Chilli! All Things Chillies.

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Toss it before it infects the others. Seen it in my lot and it decimated the rest like fruit fly did the season before. A virus I think I traced it down to. Leaf curl and yellowing leaves is not a good combo.

rendo said:
Tony & Others....


I have an issue with one of my chilli tree and I have No Fn Idea what is going on. Ive been growing chillies for years but I have never seen this.
Its my favourite 'staple' chilli too....just a simple 'bullet style' chilli like you see everywhere, packs a punch, grows big, very prolific, great for making a killer powder, but certainly not habanero hot.

Anyhow, attached is a picture of a 'good tree'. Planted at the same time as the 'bad tree'. Same seed stock, same everything just a few metres apart in the same garden bed.

Its like the leaves have all shrivelled up and become crinkly and thick/waxy.....really odd.

Any ideas please?

I know I have not underwatered it?
Over fertilised it?? I did use blood n bone I think
Is there disease in the soil/roots?
I had a cover of about 1-2 inches of lucerne hay thinking it would be good, freaked out when it 'shrivelled', removed the hay, no change
Umm any other it a bug of some sort?? I dont think so...I cant see any evidence of bugs. The trees right adjacent to it (butch T) have no issues at all

Outta ideas :)

What is it about home brewers all being into the same stuff? Since joining several home brewing forums I have noticed that most brewers also have a love of gardening, cooking, and in most cases, Chilli!

I grow a Cayenne plant every year, and every now and then I will pick a hotter variety. Last year I grew a Bhut Jolokia and ended up giving it away by the shopping bag full. Never have I had such a ridiculously hot plant produce so much fruit. I like the orange Habaneros, but that is as far as I go.

I apologise if this recipe has been posted previously, and it's not my own. I got it from a cool little book that I own called "The Pepper Pantry". The book is shaped like a lumpy pile of chillies, and has some great stuff. I made this recipe several times with orange habs, and once with some red ones. They all turned out excellent. The citrus flavour makes it perfect for chicken and fish, but probably not great for red meat.

1 ½ cups chopped carrots
1 onion, chopped
1 ½ cup lime juice
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp salt
1 cup chopped habanero chilies, about 12 chilies

1. Combine all the ingredients, except for the habaneros, in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes or until the carrots are soft. (Adjust the heat by adding fewer habaneros – not by increasing the carrots, as this can alter the flavor.)
2. Place all the ingredients in a blender or food processor and puree until smooth. Strain for a smoother sauce.
3. Pour in sterilized jars and refrigerate.

Haven't made any for a while. Maybe this will be the year? :icon_drool2:
Phillo said:
I apologise if this recipe has been posted previously, and it's not my own. I got it from a cool little book that I own called "The Pepper Pantry". The book is shaped like a lumpy pile of chillies, and has some great stuff. I made this recipe several times with orange habs, and once with some red ones. They all turned out excellent. The citrus flavour makes it perfect for chicken and fish, but probably not great for red meat.
I don't have that book but I make a sauce similar to the one you've posted. It may seem weird but I love it on eggs.
punkin said:
Tony, i know you have probably already done this somewhere in the previous 50 pages, but can you post a recipe for your fruit fly bait please?

Love the tampon idea and the traps seem very effective without the stinking mess of the fruit drink based recipes.
Recipe is simple.

Drive to bunnings
Buy yellow satchel with the tampon in it.
Open and install in prepared chinese container.

watch bastard queenslanders die
I've got the same problem as you Rendo, I planted a few dozen plants and some of them in certain areas of the garden look exactly like yours. Strangely enough, all of the infected ones ended up next to established tomatoes.

I picked the curly parts off some of my plants and the growth came back healthy and green, something you could try maybe.

ed; here's a pic of one where I pinched the infected growth out, still not fully grown.
felten said:
I've got the same problem as you rendo, I planted a few dozen plants and some of them in certain areas of the garden look exactly like yours.

I picked the curly parts off some of my plants and the growth came back healthy and green, something you could try maybe.

It's a leaf curl the virus is generally transmitted by whitefly, you need a natural spray quick.

That makes sense, the tomatoes right next to it are infested with whitefly ATM.
It's been tough on plants this year, hot with little rain and this means plants find it hard to cope with pests and diseases. They need a little help now and natural sprays will give you the best results.....Oh and cost you nothing.

I started using gogo juice on mine. that stuff must be steriods for plants hops and chillis have gone beserk!
Tony said:
Recipe is simple.

Drive to bunnings
Buy yellow satchel with the tampon in it.
Open and install in prepared chinese container.

watch bastard queenslanders die

Aaahh...ok thanks
Yup, leaf curl and whitefly. There are a couple of things you can try. Batz will jump up and down :p but I go in with the big guns and spray with Confidor early in the season then every couple of weeks - it's a systemic insecticide and eventually if you eat 15Kg of chillies a week you will glow in the dark and your dick will drop off. However the whitefly will be kept at bay. It's at any supermarket.

You can also try a copper spray which coats the leaves with white gungy stuff, but it saved my plants on Bribie Island last year.

I'm growing my collection in pots - a prolific Thai bullet style that's a killer, a long green Thai called "Fire" and a nice big fleshy mild thingo that you can stuff. I'm now self sufficient after only 3 months here, and with chillies at $30 a kilo you'd be crazy not to grow your own.


Trick with pots is to use a top quality potting mix, refresh it with some osmocote slow release now and again, and give them a dose of Seasol every couple of weeks to snack on. You'll see that some of the older leaves were a bit yellowish, I fixed that by adding just a dash of lawn greener which I guess is mostly urea. But not enough to suppress fruiting. I also give all my plants including the lawns a dilute dose of Epsom Salts - just a pinch to a pot. The key atom in a chlorophyll molecule is Magnesium. boom tish.
Ok I have a fruit problem, all my plants (thanks Tony) are in the ground and doing well but I cant get the the flowers to fruit they just drop.
I only have two plants each with a single Seven pod the rest nothing . The plants only get partial sun and have had several runs of flowers but F- all fruit.
I have a generic long chilli next to them (hotties) and it has heaps of tasty things on it. WTF??
If anyone prefers to cheat occasionally and let someone else do the growing, I've never looked back from El Yucateco's habanero range. The red is nearly 6,000 scoville units, and the green 9,000. I find the red goes well directly added to food such as burrito's, chili dogs etc, whereas the green I prefer to use when cooking. Either way you need no more than a couple of drops of either to make a huge difference.

Haven't yet worked up the courage to try it in beer.

I bought mine originally from Mamasita's in Melbourne, but you can also get them online at Fireworks Foods.
Gryphon Brewing said:
Ok I have a fruit problem, all my plants (thanks Tony) are in the ground and doing well but I cant get the the flowers to fruit they just drop.
I only have two plants each with a single Seven pod the rest nothing . The plants only get partial sun and have had several runs of flowers but F- all fruit.
I have a generic long chilli next to them (hotties) and it has heaps of tasty things on it. WTF??
Do you have plenty of bees Nev? Sounds a bit like they are not getting set.
Batz said:
Do you have plenty of bees Nev? Sounds a bit like they are not getting set.
Yes plenty of bees but dont see alot around the Chilli's may have to get the paint brush out next round of flowers ??
The milder ones with fruit have much larger flowers than the hotties, wonder if that matters ??
I only have a couple of chilli plants this year, but they are doing well.


Those bishops hats grow huge. I've seen them wild and crap do they grow big!

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