check my recipe please

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hi all

do you think this will turn out good

1 x coopers real ale
1.5kg light DME

20g amarillo 10min
20g cascade 5min
20g galaxy dry hop or just some more amarillo/cascade


done to 21Lt it shows OG1.052 FG1.013 45IBU 5.1ABV in the keg

20min you think?
at what rate?
it all ready got 33.3IBU from the kit

20 g cascade.Cascade's not that high in AA so a 20 min addition wont make it crazy bitter but should offset some of the residual sweetness of the 1.5 kg LDME and give a nice flavour hit.
ok changed to this and updated cascade AA% so works ok

20g cascade 20min
20g amarillo 10min
20g cascade 5min
20g galaxy dry hop

wondering if I should go 1kg DME and add 500g dex to dry it out a bit?
is this how it works??
Depends what you like. The dex will thin the beer out a bit. The all malt option should turn out good to just a bit maltier , sweeter and a bit more body. As before using the 20 min addition will help tame the sweetness. I would go with the all malt but that's suited to my tastes.Could try it and see what you think and then you will know.

wereprawn said:
Looks good to me. Could also use a 20 min addition.
I have made a few pales with only 15 or 10s and 5minutes.
45 Ibu as is is fine.
Why? I explained it pretty clearly above. I have made the same kit with the 20 min cascade and it turned out better IMO.
wereprawn said:
As before using the 20 min addition will help tame the sweetness.
Statement does not explain. Will, not why.
Bitterness counters sweetness. All grain beers are all malt, 45 IBU in a pale is plenty to offset sweetness.
Fair enough. 45 IBU is bitter enough for pale ale but adding the 20 min addition works better for me as I have found using all extract in many beers still to sweet without it.
thanks, will add keep the 20min addition as it will probably give a better depth of flavor
I would swap your 5 minutes Cascade for your 0 min Galaxy, will give a nicer finish IMO.
Other than that looks good.
lukasfab said:
it all ready got 33.3IBU from the kit
Where did you get that info from?

The Coopers website says that kit is 560 IBU.
560 / 21 = 26, not 33.3
It's not a big difference, but it's still good to get calculations right.
indica86 said:
And that in it's self is the wrong calculation.
IBU x weight/ volume.


560 x 1.7/ 21 = 45.
That is a big difference and it's good to get calculations right.
You may be right, but if that's the case, someone should tell IanH because that's not how his spreadsheet calulates it.

I was pretty sure when the website says 560 IBU it means the whole can contains 560 IBU. Not 560 IBU/kg

Why whould anyone measure IBU in IBU/kg?

EDIT: A quick google shows that you're right. So sorry, my bad. But they should really make that clear that it's IBU/kg when they state it. As a scientist, I really can't forgive using an incorrect unit. If you mean IBU/kg, write it. If you measure a car's fuel consumption you don't just state "7 L", you state "7 L/100km". There's clearly a big difference.
ibu of kit came from Ians spread sheet, you would asume this is correct

will see how it turns out in the next couple weeks

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