Call me unAustralian, but I thought it was harsh but fair.
Murray, I would agree with you if it wasnt given at a point in the match when there was no come-back. Surely that ref should have been thinking "Well here is a complete darkhorse that has managed to keep Italy, One of the best teams in the world at bay and now in the final 5 seconds.....THE FINAL 5 SECONDS, should I award a penalty to a team renown for diving.....right in front of their goal?"
mmmmm. I wonder.
In truth, Australia missed their chance to score in the 1/2 hour we had a one man advantage. We were probably not favourites to win a penalty shoot out............but at least we would have been given a sporting chance.
I guess thats what Australians are finding so hard to swallow. Not that we lost but how and the fact that we were not given a sporting chance.
Imagine if that penalty had not been given. There was a CHANCE that Australia would have stood proud next to Germany, France, Brazil, Argentina, England, Portugal and Ukraine in the Top Eight. A place we were not expected to be. Now that to me typifies the Australian spirit.
Further more, our next match would have been Ukraine...........
Oh well, the milk has been spilt I guess and at least we left with respect.