Well-Known Member
So the in-laws have a buttload of apples growing on their trees at the moment, and I was between brews at home. You can see where this is heading...
I picked up two eskies' worth of Fujis and their juicer last night, & took advantage of a day off today to make a batch of cider.
Here were the ingredients used:
* approx 350 Fuji apples of varying ripeness & size (yes I know cider apples are meant to fall from the tree rather than be picked)
* SN9 wine yeast
* 1kg dex
* 1L water to dissolve the dex in.
The two eskies' worth of Fujis were soaking in a sanitiser solution immediately prior to juicing, & prior to adding to the juicer I'd rinse them under the tap, remove the stem, and chuck them in the juicer.
3.5 hours later I had 19L of juice, ~2L of which was sediment. There was a lot of foam on top which I got rid of, and carefully cleaned the residue off the upper parts of the fermenter prior to adding the dissolved dex in 1L of hot water, then taking a hydrometer reading, then adding the yeast.
Total contents: 20L
OG: 1068 @ 24*C
Yeast added @ 24*C
I chucked this in the brew fridge set to 20*C, I'll bump it up to 22*C first thing in the morning (SN9 sachet stated 22-26*C range).
Hopefully it comes out ok! If not it's only cost 5 hours and $10, and it made an otherwise crappy day fun.
Please feel free to add your 2c on anything I may have improved on or what I could change from now. My main two concerns are the apples possibly not being ripe enough, and the 3.5hrs at room temperature to obtain 19L of juice.
^^^ Parked out in the rain last night - soggy cardboard made life difficult...
^^^ Getting there! Note the distinct foam / juice / sediment colours
^^^ Foam removed, fementer sides not cleaned yet.
^^^ FINALLY there. Note cloudiness of everything stirred up.
^^^ I could've squeezed more juice out of this if I had a bag, but I was working against time here. The birds will love this when I toss it out!
Thanks for reading
I picked up two eskies' worth of Fujis and their juicer last night, & took advantage of a day off today to make a batch of cider.
Here were the ingredients used:
* approx 350 Fuji apples of varying ripeness & size (yes I know cider apples are meant to fall from the tree rather than be picked)
* SN9 wine yeast
* 1kg dex
* 1L water to dissolve the dex in.
The two eskies' worth of Fujis were soaking in a sanitiser solution immediately prior to juicing, & prior to adding to the juicer I'd rinse them under the tap, remove the stem, and chuck them in the juicer.
3.5 hours later I had 19L of juice, ~2L of which was sediment. There was a lot of foam on top which I got rid of, and carefully cleaned the residue off the upper parts of the fermenter prior to adding the dissolved dex in 1L of hot water, then taking a hydrometer reading, then adding the yeast.
Total contents: 20L
OG: 1068 @ 24*C
Yeast added @ 24*C
I chucked this in the brew fridge set to 20*C, I'll bump it up to 22*C first thing in the morning (SN9 sachet stated 22-26*C range).
Hopefully it comes out ok! If not it's only cost 5 hours and $10, and it made an otherwise crappy day fun.
Please feel free to add your 2c on anything I may have improved on or what I could change from now. My main two concerns are the apples possibly not being ripe enough, and the 3.5hrs at room temperature to obtain 19L of juice.

^^^ Parked out in the rain last night - soggy cardboard made life difficult...

^^^ Getting there! Note the distinct foam / juice / sediment colours

^^^ Foam removed, fementer sides not cleaned yet.

^^^ FINALLY there. Note cloudiness of everything stirred up.

^^^ I could've squeezed more juice out of this if I had a bag, but I was working against time here. The birds will love this when I toss it out!
Thanks for reading