Chilli! All Things Chillies.

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Hey Tony,

Check out what they're doing with your chillies!

"World's hottest chilli: the new weapon against terrorism"

SMH Chilli link
Time for some pods.....

Bhut Jolokia:


Tai Hots:



Goats weed:

Coming along is the devils tongue - pods soon. Have hundreds of rainbows in the freezer now.
7 pots are not doing much although due to one being raped by bugs and both smashed by all the rain lately. They're just now starting to recover now.
From Tonys seeds ive ended up with 1 goats weed plant and bout 6 bhuts. Ive taken 3 chillis off the goats weed. When are you meant to take them off when they are black or red? The bhuts are very healthy (and big) with lots of flowers but but no fruit yet, with about 2-3 weeks to go before the frosts start its just getting too cold for them down here. Ive taken the goats weed and a couple of bhuts out of the ground and into pots to move undercover from the inevitable frosts of an evening. ***** me to tears.
Goats weeds go from green to black to red when ripe. I am using a few methods of helping the pollination along. One is the old tomato method and shake the plant so the flowers move and another is using a soft brush and run it over the flowers. One brush per species of course. Works well. I have found the flowers on the super hots real pansy to movement so they get the brush.
Crikey the goatsweeds are bitter arent they. I finely chopped one and spinkled on my salad the other night (as you do with untried, strange chillies) to go with steak n chips. The heat was great, but bloody bitter, couldnt finish it. What do you guys do with your goatsweeds?

Hey some good news too....ive got one of the bhut plants covered in fruit. Im going to take it out of the ground very soon and stick it in a pot out of the oncoming frosts.

Also I have some plants which I thought were the normal green chillies that you get from woolies (I always plant a few of those). But these one are smaller fruit and they are growing upwards. I think it might be the devils tongue. I'll take some pics today and post them.!


Edit....i'll be taking all the plants out of the ground and into a nice warm sunny sheltered spot. See how they go over winter.
Crikey the goatsweeds are bitter arent they. I finely chopped one and spinkled on my salad the other night (as you do with untried, strange chillies) to go with steak n chips. The heat was great, but bloody bitter, couldnt finish it. What do you guys do with your goatsweeds?

Hey some good news too....ive got one of the bhut plants covered in fruit. Im going to take it out of the ground very soon and stick it in a pot out of the oncoming frosts.

Also I have some plants which I thought were the normal green chillies that you get from woolies (I always plant a few of those). But these one are smaller fruit and they are growing upwards. I think it might be the devils tongue. I'll take some pics today and post them.!


Edit....i'll be taking all the plants out of the ground and into a nice warm sunny sheltered spot. See how they go over winter.

Heres my chilli patch:


my Bhut babies. Its weird, only one has fruit out of 6 plants. The others are covered in flowers though:


and the ones I think might be devils tongues:


my scraggly, rough as guts goats weed (with a bhut behind). This thing has had a hard life. Plucked out of the dirt as a seedling, rolled over with a toy lawn mower, emptied out of the pot and dragged round the yard by the dog (she did that only once!):


Given another 2-3 months and they'd be fine but Canberra is now below 10 at night. Our first frosts are usually round about now and they'll be cactus. Taking them out this arvo into pots.

Thanks Tony!
Probably the last lot of pics of my chilli season. THe leaves ate turning yellow and dropping off, flowering has all but stopped and they are starting to rot before they ripen from the colder weather.

I have a good stock in the freezer though :)

here are some nice Bhut Jalokias i picked the other day. They are going in some sauce very soon.


One of the last 7 Pods to ripen. THere are a a few more green ones left on there to come.


Ripe Fatalii


And Faria..... the Tobago Scotch Bonnet. These are great! GOing to over winter this one!


Self Sown Goatsweed. These things have been coming up like weeds all summer. I let this one run from Xmas time. Its still flowering like mad. THe Goatsweed are actually quite cold tollerant.



The Douglah plant was a bit of a flop. The fruit flys took out half the crop and the rest kind of rot as they ripen..... too much rail of late i think


Made my first batch of sauce today from 20 of the 95 Thai Hots I harvested today.

1 kg skinned tomatoes
4 tbls spoons garlic
1 cup vinegar
1 cup water
heaps of basil from garden
tin pineapple chunks
salt and pepper
tsp paprika
tsp oregano from garden ( dried )
tsp lemon thyme from garden ( dried )
dribble white wine vinegar

Usual fry onions, garlic, chilli etc. boil down then magic bullet the crap out of it and got the below pics of it. How long will this last? Do I fridge it all now or when I open a bottle fridge and use with a week? Bung the rest in the cupboard for 2 months max? I'll need to give most of it away if it only lasts a few weeks....






