doesnt offend one group but broad bashes all...doubt the Govt MPs getting greased over this will check to see if they are the same that got hand outs for the anti smoking lobbies

Time to kill off my monthly donation to CCNSW as direct result of this...

Here is my email...

To whom it may concern,

I would like to bring to your attention this article on

It states that the cancer council of Vic is involved in a discussion on attempting to have alcohol branded a carcinogen.

I will have to seriously have to reconsider my regular donation to your organisation as my decision to contribute was not to see it used for political purposes. You may not be the Victorian body but I feel that the cross over is close enough.

My donations were for research purposes for finding cures and new procedures I was led to believe...not political money grabbing exercises

I hope someone in power within your organisation will have a chat to your 'sister' body about their actions..

awaiting your response,

Mr Lindsay Sbrana
I agree with Linz. The CC are a voluntary / NGO type body although no doubt get a bit of a government handout as well. However as an example imagine if the RSPCA came out in favour of veganism and joined with the government in restricting every adult to no more than 100g of animal protein a week.... imagine how the donations would dry up.

I bet heads will roll at the CC. I certainly won't be donating ever again.
I suspect more than just a few Aussie politicians are hardy tipplers ... possibly more-so than smokers (I have no fact or statistics to back that up) so I get the feeling that whilst that is the case alcoholic beverages will not come under as much pressure for restrictions. There is also just as much scientific evidence pointing to helth benefits of drinking in moderation ... cigarettes don't have anything like that going for them.

Evidence of health benefits. I posted it in the wrong forum a while back.
Positive Health Benefits of Beer
IM not alone either...

Seriously, did anyone not see this coming. I always said that after cigarettes, the moral crusaders would be going after alcohol next. Oh, and for all you coffee drinkers....start getting nervous...
- Jason of Brisbane
Total intellectual dishonesty clearly reigns in this sort of news item.

While there may very well be some sort of increased risk of cancer from a couple of drinks each day, and not having studied this I cannot say this as a fact, but they studiously ignore the real statistics behind what they tell us.

For example:
1. Non-drinkers risk of cancer, say 0.015% annually
2. Drinkers risk of cancer, say 0.016% annually

Who gives a crap about those sorts of odds? I'll happily continue to imbibe my 1 longneck each day.
And here's a firmly upheld middle digit to poofter Bob and his vegan watermelon sucking bunch of wannabees, masquerading as the Greens.
All this is enough to drive a man to drink.

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