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I have been meaning to tell you about that.

Its great mate. has a tops curry character to it and a nice slow burning heat.

Ahhhhhhhhhh the Bhuts! There are 4 that are 3/4 ripe on the tree. They are freddy cruger kinda scary!!!!!!!!!!!!

All rough and pimpled with spiky spurs.

The one with the face developed a melanoma and went yucky. I was gonna bite his head off :)

My wife is itching to video it. God i hope they are as hot as they are suposed to be. Will be quite a disapointment if there not.

I will email my bro and see if he is coming over on the long weekend. If not i will go it alone.

Will she also record the screams coming from the thunderbox the next morning? :)
The Bhut Jalokias are going well.

check out the chillis, and this is only a few of them. and i have 2 plants :huh:


ANd a ripe scary one


may try one tomorrow........ i have a head cold so not so keen but it may clear it real quick :)

Damn you all! Looking at those pics is making me VERY jealous.

The wet December we had down here, and the fact that I planted in a poor position (good soil, but no morning sun) means that my habanero's are a month behind. I'm only just getting some fruit starting to appear, and it'll prob be another couple of months before they are ripe :(

I'm getting by on the dried ones from last years harvest, but it's not the same dammit!
Hi Zebba.

THose plants with ripe fruit were started in march last year and grown in a fish tank under light through the winter.

The plants i grew fron seed in spring are just starting to fruit now......same as yours.

Im planning to build a grow cupboard of sorts with lights and rough temp control to have them ready early for big harvests through summer.

Hi Zebba.

THose plants with ripe fruit were started in march last year and grown in a fish tank under light through the winter.

The plants i grew fron seed in spring are just starting to fruit now......same as yours.

Im planning to build a grow cupboard of sorts with lights and rough temp control to have them ready early for big harvests through summer.

I'd love to set something like that up in the laundry. The wife may not support me in that particular endevour though :(
Im planning to build a grow cupboard of sorts with lights and rough temp control to have them ready early for big harvests through summer.

Really.....A grow cupboard...

You going to black out your windows as well... :D
Im planning to build a grow cupboard of sorts with lights and rough temp control to have them ready early for big harvests through summer.

Really.....A grow cupboard...

You going to black out your windows as well... :D

No.......... nothing to hide. I get drug tested all the time for work but not chilli tested :)

When i had the fish tank going you could see the glow of light from outside the window and the wife kept wondering when the cops would stop and want a look.

We had a washing machine delivered and the fells stoped and looked at the tank....... and looked at me, and i said......... there chilli plants mate. HE said....... thought the leaves looked funny :)

Sorry to be a downer guys... but I've been raided.

By bl**dy possums.

My habanero crop is lost (worst of all the Hainan Yellow, as are my cayenne and my odd-ball pili-pilis - save for the uppermost branches.

And this, on the first floor of an apartment block in Chinawood (oops, I means Chatswood :D).

I just got some 'Possoff' this evening. It's the most foul smelling substance I can imagine - yea - worse than a khyber after a B&S. It's truly that bad.

However, I still have a desperate need for heavy artillery that is suburbia-friendly (read: the cops won't ask so I can't tell) and environmentally friendly (read: green-nazis won't know what to ask, so I can just offer than a home-brew to go with their 'home-grown' ;) ).

So, no 12 ga solutions, no herb-superb solutions - just good old fashioned ecologial p*ss-offery.

Any hints, fellow chilli-blokes? :D

Cheers - Fermented.

PS - Gong Xi Fa Cai!! Kung Hey Fatt Choi!! (delete as dialect appropriate).
Happy New Year of the Ox to all and one.
Either way, Happiness and Prosperity all around. Double Cheers!!
A while ago i was sent a video of a simple sling-shot like contraption set up on a balcony for squirels in the US.

Squirel enteres firing zone and trips trap.

Squirel gets free flying lesson for the worth of about 100 meters :)
My wife just made 6 bottles chili sauce using a Kurma recipe, WOW :blink: Chili, sultanas, lemon juice with the usual sugar, it has a KICK.
I had one yesterday.

Picked it and brought it to the kitchen.

I sliced off a 5mm thick slice and ate it........ It was hot but i wasexpecting more. Hotter than a hab for sure.

So i cut another slice and ate it. More heat this time.......... but still not the freak out pain i have seen on U-Tube.

So i ate 2/3rds of it and holy sheep ****!!!!!

THe wife recons i went red. my lips were burning, tongue was burning, throat was on fire but i lived. Wasnt that bad actually. But i do have a fair chilli tollerance.

BUT!!!!!!!!!!............ there is always a but. and "but" is an apropriate word!

woke up at 4am and ran for my life!

wont go into details but as with when you eat it.........the burn sets in slowly over a couple of minuites. I made it back to bed and the burn kicked it.

I lay there in the fetal position, shaking with pain and wishing i had either snow or icecream to sit in!

my brother will be dropping by with a fatalii to try soon so will get him to try one with me and get the wife out with the video!

Mercs you missed the best one.

This bloke is an Aussie....... i chat with him on chilli forums. He is sending me a heap of cool seeds :)

he has dozens of u-tube self sacrafices on record.


Thanks for that link Tony - I felt every bit of burn with him and decided that I am more than happy to let him and you lead the way - I will sit back in the cool and watch!