Chilli! All Things Chillies.

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Watching that made me sweat. I cant beleive he chewed up a whole one
The guy is a legend

I like it every time you post mantis.....wouldnt have a clue what you've wrote as my eyes just wander up to the top left of the screen for some reason :lol:
as long as it doenst spank its self ;)
Did a bit of chilli tasting today.

The wife had a go at making a video but its not very exciting. Just me and my brother drooling and going....... holy ****!

My Bro brought over a Naga Morich. So i cut us each a slice and we chewed it up. Burnt real good. We ended up on the back lawn drooling and sweating. It wasnt to bad though.

Half hout later i cut up one of my Bhuts and we both had a bit of that.

Wow! My brother was in abit of trouble...... i was sweating and my nose was running. The Bhut has a deep set solid heat. Thats tho only way i can describe it. It takes 2 min to really get burning and then cooks you from your lips to deep down your throat. and it throbs!

I said to my brother..... looks like the Bhut is king! He looked at me with red eyes and said.......... yeah its king!

I have been saving seed from them for those on my list.

My Bro also gave me a ripe Fatalii so tonight i made a bottle of sauce with a Bhut and a Fatalii. An awsome combo for flavour and heat.

took me a total of 20 min into the bottle.

First i dropped 3 toms into boiling water for 30 seconds and skinned and de seeded them. Chopped them coursly and set aside.

Heated a table spoon of olive oil in a pot and dropped one chopped garlic clove in and the chopped Bhut and fatalii.

sizzled for 20 seconds to release the flavours (made my wife start sneezing in the next room) and droped in the chopped the tomatoes. Simmered for 1 minuites and added 1 teaspoon tomatoe paste, 1 teaspoon brown sugar, 100mls white vinigar and 1 tablespoon balsamic vinigar, large pinch of salt and black pepper. also added about half tspoon light mustard seeds and a small sprinkle of cinimon powder.

Put the lid on and let it simmer for 5 min and poured it in the food processor. With the processor running i slowly sprinkle in about half a tspoon xanthan gum powder to thicken it. You need it moving to add this stuff. Its like cornflour on steroids. Its great because you dont have to boil the life out of it and you keep all the delicate flavours in the sauce. And it goves you that "bought sauce" consistancy

Poured into bottle and will enjoy on a steak very soon.



i just tried some now that its cooled down in the fridge and its hot. I got some on my lip and it burnt my skin under my nose :)

It tastes awsome! I recon this stuff would sell!

When i get some devils tongues ripe (same as fatalii's) i will make more. They have the most unique flavor. like no other chilli!

ANd the heat from the 2 chillis is completly different. The fatalii is an instant burn that fizzles out fast but the flavour.......... and the Bhut has a heat the slowly sets in and soaks your mouth and throat like no other chilli. The two heats and flavors compliment each other and work so well in a suace.

Made a beautiful tomoato based chilli sauce last weekend. Its kinda based on one of Tonys.

1.3kg home grown toms (skins n all)
1 brown onion
3 tbspn shredded garlic
5 home grown orange habs
1 cup cider vinegar
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup beer
1tbspn brown sugar
Handfull of homebrown basil and oregano
1tspn sweet paprika
1tspn turmeric
1/2 cup coriander roots
Salt n pepper

Chuck everything in a pot and bring to the boil, simmer until sauce thickens, transfer to blender and process or process in pot with handheld whizzer thing to smooth sauce

This made about 1.5 litres of sauce.

Beautiful with a couple of tbspns on the side of your plate with BBQ Chicken, Chips and Salad!

Very happy.
I went picking today and picked about 80 Cayenne chilli's as well as a few orange habs (plenty more of both still to ripen)

Just made my first Chilli Sauce ever :D .... it's a Cayenne & Tomato based sauce made with bits and pieces I had in the pantry...

30 Cayenne Chilli's roughly chopped
1 Onion roughly chopped
1 can Italian tomatoes
3 tsp ground garlic
1 tsp ground ginger
Juice of 1 lime
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup vinegar
2 tsp sweet paprika
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/3 cup of basil/parsley roughly chopped

Fry onions in saucepan with some Olive oil until lightly browned, then add Garlic, Ginger and Chilli's. Fry on a medium heat for around 5 minutes until the chilli's start to soften a little...
Add tomatoes, sugar, vinegar, Paprika & Cinamon and simmer for around 20 minutes then add basic/barsley and simmer for a further 5 minutes or so...
Used a hand mixer thingy (bamix style) to blend it up leaving a few small lumps is fine (be careful it doesn't splash up into your eyes - it would be bad!)

