Chicken Set To Double In Price

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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Two companies produce most of the chicken meat in Australia, and have been in a price war recently. That's why chicken breasts and thigh fillets are currently available for less than $8 a kilo. They "should" be up around $11 a kilo which is where they were up till about a year ago.

However with the continuing USA drought, grain prices are soaring again and the chicken guys reckon that two things will happen over the next year if the drought doesn't break:

1. prices will fairly quickly revert to "market" at around $11 starting this week.
2. prices will then rise, possibly by as much as 40% over the next year to around $15 - $16 a kilo.

However there is a glut of red meat at the moment so many consumers will switch to beef. (I currently buy whole Black Angus Grass fed rumps from my butcher for $12 a kilo for example)

Time to fill the chest freezer. Who needs all those silly kegs in there anyway <_<
Whole chickens can be had from $2.99 a kilo. Why bother with buying marylands, breasts etc when it's basic knife skills to cut up a chicken raw or cooked?

Super butcher whole 1.6 kg chickens at $6.99 this week or good old Aldi normal $2.99 a kilo whole chickens for the win :)
I buy the chicken leg packs from Aldi, you get 5-6 big egs for about $5.

Perfect for the kids.

Lucky the also like steak. Full Rumps are about $10kg here
Whole chickens can be had from $2.99 a kilo. Why bother with buying marylands, breasts etc when it's basic knife skills to cut up a chicken raw or cooked?

Super butcher whole 1.6 kg chickens at $6.99 this week or good old Aldi normal $2.99 a kilo whole chickens for the win :)

i do the same
i often pick up the markdown whole chooks at W or C and bone them out for the breasts and the rest into marinated pieces
if i could be bothered i also boil the carcass for stock
my local woolies deli were over supplied with breast the other week and marked it down to $4.99 so i stocked up :)

for the red meat
there is a whole sale butcher in the lytton road morningside area doing Teys eye-fillets for $16 a kg and rib-fillet for $11
So, who's up for a delicious chunk of coagulated soy milk..

Oooooo some of that would go down a treat with some weetbix.

Nothing like coagulated soy chunks dampening some otherwise dry-assed weetbix...
Whacky tree hugging vegan hippy greens voters ????

Watch it.. I'm a hippy green voter and I had lamb shanks last night (shank tagine with quinces, dates and honey :icon_drool2: ).

I buy my chicken direct from a chicken factory about 5 minutes from my place. Quality=excellent. Price=cheap.

I used to be on the Paleolithic sub-forum of Active Low Carber Forum. It's a great way of eating provided you realise that there's more to an animal than just muscle meat - amazing what you can do with livers, hearts etc. Anyway I got chucked off because I called another member a wanker. Didn't realise that although it's a US forum, one of the mods in an Aussie.

Grab the axe, fresh organic chicken, nice plump birds with no chemicals etc. Waste chicken bits go into the garden, feathers into the worm farm, worm casings onto the hops, hops into the beer, waste grain fed to the chickens.

Grab the axe, fresh organic chicken, nice plump birds with no chemicals etc. Waste chicken bits go into the garden, feathers into the worm farm, worm casings onto the hops, hops into the beer, waste grain fed to the chickens.


The circle of life... via beer.