Cat Got Your Tongue ?

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I believe you'll find more information here. From what I read the member you mentioned got warned and the other member was banned temporarily (7 days maybe) and you'll find out who by taking notice of some people's signatures.

Was it Benjamin Franklin ?
bahahahaqh ralmao

this is funny stff. i log in after a week off after my operation to find that the siutation has scaleted through the roof. I managed to catch a post by said affected member and decided to reply. before i could get my one line out it was gone. this is truely hilarious. school boys stuff.

fellas find a deserted oval, meet up and settle it like good old fashioned times. then go have a pint once its over, settled.

bit of a silly thing to do to allegedly make a death threat. should have just said he'll beat the grain and yeast out of him.

wow. seriously fellas have a look at the netrider forum. thats hardcore. mind yiou im not sating that i would want our beloved AHB to go down that route. this firum rocjks and the mods do a great job. keep the forum going and the beer flowing! this is better than bold an the beautiful.

PS yes pain killers affect speeling. :)
What operation did you have? Anything interesting? Eye lift? Nose Job? I'm saving up for a scrotum lift B) but the pec implants might have to come first.
How did that third-testicle removal go, by the way ?

I would agree, this forum is pretty high-standard, and rarely disintegrates (that is, when Im not online) like some other forums Ive seen. Im a member of a US tattoo forum, and those ******* rip into each other hard. But, um, death threats via an electronic medium, that's a bit sad. When it comes to that, a thumb-wrestle should be called without delay.

And to the victor his dexterity!
Jase, if people actually showed a bit of respect to individuals then we could truly have a censorship free forum.
Unfortunately people time and time again degrade each other and it gets personal and all of a sudden we are bottom dredging once again.
We have standards which have been set by Dane and the other moderators and that is why the membership base is actually growing rather than declining. My personal opinion is that it should be more moderated, but that is only my opinion.

We have actually disagreed before but we moved on, more people should do the same.

I would actually like to have a censorship free forum but due to individuality and free speech coupled with the lack of respect shown towards people on an electronic medai, I believe that this is an unattainable goal.

Good work by the Mods on this site to keep a site on track.

Long Live AHB in its current format!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah the 3rd testicle had to go cause i was so potent that i made girls pregnant by looking at them!. I asked the doc for a kegerator to be built into me so i had beer on tap always but they said no! had an ankle reconstruction. bloody sore. but to be expected.

one more comment on the subject. if said person receiving threat instigated the act then they should receive a ban also. sort of like the inciting violence law.
What operation did you have? Anything interesting? Eye lift? Nose Job? I'm saving up for a scrotum lift B) but the pec implants might have to come first.

Nah there is a cheaper solution:

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Jase, if people actually showed a bit of respect to individuals then we could truly have a censorship free forum.
Unfortunately people time and time again degrade each other and it gets personal and all of a sudden we are bottom dredging once again.

Ah good old fashioned blind respect, whether it's earned or not. Your post is like a time machine back to the god-fearin' 1950's.

The big issue that people have on many forums is that they do in fact take it personally. The internet, the electronic media in all its forms, the big marketing companies, they're all presenting us with offensive bile..... yet most people don't have a big spit at them when they try to infiltrate our headspace with bad intent. Forum communities should be dealt with the same way. If you don't like what 'mystery man #78915' is saying, you simply don't let it get under you skin. If you do choose to take art in the opportunity to interact with another's point of view, and argue for or against, then you need to wade in with heavy duty boots and a stainless steel codpiece. No-one's insisting you contribute simply because you happen to have read a particular post. And the joy of many forums is that you can even block all content from a specific user. If there's a universal disdain for a specific user, then sure, ban them. But that's rarely the case, most controversial members actually have a greter proportion of fellow users that admire ttheir presence, for whatever they may have to offer, whether it be sound knowledge on a subject or simply adding some colour to a greyscale landscape.

one more comment on the subject. if said person receiving threat instigated the act then they should receive a ban also. sort of like the inciting violence law.

Isn't that like blaming a rape victim for being violated ? :eek: You can't get charged for inciting violence against yourself.
if i walk up to a stranger and call him a so and so, he punches me, i incited the incident. thus i should cop some of the flak. thats inciting violence. your example shows little little knowledge of the law (i haver an advantage having been trained in criminal law amoung other things). but yes i got your point. still if someones being a total tool to cause such an incident then they should take their medicine too.
If you do choose to take art in the opportunity to interact with another's point of view, and argue for or against, then you need to wade in with heavy duty boots and a stainless steel codpiece. No-one's insisting you contribute simply because you happen to have read a particular post. And the joy of many forums is that you can even block all content from a specific user. If there's a universal disdain for a specific user, then sure, ban them. But that's rarely the case, most controversial members actually have a greter proportion of fellow users that admire ttheir presence, for whatever they may have to offer, whether it be sound knowledge on a subject or simply adding some colour to a greyscale landscape.

Very true, you`ll notice how people get bored and drift away if there`s no blood and guts or humour to keep things sparking along.
I lost count of how many messages or emails I got from people who missed all recent events, wanting to know what happened? None of them wanted to know about beer. :lol:
Just human nature I guess.
J71, where do you get those stainless steel codpieces?

Ah good old fashioned blind respect, whether it's earned or not. Your post is like a time machine back to the god-fearin' 1950's.