Cube...... i make sauce by simmering it for 10 min and using vinigar and it lasts in the cupboard indefinatly. I have had some here for 12 months and its fine. The flavour dies off but its still fine. I like to use it before this though so if i have an over stock after a couple months, i give it away and make more fresh.

In the fridge it will last ages!

That Bhut looks wind too...... what are you going to do with it? :)
Hey Tony. Glad you asked about the bhut. Have a couple of devil tongues coming along as well and plenty of goats. Would like to bottle something with each to get more knowledge of heat and flavour of each type. So - one bhut.... a sauce and a slither to try raw. Suggestions on a maybe 1/2 litre of sauce with a single bhut or whatever you recommend??
Mmmmmm Sauce with Bhuts. :)

Id say make a simple tomatoe based hot sauce.

2 or 3 nice roma's, skinned and seeded, chopped. Drop them in a pot with the chopped Bhut, half a griled and skinned red capcicum, big pinch (5 fingered) of salt, pepper, a chopped garlic clove, teaspoon yellow mustard seeds and a good pinch of dried oregano. Pour in about 1/3 cup of white vinigar and simmer (lid on) for 15 min to soften, steralise and intigrate flavours.

Pour it in the feed processor and blitz it. It will be quite watery so you need to get yourself some Xanthan gum (health food store) and sprinkle about 1/4 teaspoon in while its hot and blending. Too much and it will go like jelly when cold. Its right when it just kind of holds bubbles when hot but is still fluid and watery. This method maked the smoothest, most wonderfully flavoured sauce. Much better than boiling all the flavours out of it.

If your game, give my indian sauce a go...... full recipe and instructions are a few pages back on here.

Use the Devil Tongues in a simple pinaple based sauce..... recipe and instructions also a few pages back.

Highly recomended sauces.

I make the hot sauce above a lot with a couple bhuts of 7 Pods in it. Its wonderful!

Thanks Tony. I have those recipes on hard drive :) I will grab some of that gum. I tried to get some today actually but found none. Now I know where to get if from I'll be all set.

Will report on out come....... :)
Just remember to go easy on the gum.

Might be a good idea to have a trial run with a can of cheap tomatoes and some vinigar first..... heat it, and sprinkle in some gum while its blending...... its Really easy to stuff up by adding too much.

A trial run will give you some confidence using the stuff. I have turned a couple batches to jelly by thinking..... Ohhh its still wattery, it needs just a sprinkle more.

A Fellow Chilli head i know is starting out home brewing....... he is a member here but lurks.

He grows some champion chillis, and dropped some around last night, for me to try and save seeds from :)

here is the haul. THere were a couple other yellow varieties that i forgot..... and will save the seeds from as well.


He got much better Douglah seeds than i did, and i will be stripping some of these of seeds and drying them..... some will go in a Douglah hot sauce :) Still dreaming up how to make it. They are the Real Deal!


Some awsome Naga Morich


Yellow 7 Pods. Very hard to get these.


These 7 Pods are huge! We broke a small one in half last night and they smell exactly the same as mine... and are all yellow and sticky inside with capcicum oils! VERY SCARY CHILLIS!



And a few very hard to get Trinidad Scorpions.... with tails! Will be collecting every seed from these!


Just thought you all may like to see some awsome and extremely rare chillis. Cant wait till next spring now!

Oh god oh god oh god. Immediate chubby. Do I need to bribe you to remember :wub: my addy for seeds?....
Here is my only Bhut so far. A sauce awaits this one. I swear it is giving me the one finger salute!




Here is my only Bhut so far. A sauce awaits this one. I swear it is giving me the one finger salute!

They're mean looking bastards arent they?

Tony what do you do with your goats weed chillies as the one I had the other night was nice but very bitter. Admittedly it wasnt ripe, it was black instead of red. Do they sweeten up a bit the more they mature?

Nice looking chillies from your mate too Tony.

Cube, definately go the sauce with vinegar instead of water. Preferably malt vinegar I think from memory.

They're mean looking bastards arent they?

Cube, definately go the sauce with vinegar instead of water. Preferably malt vinegar I think from memory.


So replace all the water with vinegar huh. I got the recipe base from here. Will do all vinegar for the bhut sauce. Cheers.
So replace all the water with vinegar huh. I got the recipe base from here. Will do all vinegar for the bhut sauce. Cheers.

This is the recipe for the last lot of sauce I made which was very nice.

Tropical Summer Sauce

12 Orange habs
1 cup white vinegar
2 cup apple juice
1 cup water
1/4 cup lime juice
tbspn cinnamon powder
1/2 tin pineapple chunks
1/2 tin mango slices
1/2 tin apricot and peach slices
tspn salt
few drops of red food colouring.

Cider vinegar works well too.
Just make it up, chop n change to suit.

Hey Steve.

They are a fairly bitter chilli but get really hot when they are red.

Good in a Vindalo thats already acidic from vinigar or a tart tomatoe chutney.

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