Cca Buys Blue Tongue

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Just to play devils advocate a bit... I don't notice that either of Matilda Bay nor Malt shovel are not producing great, challenging beer - and both of those are owned by the current two mega brewers. Sure they produce some dross and the odd brand gets dumbed down here and there for mass appeal... but they fill the gap up at the other end with more new and sometimes really impressive beers.

Not saying Coke will do that with bluetounge, but its not a done deal. And besides .... bluetounge was a micro of the type that seemed to be trying as hard as it could to make mass appeal bland mega lager in the first place. IMHO there's at least a 50/50chance that the beer will get better after the sale, it wasn't that good before hand. Hardly a tragedy that the very rich man who used to own it and manage it for mass appeal, sold it to a very rich company that will also manage it for mass appeal.

<climbs onto highhorse>

People's weird animosity towards the big brewers has me completely buggered??? The only thing that the big breweries do.... is make a product that doesn't appeal to you, but on the flipside does appeal to 90% of all the other beer drinkers in the country. They don't come round to your house and twist your arm till you agree to drink their beer.

Its not like people don't have a choice, the micro brewing industry is flourishing and the number of different beers available is getting to be pretty large. And its not like the big breweries are trying to stop it, in fact part of the reason that it is flourishing is because of the beers of Malt Shovel, Matilda bay, Knappstein, Pepperjack ale... all owned by the mega brewers. So I don't quite get where they are the devil incarnate of the beer world.

If people are drinking nasty mass produced swill .... its because they like nasty mass produced swill.

<dismounts highhorse>


Thirsty I do have to agree with your statement(begrudgingly :rolleyes: ).

What ***** me about the major corporates is things like reducing volume of products and then either keeping the price the same or increasing it. These corporations having nothing in mind but producing a product which makes a lot of money(obviously everyone has to make a dollar, but at who's expense is this dollar made??)
If people are drinking nasty mass produced swill .... its because they like nasty mass produced swill.


There is one thing that people often forget here on the AHB (ie the Aussie Home Business forum) :D

When you brew commercially, you have to "Brew the beer that you can sell"

Which is very different to "selling the beer that you brew". :eek:

ie it is not the view of the brewer that matters but the customers.

When you brew commercially, you have to "Brew the beer that you can sell"

Which is very different to "selling the beer that you brew". :eek:

ie it is not the view of the brewer that matters but the customers.


But the customer doesn't always know what he/she wants until it's available to them.

There was no market for American style pale ales in Aust until LC created it. Now there is one and everyone is having a go (with varying degrees of success).

I applaud those that do have a go at creating something different and special. JAFLs (just another f lager) are me-tooisms of the worst kind. They add nothing in terms of beer diversity, beer values or beer respect. JAFLs.
ie it is not the view of the brewer that matters but the customers.


********!(said respectfully of course :D )
That may be the case with smaller operations but as far as major corporates, the consumer is told what they will get.
Australia's premium beer market has grown 15% annually for the past six years

I still think it's that most of Australia know no better than what they grew up on or fed but time's and taste's are slowly changing.
Now the new gov just need to change the tax on micro's and everyone will be happy (maybe not the bigger players but most of the players that visit here).

- Luke

BTW: Paris (who loves the cock coke advertising) and Jamie think
JAFL's cool so it must be good..........

People's weird animosity towards the big brewers has me completely buggered???

From my point of view, it seems like the mega corps want to influence what people think is a good beer. They WANT to dumb us all down to make easy profits. They tell you that hard earned thirst needs a big cold beer. And the best cold beer is... bland mega crap.

Instead of a having a range of beers that appeal to a range of people, have one beer, and tell everyone they should like it. Then have the balls to tell everyone that Australia has good beers, and they are only giving the punter what he asks for. ********, they told the punter what he should ask for.

We as a country of beer drinkers are a laughing stock. Sheeple who buy lots of crap beer and believe it is good because the makers told us so. Just look at Crown Lager and what people are willing to pay for it.

That is why the boutique beer market is booming. People starting to realize that cold bland lagers aren't the be-all and end-all and are taking their dollars elsewhere.

The people behind VB saw this. Instead of coming up with a new interesting beer, why not water down the existing one and spend the money on advertising?

Sure it may make business sense (I'm not in a position to judge), but as a beer lover it is appalling.
Ahhh, Paris. I imagine a bloke would end up with a blue tongue. And a numb jaw.

I'd be looking for something cold and bland to gargle with.
From my point of view, it seems like the mega corps want to influence what people think is a good beer. They WANT to dumb us all down to make easy profits. They tell you that hard earned thirst needs a big cold beer. And the best cold beer is... bland mega crap.

Instead of a having a range of beers that appeal to a range of people, have one beer, and tell everyone they should like it. Then have the balls to tell everyone that Australia has good beers, and they are only giving the punter what he asks for. ********, they told the punter what he should ask for.

We as a country of beer drinkers are a laughing stock. Sheeple who buy lots of crap beer and believe it is good because the makers told us so. Just look at Crown Lager and what people are willing to pay for it.

That is why the boutique beer market is booming. People starting to realize that cold bland lagers aren't the be-all and end-all and are taking their dollars elsewhere.

The people behind VB saw this. Instead of coming up with a new interesting beer, why not water down the existing one and spend the money on advertising?

Sure it may make business sense (I'm not in a position to judge), but as a beer lover it is appalling.


+1 here.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Bluetongue beer is bland crap!

I was underwhelmed. Maybe it was the overly sweet taste that appealed to the lollywater peddlers at CCA.
********!(said respectfully of course :D )
That may be the case with smaller operations but as far as major corporates, the consumer is told what they will get.

Agreed! This is they way that it goes in many industries, especially beer, music and TV. There seems to be more and more **** being pushed out than product that is of a half-decent quality.

I don't really see CCA improving the products that it is acquiring. I see them trying to increase the bottom line by turning Blue Tongue Lager into the next Crown Lager. This isn't really improving the beer, at least not from a consumer perspective.
I was underwhelmed. Maybe it was the overly sweet taste that appealed to the lollywater peddlers at CCA.

I reckon they didn't even taste the beer. Just looked at the numbers.
I reckon they didn't even taste the beer. Just looked at the numbers.

That's all they ever look at when it comes to take overs, they'll gut it, run it into the ground and then sell it for a song.
That's all they ever look at when it comes to take overs, they'll gut it, run it into the ground and then sell it for a song.

Not before we get Vanilla Blue-tongue,Bluetongue Original, Zero Blue-tongue, Lime Blue-tongue & Cherry Blue-tongue.
I reckon they didn't even taste the beer. Just looked at the numbers.

maybe they had a couple.. as a toast after signing the takeover documents.
But after all, that's business, and no international the size of coke is going to let passion enter into their decision making - its numbers, return on investments, market share and things like that.

I don't really care if next month they're bottling the finest beverage in town or pure unrefined camel piss, ill keep shopping for beer in my garage at home...
and if that tastes like crap then ill have nobody to blame (but between you & me ill curse coke for it anyway)
Will this change Bluetongue's range of beers?
I don't actually mind their pilsner, and with CCA behind them it might become more available in pubs as an alternative to the other 'green bottle' lagers.
At least Coopers fought hard to stay independent....thank GOD for that.

At leat they produce beer with character.... :D
Just look at Crown Lager and what people are willing to pay for it.

and how they share with joy that they got it for a special occasion. this i will never understand. seriously, if you're going to spend that much, get something that tastes good!
Lets face facts, the beer isn't good and they obviosuly dont care about improving their product as they just sold to an American soft drink maker.

Producing a mediocre product on a small scale doesn't make it crafted.

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