Cerveza Yeast

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Hi all.

I'm planning a Mexican Cerveza, Coopers kit.

Was wondering how I'd go if I was to use the kit yeast along with some S-23 and cold ferment in the fridge at about 10-12 degrees? Would the two different types of yeast make a difference?
Do a search on 'cerveza' and similar.

There was a really good thread a week or two ago which talked about a really decent recipe and method to get a good result.

That thread is certainly a step up from me slagging off against cerveza . :)

Best of luck for a tasty result.

Cheers - Fermented.

EDIT: Fixed poor grammar.
It's most certainly an ale yeast, and even at 18C produced some undesirable flavours, bit cidery, none too pleasant.
S-23 if brewed @ 10C will produce a good crisp lager. My choice would be S-189. Don't mix the yeast. Pitch the S-23 at 20C, then put your fermentor into your temp controlled fridge down to 10C. Wait 2-3weeks.

The kit is very mild, it definitely needs some extra hops, unless low flavour/low bitterness is your thing?

Haven't tried it with this kit, but should be a good one for a basic twocan.

Otherwise go for 500g LME, 250g Dex, and something like 20g Saaz/Halletau @ 15mins, 10g @ 5mins, strain the boil directly into fermentor and continue with your normal process.
Thanks for the help guys.
I was leaning towards ditching the kit yeast. I reckon I might just use the 2 x S-23 this time as it's all I have at the moment so I might as well just use it.
Also thanks for the info on the Saaz hops. I bought some loose ones to use in a Czezh Pils and have 2 x Saaz teabags which I also need to get rid of. Just a quick quuestion on that, if 1 of the bags is 15g, would i be better to use 2 x teabags to get the same effect as 30g loose boiled hops? Probably the silliest question you've all heard in a long time, but this sort of thing is all still a bit new and confusing to me.

Thanks in advance (and please don't laugh too hard) :icon_cheers:
Friends dont let friends use kit yeast.

Mommas don't let your little babies grow up to use kit yeast ... :p

I'm doing a basic Cerveza tomorrow basically for friends and family, and although it's All Grain, I'm also using a 500g tub of rice malt syrup from a Chinese supermarket. It's only $2 and has a nice malty taste and aroma which no doubt will boost the flavour. It strikes me that this substance would go well with a kit, seeing as Corona, Sol etc are riced more than a Nissan Silvia.

If it works out ok I'll be getting a 5% quaffer for less than $17.

For yeast I'm actually using US-05 and although it's an ale yeast I'll ferment it cool at 15 and it should come out nice and clean as well.

Also the hop used in Corona is Galena but it's not worth ordering the 90g unless you are going to make the stuff over and over again as you would only need about 10g per brew (boiled for an hour with some sugar in a litre of water) so a pack would last forever. I'm just using some Chinook.