Chocolate Stout

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I'd avoid Redoaks choc stout if possible. Its not bad by any stretch of the imagination, but has nothing on Youngs Double Choc...which is a brew to be reckoned with!

I went searching for chocolate stout the other week after having a redoak belgium choc stout at a local restaurant, ended up with a Youngs double choc and a Green Man and in my opinion they aren't anywhere as good as the redoak.

I love the mouthfeel of the redoak. I agree with PoMo that the youngs tastes like it has chocolate essence added - the head is that brown that it looks like food dye has been added as well

I'm taking a redoak belgium choc stout to the local HBS to get a clone HB kit made up next week - will see how it goes :)
You are kidding ?????

??? well i've never done an oatmeal stout before and he is better than me at working out what should go in it! If you can give me the exact recipe to replicate it then i am all ears :)
I'd avoid Redoaks choc stout if possible. Its not bad by any stretch of the imagination, but has nothing on Youngs Double Choc...which is a brew to be reckoned with!

+1 for that. I found the Redoak a little bit of a let down. Maybe that I set the bar to high after trying domonsura's chocolate soldier. If you are ever in Melbourne try Acland St Cellars in St Kilda. Was there in July on my annual trip and if you can't find what you want there you may as well give it away. Will be back in Mebourne in October and will definately be calling in there again. I may even be able to drag a couple other brewers in with me :rolleyes:

Each to their own - thats why we brew (or at least why i do :D )

I have some dark choc to have a crack and this but planned on making it more stout like - ie roasty!

Have this pencilled in.....

4.25 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (5.9 EBC) Grain 79.44 %
0.40 kg Chocolate Malt (886.5 EBC) Grain 7.48 %
0.25 kg Crystal, Medium (Bairds) (120.0 EBC) Grain 4.67 %
0.25 kg Oats, Flaked (2.0 EBC) Grain 4.67 %
0.10 kg Black Malt (Thomas Fawcett) (1300.2 EBC) Grain 1.87 %
0.10 kg Roasted Barley (Joe White) (1398.7 EBC) Grain 1.87 %
55.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [4.50 %] (60 min) Hops 28.9 IBU
20.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [4.50 %] (20 min) Hops 6.4 IBU
0.50 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
200.00 gm Dark chocolate 85% (Boil 10.0 min) Misc

Prob need to up the black and RB a touch?

Good to see the Goldings getting a work out ;)

??? well i've never done an oatmeal stout before and he is better than me at working out what should go in it! If you can give me the exact recipe to replicate it then i am all ears :)

Sorry Steve, my cynicism is showing, no matter what beer you like, taking it to a HBS to get a recipe is not going to result in a clone. I might add that accessing the exact recipe and yeast from the brewery and even the brewers comments would still not put you close. All comes down to methods, processes and equipment. Plenty of recipes around for an oatmeal stout on AHB from very good brewers, brew some of these then tweak to match the beer to your liking.

The old story, if you want to make XXXX beer buy the brewery :lol:


I thought the clone was a can off stout and a number 15 :ph34r:

Dont forget to use the kit yeast if you want to get real close

Kabooby being cynical :)
The old story, if you want to make XXXX beer buy the brewery

That would be great. I'd cut the top off one of the tanks and go swimming in my new XXXX pool. Wonder how long till the alcohol absorbs through your skin? better yet, maybe it's brewed higher-grav? :)
That would be great. I'd cut the top off one of the tanks and go swimming in my new XXXX pool. Wonder how long till the alcohol absorbs through your skin? better yet, maybe it's brewed higher-grav? :)

ya spot on trevc - XXXX is brewed at high gravity.