Chilling Wort

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Im just chillin a wort with my immersion and what a pain in the ass.
takes so long and always stiring. so many oportunities for chit to fall in.

so im looking for a single pass system, that i can eventually integrate into my turn-key when i build it.

anyone have experience with these plate chillers

i dont see 100 deg wort going to 30 deg in one pass, any one have any experience

anyone figured out how to chill there wort easily.
If your cooling water is cool enough and with your flow rates optimised you can easily bring your wort down below 30 degrees with those plate chillers. I have the 30 plate model.
i really dont want to truck in ice, its a PITA
If you adjust your flow of the wort and water there is no reason you cant get the wort down to the same temp as the water you are passing thru the chiller. To save water i chill to about 25 degrees the place wort in fridge for a few hour prior to pitching temp.
so let me get this straight,

u guys get to 30 or below with a single pass using tap water?
can these plate chillers be used gravity feed?
I use gravity to run the wort from the kettle thru my plate chiller.

In summer can easily cool down to 25C in a single pass. In winter i can get down to 12ishC.

Water is from my 2 tanks and gets recirculated back meaning i use 0L of water in the chilling process.

As i am recirculating i have the water flow at max allowing me to cool down to within a degree or 2 of the tank water temperature.

Hey Dr

how many plates are you running.

and your tanks, are these rubbermaid's with ice blocks, or outdoor water tanks at room temp?


Hey Dr

how many plates are you running.

and your tanks, are these rubbermaid's with ice blocks, or outdoor water tanks at room temp?



Its a 20 plate job from beerbelly.

Tanks are 2 x 9000L polytanks in a lovely shade of green....... and despite the fact its the middle of summer they are both full.

They will be plumbed into the house in the next month or 2 but for the moment are used to water the vegie patch (i could go OT and rant about our retarded water minister here in SA but i wont..) and chill my beer down. I also use it when making lagers.

(i could go OT and rant about our retarded water minister here in SA but i wont..)

+1 on the water minister,

Back OT,

I might need to talk to Wayne about one of these chillers, my home made CFC is getting a bit cumbersome. I'm trying to get the brew gear to take up as little room as possible.

I also recirculate back to tanks, so no water loss.


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