Chilli! All Things Chillies.

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We use them like capsicums, as Cube said nice in salads. Almost no heat at all the other chilli's are a different story.
carniebrew said:
I've never looked back from El Yucateco's habanero range. The red is nearly 6,000 scoville units, and the green 9,000.
I have their Kutbil-Ik because it is available in my 2nd closest bottle-o (which also stocks extended SN range) and I say that it is not enough heat. I am sure some of the super hot chillis in this thread would burn me a new one, but I was disappointed with the heat out of this exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtra (or however many x'es) sauce. I reach for the Chef Kenny hot sauce that you can get here and it has decent heat but also flavour, but it also uses a little bhut to boost.


I dont know what I would do without (well I do...but u guys are legends)

So, I have tossed the affected plants. It seems you are probably right and its some sort of virus/leaf curl thingy. SO no stuffing around. As much as it hurts to pull the trees out, they are now GONE!

I am getting a few new seedlings so that will sort me out.

In the meantime the tomatoes and sunflowers I was growing are now GONE too... :) I didnt really like them anyway, but the whitefly sure did.

I am spraying pyrethurum every couple of days and I will do this more religiously from now on.

Cheers lads, thanks again.

I hope it doesnt come back!
Cube said:
Toss it before it infects the others. Seen it in my lot and it decimated the rest like fruit fly did the season before. A virus I think I traced it down to. Leaf curl and yellowing leaves is not a good combo.
felten said:
I've got the same problem as you Rendo, I planted a few dozen plants and some of them in certain areas of the garden look exactly like yours. Strangely enough, all of the infected ones ended up next to established tomatoes.

I picked the curly parts off some of my plants and the growth came back healthy and green, something you could try maybe.

ed; here's a pic of one where I pinched the infected growth out, still not fully grown.
Bribie G said:
Yup, leaf curl and whitefly. There are a couple of things you can try. Batz will jump up and down :p but I go in with the big guns and spray with Confidor early in the season then every couple of weeks - it's a systemic insecticide and eventually if you eat 15Kg of chillies a week you will glow in the dark and your dick will drop off. However the whitefly will be kept at bay. It's at any supermarket.

You can also try a copper spray which coats the leaves with white gungy stuff, but it saved my plants on Bribie Island last year.

I'm growing my collection in pots - a prolific Thai bullet style that's a killer, a long green Thai called "Fire" and a nice big fleshy mild thingo that you can stuff. I'm now self sufficient after only 3 months here, and with chillies at $30 a kilo you'd be crazy not to grow your own.
Gryphon Brewing said:
Ok I have a fruit problem, all my plants (thanks Tony) are in the ground and doing well but I cant get the the flowers to fruit they just drop.
I only have two plants each with a single Seven pod the rest nothing . The plants only get partial sun and have had several runs of flowers but F- all fruit.
I have a generic long chilli next to them (hotties) and it has heaps of tasty things on it. WTF??
Try feeding them with Saesol.

Something with no nitrogen in it...... just the P and K

Lots of nitrogen will see a huge plant but fruit tends to drop off.

I tend to feed mine with a N rich liquid fert as they grow and as flowering starts i back off the N and increase the P K
RENDO: Back off on the pyrethurum and up the white oil spray and see how that goes. Google homemade white oil. Basically a soapy spray mixture that lots and lots of bugs hate. It's a fine line between nuking some baddies and also getting rid of the goodies and a nice balance. I work outside lots and I actually have a large coffee jar that I swoop up any good ladybugs on my travels and bring home and release them into my garden :) They are relentless predators and only leave when the food runs out!

Like you I learnt that growing tomatoes are great for destroying your other garden as it brings in pest after pest after pest. I gave up on tomatoes two years ago and my 'issues' have dropped significantly.
Seasol is on special at Bunnings, a twin pack for about $12 - I have a couple of tablecloth sized lawns front and back of the my villa and I use Seasol plus a bit of Hortico lawn grener on them as well. Smells like you could use it in Thai cooking as well :p


seasol lawn.jpg
Speaking of seasol use powergrow(S?) for greening up (vegetation stage) every two weeks then plain seasol for fruiting stage every two weeks. Helps a huge amount in strong plants, roots and fighting pests and diseases. You can even spray it on as well and feed the plants through the leaves. Buy it in the largest bulk container you see fit. Saves a lot of money that way.
CUBE: Thanks mate. I will look up homemade white oil...happy days

Out of curiousity, why do you say back off on the pyrethurum?? Is it too strong? overkill? damaging? useless? etc etc? I am not disagreeing, at all, I just love to ask why :) Cant help myself. Does PYR kill ladybugs too?? I love those little guys....ooh I mean girls. I almost always spray PYR after the sun has gone down, as this is the best time apparently. I hear PYR kills bees and after sundown is when the bees arent so active?

My garden wont be seeing tomato plant ever again.....I've never had these issues until this year when I planted them. I didnt have these issues last year just with the sunflowers, whiteflies love sunflowers!! but might give them a rest for a while too..

OFF TOPIC: attached is a pic of this years sunflowers... :)

Cube said:
RENDO: Back off on the pyrethurum and up the white oil spray and see how that goes. Google homemade white oil. Basically a soapy spray mixture that lots and lots of bugs hate. It's a fine line between nuking some baddies and also getting rid of the goodies and a nice balance. I work outside lots and I actually have a large coffee jar that I swoop up any good ladybugs on my travels and bring home and release them into my garden :) They are relentless predators and only leave when the food runs out!

Like you I learnt that growing tomatoes are great for destroying your other garden as it brings in pest after pest after pest. I gave up on tomatoes two years ago and my 'issues' have dropped significantly.

Just picked the first Jalopeno harvest for a BBQ tomorrow


66 Jalopenos, some are vey mild, some are quite hot ;)

We're making jalopeno Poppers wrapped in home cured bacon

The pablanos are coming along great too, nearly as big as your hand
Stux said:
Just picked the first Jalopeno harvest for a BBQ tomorrow


66 Jalopenos, some are vey mild, some are quite hot ;)

We're making jalopeno Poppers wrapped in home cured bacon

The pablanos are coming along great too, nearly as big as your hand

I've got to get my hands on some Jalopeno seeds. yum

Here's my only chilli bush I'm not sure what it is, SWMBO got it for me. They start off purple, then yellow into orange before turning red. Once they get to red they are pretty hot.


QldKev said:
I've got to get my hands on some Jalopeno seeds. yum

I can post you some later

Hot ones or not?

Expect to have habanero and poblano later too
punkin said:
Are poppers ABT's? I love ABT's.
Yes :)

Always preferred 'poppers'

And that's what they called em in a Texas pit BBQ house I went to in Dallas ;)

"You want poppers with that?"
Stux said:
I can post you some later

Hot ones or not?

Expect to have habanero and poblano later too
Let me know when you have some seeds handy, and I'll definently take you up on that. I'm after something that has a nice taste, and can be thrown into a salad or sandwich, but has a bit of a kick. If you want some from my plant let me know, they are the best chilli I've tasted for asian cooking.

Starting a guide on how to make poppers on the ceiling?

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