This made 500ml of sauce with some left over as well so probably would have been closer to 600ml with the left over...

Taste is sweet but with a good kick of heat will go nicely with Chicken or pork - next time will probably use a bit less vinegar and cinnamon as they seem to overpower the rest a little. I put a drop on my finger and got the wife to taste it and she ran straigt to the fridge to get a drink (she finds Jalapeno's to be too spicy :eek: )


Try this today on a sandwich.... third hottest sauce they make and I tell you its HOT! I was buzzing for about 1/2 hour.
:lol: Thats a classic InCider!

With an abundance of Bhut jalokias i decided to make a Madras Curry based sauce.

No curry paste from a jar here though.

Here is what i did.

Heat a table spoon oil in a pot and drop a tsp of mustard seeds (mix of light and dark) in the oil. The desired wersult is to have the oil hot enough to make the seeds pop but not burn. You will want to put a lid on while they pop.

I then threw in 3 finly chopped Challots, a diced clove of garlic and a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger.

Let fry gently for a minuite and droped in the crushed dry spices. All the seeds go in the morter and pastle and get ground to powder.

1 teaspoon Cumin seeds
2 teaspoons coriander seeds
1/2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
1/2 teaspoon ground tumeric
1/2 teaspoon ground smoked Paprika
6 black pepper corns
1 teaspoon salt
2 whole cloves

Stir this in for 30 seconds and chuck in 2 skinned and seeded tomatoes and 4 Bhut Jalokias...... all coursly chopped. I also chucked in half a cinemon stick and a teaspoon of sugar at this point. I let this come up to the simmer and poured in about an equal quantity of white vinigar to what was already in the pot. Half a cup id say.

Then in went about half a dozen fresh curry leaves and with the lid on..... simmered for 5 to 10 minuited to soften everything up.

Poured in the Food Processor and with the blades running, sprinkled in about 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon of xanthan gum.

Poured strain into bottles hot.

Its bloody delicious and will just get better as it ages a bit and all the spice flavours come out to play.



My "recipe to be done' folder in beersmith is large enough thanks to this site

With all the chilli based recipes i have another folder on the computer. :icon_drool2:

Tony - you seriously should start your own chilli sauce business online. Most of these joints only have hot sauces but you make everything from mango based sauces you could marinate chicken in to indian curry pastes!

Love your work :super:
Ahhhh thanks mate but i just dont have the time of buisness knowledge on how to go about it.

A fella i know in QLD ownes a cafe and was making sauce like this and selling it from the shop. He put it on ebay and because he offered something different and nice (without getting a fat head.....mine are comparable) he is now going to start the sauce thing up as a full time buisness and expand to America in a year of so.

To do this you need land to grow a large crop of chillis and also need to live somewhere like Qld where they grow bigger and produce longer.

I hardly have time to brew let along make sauce for the masses :)

Would be fun though.

Harvested a lot of Bhut Jalokias off my plant today. With all this rain i didnt want them to start to rot on the plant. I have already taken about a dozen off the plant before this and there is still a dozen more on the plant half ripe. And its flowering again :eek:


I cut most of them in half, de-seeded them to save the seeds and have them in the dehydrator now drying to store away. I kept these ones and froze for sauce making untill i get a fresh crop. They are wicked looking.


here is what they look like inside. THey are wet and yellow with capcicum oil (the pure hot stuff) and have a pungent smell. You should smell my garage while they are drying. The chilli equivilent of hops in the boil.


and lots of seeds for my AHB fellow chilli heads!


They look EVIL! Hope you were wearing gloves whilst de-seeding them :eek:
I picked my first and only hab last night. It's about 1cm^3, and there are no other buds even looking promising. *sigh* Been too hot and dry down here. I've been able to keep the plants alive, but they're half the size last years plants were at the same time, and last year I had heaps of green ones.

In a flair of culinary genius, I'll chop it up with some garlic and mix it with some butter to go on my steak tonight.

BTW, anyone else in melbourne having trouble with pollination this year? I'm having to hit everything with a feather cause there are NO bees around...
Yeah mate...... surgical gloves and safety glasses.

Was thinking of getting a condom and cutting the end off for when i went for a pee :p

Your not on my list for seeds Steve.

Want some?
Your Postal address might help mate :)

PM me!
