Cheap And Quick Beer Lables

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I just thought I would share with you the success I have had with using 24mm sticky lables.

I went to Office Works a few months back for other reasons and found these 24mm Avery sticky lables. There are 15 lables/sheet (same as a box of PET bottles) so 2 sheets for a 23l brew with 740ml bottles (sort of) and 35 sheets, 5 x 7 different colours, to a packet or 17.5 brews. At less than $10 a packet that is less than 60 cents/brew or 1/2 a cent per bottle. Ok, you need to add your own IP and the cost of your ink jet printer but it is still cheap.

The part no. is J5624AF. There is free Avery SW you can down load that works with MS Word (even old versions).

I also down loaded, on the recomendation of another AHBer, Serif Draw plus 4.0, and the only cost is a bit of spam (not much really). With it you can design lables to fit the 24mm size and then print them on to the lables. Go to

To make it work you start by opening word with the 'Avery ' button the Avery SW adds. Open Serif 4.0 and with the 'create drawing' option, get a new page size 24mm x 24mm (not cm), call it beer lable, design the label, group the design, then cut and paste it into Word. You will get the idea with a bit of effort.
Some samples

I used to use those labeld but found them a real pain in the ar*e to scrub off. These days I just write on the crown seal using a permanent marker. No cleaning required.

Have been a bit simpler than Dave to date -- just different coloured caps. However, would like to get some labels together one of these days to add a bit of fun.

Agree with Dave's concern about cleaning bottles -- tough enough job as it is. Found a tip in a book that sounds great, but have yet to try it. They suggest plain paper labels, with milk to adhere them. Stick fine unless you leave them sitting in an esky for hours and come right off when you wash your bottles...
I just stick them over the old lables. Cleaning them off is to much effort.
good stuff brewtus, i too was concerned about the getting label off situation , at the moment i print my labels on regular A4 paper cut it out and stick it onto the bottle with a watered down PVA craft clue , all it takes to get it off is an overnight soak in a bucket of cold water..

have also heard that milk works well to confirm the previous callers tip aparently works best if brushed onto the bottle rather than the label....

i anycase the only time i really add labels is when im giving the bottles to someone else and want them to look a bit better ie swaps or gifts so it not my drama to get them off but having said that i do like to make it easy as i like it to be that way myself,,
To stick the labels on I use a mix of milk, and water. (50/50 balance.)

I then paste this mix onto the back of the label, and then stick it onto the bottle. With the only small amount of milk used there is no smell after a few days, and labels peel off after about 30 seconds in warm water.

I find it a PITA when you put a label on, and it runs when it's wet. You can spray the ink on the labels with hair spray, or glue to mostly solove this issue, or if your lucky enough use a Thermal Wax printer, or Colour Laser printer to print your labels.

Just my 20c.
I used to use those labeld but found them a real pain in the ar*e to scrub off. These days I just write on the crown seal using a permanent marker. No cleaning required.
I've thought about using these labels recently, but instead of sticking them to the bottle, I was just going to stick them to the cap. No cleaning required.
a small piece of coloured sticky tape does me. Just peel it off when you change the brew. there is plenty of colours out there.

But labels are cool, especially if you want to impress the mates with your own creativity.