Chilli! All Things Chillies.

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Hi steve... lots of chilli varieties do this..... they are known to grow 'Erect" i have 9 Naga Jolokia plants growing and one of them is producing erect chillies. I also hav one called bancock upright..... speaks for itsself.

Most of the ones im growing grow down but some grow up...... it depends on the type. The ones in the pic growing up are a rare type from the peruvian mountains called goatsweed and they are suposed to be bloody hot.


How bizarre! Do you know if they have been modified to grow erect or is it natural? If natural, maybe they've modified their growth over the centuries in the hope they can attract some birds (from above) to eat them as the ground dwelling animals have given up and got the ***** :lol: Or maybe they have modified themselves to stop ground animals from eating them? Interrrrresting.

P.S. Some good looking chilli plants in that website too.
P.P.S. My little green habenero plant is really taking off. The biggest fruits are about 5-6 cms long. How long do they grow and when do I know when to pick them?
I prefer to taste my food.

That is the key to good/well made Indian food when using chillis. No matter how hot it is you should be able to still taste everything in it. Ive been cooking Indian for years and recently went to Indian cooking classes (night school). It was heaven!
Hey steve.

I think they naturally grow erect. i have a few different varieties that grow that way in the garden ATM.

is you habanero plant green of does it grow green habs? thay all start out green and can turn orange, red, brown, white, yellow, peach and god knows what else but there is a variety called the green habanero.

which one are you growing. i have orange habs and they are all green

they turn orange when they are ripe


Any of you chilli growers know whether seeds from a chilli that has been frozen are likely to germinate?

I froze all my orange habs last year and was thinking i could use these seeds?

Otherwsie - the link Tony provided has me salivating.... one of each please!
They'll be fine DrSmurto - the 10 year old plant of mine germinated from frozen seed sitting in the freezer for 10 years. There's one way to find out.
First harvest today....... well minus one of each that got eaten last weekend.

WOW wasnt that an experience.

They are Orange Habs and Goatsweed!

The orange hab was hot but not as hot as i expected from all the hype. It was nice but i was a tad disapointed...... i thought it would hurt.

THe goatsweed on the other hand was a nasty little bugger. My brother and i ate a nice big chunk each, seeds and all. We spent 10 minuites feeling like we had a hot coal in our mouths. Then you get the big rush at the end which is great.

The kids (teenage) asked if they could try some....... sure i said :p

So i cut them a 2mm thick sliver each and put it on theit tongue so they didnt have to touch it....... mouth is bad but eyes are worse. They were told to chew it up and swallow it..... and they did.

It took about 20 seconds and theit faces went bright red, theit eyes watered and they were dancing around like a troop if those irish dancers :lol: I had a second bit and this time it was worse. I went out the back year cause my mouth was watering so bad i almost threw up. Oh god it was hot.

My brother and i both decided that these little red buggers are way hotter than the habaners's. As Alli G would say.... RESPECT!

Its been raining all day here and its suposed to rain for the next week so i deciced to pick the ripe chillis as i didnt want them to rot. there are more half ripe and i wanted to pick a heap at once and make sauce but these are going in the freezer where they wont rot in the wet.


We made pizzas last night. After a couple of beers I decided I was going to chuck one of my green habeneros on half. I picked the biggest one. Now for some reason which I cannot fathom (probably the beer). I wanted to see what it tasted like before putting it on the pizza so I bit the tail off! :eek: holy crap :eek: hot hot hot. I was very pleased so chopped it up and placed it on half of the two pizzas. Waited with baited breath for them to cook - I was salivating. Onc cooked I hooked in and was quite disappointed - could hardly taste the habenero :( It was there but very faint. Maybe I picked it too early?
THe goatsweed on the other hand was a nasty little bugger. My brother and i ate a nice big chunk each, seeds and all. We spent 10 minuites feeling like we had a hot coal in our mouths. Then you get the big rush at the end which is great.


Do you have any photos of that goatsweed bush? The chillis looks exactly like the ones growing on my unidentified bush and they are warmish so they could be the same ones. Wouldn't have said they were hotter than habs though.

Yep... here is the plant..... this pic is a couple of weeks old now..... its bigger and im taking ripe chillis off it.

It has fuzzy fury stems and leaves on the back and its soft like velvet. The chilllis are green with a kind of black protective coating on them and when they ripen they go red.