The big issue that people have on many forums is that they do in fact take it personally. The internet, the electronic media in all its forms, the big marketing companies, they're all presenting us with offensive bile..... yet most people don't have a big spit at them when they try to infiltrate our headspace with bad intent. Forum communities should be dealt with the same way. If you don't like what 'mystery man #78915' is saying, you simply don't let it get under you skin. If you do choose to take art in the opportunity to interact with another's point of view, and argue for or against, then you need to wade in with heavy duty boots and a stainless steel codpiece. No-one's insisting you contribute simply because you happen to have read a particular post. And the joy of many forums is that you can even block all content from a specific user. If there's a universal disdain for a specific user, then sure, ban them. But that's rarely the case, most controversial members actually have a greter proportion of fellow users that admire ttheir presence, for whatever they may have to offer, whether it be sound knowledge on a subject or simply adding some colour to a greyscale landscape.
I am a big believer in you need to show respect to earn respect, I have lived both my professional and sporting lives by this motto.
There was nothing better than going out onto the footy field and you and your opponent go at each other hammer and tongs all day but then having a beer and a laugh at the end of the day.
Same should happen on the forum you can have your disagreements and question others opinions, this is what makes us informed brewers, but at the end of the day peoples opinions are like armpits.... everybody generally has a couple of them and they generally stink.

I bring my kids up to question everything, this is what a true education entails....the thirst for knowledge.
And everybody having different views is what makes society interesting, however the basis should be respect.
Respect for each other, others property and most of all respect for yourself.

Any way too philosophical for this time of the morning, I need a beer..........
Youre right. Im rarely well versed in the law, by my own admission, but I find it very hard to believe that 'incitement of violence' pertains to someone who had just been thumped as the guilty party. You're talking about punishing the victim??? I don't doubt that you believe this to be the law, and hey, perhaps thats a fact. But it really sounds dumb. Incitement of violent acts in which others are harmed as a result of one's preplanning perhaps.

Maybe there's also a law that charges the victim of a hit & run if they happen to cross the road at a non-designated crossing. Damn bastard ruined my duco, and now he's going to pay ! (as soon as his prosthetic legs are fitted and he gets back into the workforce)

Stagga, you need to be a member of the Jethro Tull Appreciation Society if youre in the market for a top-notch unit for your tackle. I can loan you one of mine, if you wish. Just allow me to blow the dust off for ya.

I am a big believer in you need to show respect to earn respect, I have lived both my professional and sporting lives by this motto.
There was nothing better than going out onto the footy field and you and your opponent go at each other hammer and tongs all day but then having a beer and a laugh at the end of the day.
Same should happen on the forum you can have your disagreements and question others opinions, this is what makes us informed brewers, but at the end of the day peoples opinions are like armpits.... everybody generally has a couple of them and they generally stink.

I bring my kids up to question everything, this is what a true education entails....the thirst for knowledge.
And everybody having different views is what makes society interesting, however the basis should be respect.
Respect for each other, others property and most of all respect for yourself.

Any way too philosophical for this time of the morning, I need a beer..........

I hope you bring them up to question the concept of a christian god. That is probably the most prevalant misconception of our time, and and antiquated notion that younger generations should not be imprisoned by, whether as a result of their parent's inherant blindness or a fundamentalist group of happy-clappy's down the street.

Respect is a misnomer. The rules of engagement are changing.
I keep away from the AHB at night time so I also missed what happened. And probably would continued to do so BUT I had 6 PM's from people I have never spoken to before in my inbox trying to get me involved in something I had no knowledge of..... So I was actually quite happy to have the yellow banner across the screen....

Its not the person that got banned that is the problem it's his fans... lets not make AHB users celebrities we are just people that make beer or like beer.

Katie :rolleyes:
I'm very mentally ill right now, so I would have to agree with Katie (yea yea, you get the first one free !). Why take sides in a dispute between two guys that many of you probably haven't even met? Look, I admire Butters for his knowledge (gasp, he whose name who cant be spoken) and it would truly suck to lose him from a site like this. Conversley I think the Darren comes across as a bit of a ******** from what little I've read. But f*cked if I'm taking sides or acting upon any threat of ultimatum, nor am I going to be part of any allegiance or posse. Ol Jase is a one-man army when the **** hits the fan, that's how he rolls. :lol:
Stagga, you need to be a member of the Jethro Tull Appreciation Society if youre in the market for a top-notch unit for your tackle. I can loan you one of mine, if you wish. Just allow me to blow the dust off for ya.

Thanks, I accept your generous offer. You never know when you are about to get a boot in the niagras
around here :lol:
Maybe we could get someone who does s/s work to run up a bulk order of them.

I'm very mentally ill right now, so I would have to agree with Katie (yea yea, you get the first one free !). Why take sides in a dispute between two guys that many of you probably haven't even met? Look, I admire Butters for his knowledge (gasp, he whose name who cant be spoken) and it would truly suck to lose him from a site like this. Conversley I think the Darren comes across as a bit of a ******** from what little I've read. But f*cked if I'm taking sides or acting upon any threat of ultimatum, nor am I going to be part of any allegiance or posse. Ol Jase is a one-man army when the **** hits the fan, that's how he rolls. :lol:

Gosh that's twice now Jase! :icon_offtopic: Anyhow any good beers in Laos????? Heaps of sticky rice...? Did you get to the plain of Jars?
I keep away from the AHB at night time so I also missed what happened. And probably would continued to do so BUT I had 6 PM's from people I have never spoken to before in my inbox trying to get me involved in something I had no knowledge of..... So I was actually quite happy to have the yellow banner across the screen....

Its not the person that got banned that is the problem it's his fans... lets not make AHB users celebrities we are just people that make beer or like beer.

Katie :rolleyes:

Good post.

Damn, I always miss out on all the fun!

But I must say that since the infamous event, this place has become like the carpark of a school at pick-up time...not really what I come here for.

And Jase, I've a mate whose car was repaired at the expense of a j-walker she hit. Said j-walker also spent a month in hospital. I think you are beginning to understand the law quite well!
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