They are bloody hot.


In this pic below i have my second harvest of orange habs and goatsweed. I ate one of the orange habs...... just bit the bugger off and drooled for 5 min in the backyard :)

i didnt go for another goeasweed..... they are mean compared to a Hab. I ate half of one and it burnt more and gave me a gut ache all night.

here is my latest crop from today..... there are more ripening too.


Im plamming a mango based sauce and perhaps a pinaple based sauce for them. Will be great on icecream and pork chops.

I have some seeds comming from Trinidad in the west indies for these babies.
Trinidad Scorpions! 900,000 SHU.


Yep... here is the plant..... this pic is a couple of weeks old now..... its bigger and im taking ripe chillis off it.

It has fuzzy fury stems and leaves on the back and its soft like velvet. The chilllis are green with a kind of black protective coating on them and when they ripen they go red.

Thanks Tony

By the looks of it mine isn't a goatsweed. The chilis look the same when ripe but lack the black coating and the plant is very diferent. Guess mine will stay unidentified for a while longer.

I'm seeing the first little fruits for on my Orange Habanero so will be able to sample soonish.

Airgead, you might have a Birdseye chilli plant on your hands?
I'm seeing the first little fruits for on my Orange Habanero so will be able to sample soonish.

Airgead, you might have a Birdseye chilli plant on your hands?

Yeah.. thats what the current theory is. I usually grow my chillis from seed so I know what they are but this particular one I was given. Its the most prolific of any chilli I have ever grown. Its nearly 5 feet high and I pick hundreds off it every year.

*sigh* I was hopeing for something more exotic but there you go.

If you hadn't already found these guys in Adelaide, Chile Mojo.
Massive selection of hot sauces, dried chillis, chilli seeds, chilli giftware, their own chile con carne, spice rubs and mixes.
They couple that run it are also brewers, which is how I met them.
I've only been down there once but I'll be back for lots more sauce.

Chile Mojo
225b The Parade (Bus stop 10, near Portrush Rd)
Norwood SA 5067
08-8333 1931
Chile Mojo green habenero has sprouted a little orange one! Maybe the green ones will turn orange? Any ideas? They are the same shape but a bit smaller than the orange ones in Tonys pic.
steve mine start green and turn orange.

Or do you have a "green Habanero" plant? Im sure there is such a thing but im not sure why you would grow one when there are such a diversa variety of chillis in the variety.

Orange, red, white bullet, chocolate, peach, yellow and god knows what else.

If your in a colder climate they will grow smaller. Poeple i talk to on a chilli forum like this, that live in england cant believe how big the chillis grow here in australia........ its so cold there they are lucky to bigger than a bunger marbel half the time. some of mine weighed in at 18 grams each! and god they are hot!

I jusy checked my plants nad i have another dozen ripeening orange habs and heaps of goatsweeds.

Hot sauce heaven here i come............ im going to get a few mangoes and make a sauce with mango, garlic, lime juice and heaps of Habs to make it really hot and spicy.

will post details when i do it......... its still in the research stage and im waiting for cheap ripe mangoes at the end of the season.

HEy airgead

does this look similar?


If you can post a pic it would be great...... i may be able to help.... or find out for you.

are they growing erect or down?

Well i threw all the rotting chilles that were left over from Incider at the case swap in to a couple of pots with some potting mix..
and Walah!!
There is an assortment in there so pretty soon when have some spare time i will seperate them and pot them in some more pots... then possibly into the garden..

Sqyre... ;)
made the 3rd harvest today.

A heap of orange habaneros, a heap of goatsweed's and 3 Naga Jolokia PC-1 chillis.

next thing is to get some mangoes and make something wonderfull with all those orange habs. Something that will go on chicken, pork or icecream!

will let you know the recipe when i finalise it and make sure its good :)


made the 3rd harvest today.

A heap of orange habaneros, a heap of goatsweed's and 3 Naga Jolokia PC-1 chillis.

next thing is to get some mangoes and make something wonderfull with all those orange habs. Something that will go on chicken, pork or icecream!

will let you know the recipe when i finalise it and make sure its good :)


DrSmurtos Ringburner Chicken

Basically a Jamaican jerk sauce. Goes well on chicken or pork. Hell, i have used it as a sauce to go on snags in bread, it rocks.

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