Cascade Golden Harvest Lager - Smells A Bit Like A Fart.

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Evening All,

Well it is 14 days after bottling my Cascade Golden Harvest Lager. It was a basic kit and kilo brew, 1Kg of dextrose. Brewed over three days here is Brissy, at bit too warm, I agree.

On the positive side, the head retention is good, the colour is great and there is only a small home brew twang after 2 weeks. Overall 3/4 ain't bad.

However, my better half says it smells like a fart, unfortunately I have to agree. It smells like home brew, but has only a small home brew taste. If you hold your nose it actually tastes pretty good.

As a noobe, does anyone else have a comment on this?



I bought a can of this from LHBS the other day. Owner said that the kit yeast would smell like rotten eggs if brewed in summer (without temp control). He chucked in another sachet of yeast, not sure what type. That could be your "fart" smell!
I bought a can of this from LHBS the other day. Owner said that the kit yeast would smell like rotten eggs if brewed in summer (without temp control). He chucked in another sachet of yeast, not sure what type. That could be your "fart" smell!

Sounds like he gave you an ale yeast then. Ale yeasts do better at higher temps and don't send out a skunky sulphur smell.

I had a second bottle yesterday. This one did not have the fart smell. I looked at the bottle wash, it was made out of metabisulfite. I wonder if it was a dodgy bottle that had not been drained properly.
Ditch the metabisulphite, imho.

Try something like Morgans Sanitise or a similar hydrogen peroxide no-rinse sanitiser prior to bottling. I'm sure there's even a DIY no-rinse sanitiser recipe lurking around the forums somewhere.

As far as washing goes, a strong blast of water shaken well will loosen up the crap and then three rinses will do the business very well. If you have one of those aerating / filtering spouts on your tap, change it for one similar to a hose adapter. It's the right size for almost every beer bottle and you get a good shot of water in there with no waste. Even available in stainless steel versions if the missus demands positive aesthetics - about five bucks.

I do the blast and rinse after pouring each bottle, or at least the next morning, then hang 'em to dry on a bottle tree in the laundry. No infected or anomalous bottles so far, touch wood.

Oh and the fart thing? Try drinking cerveza that hasn't matured. Your missus will find that your butt gas has taken on new and potent dimensions and volumes that will have you kicked out of bed in seconds. ;) Sulphur? lol... Much worse.

Cheers - Fermented.
Cheers Fermented.

I will give the Mogans Sanitise a go after the home made sanitiser below. When using bottles that have had my beer in them previously, I have adopted the blast and rince method. For bottles sourced elsewhere, they get a going over with the bottle wash.

No-Rinse Sanitiser A good sanitiser shouldnt need to be rinsed off. The second you put tap water onto something you have sanitised its not sanitary anymore. A perfectly effective sanitiser that doesnt need to be rinsed off can be made using household bleach and vinegar. You dont need to rinse this sanitiser because of the very low amount of bleach used. The vinegar acidifies the solution and makes the bleach kill germs much more effectively.

To make Dissolve 30ml of cheap household bleach into 19L of cold water, stir it in and then add 30ml of white vinegar and stir it in. DO NOT mix the bleach and vinegar before you put them into the water, you will make chlorine gas and might hurt yourself. Smaller amounts in the same proportion are fine.

To use put some of the sanitiser into your Fermentor or bottles, swirl it around covering every surface. Try for a good 20-30 seconds contact time. Allow the Fermentor/bottles or whatever to completely drain upside down. Use immediately. You can also put this sanitiser into a spray bottle for sanitising surfaces or for spraying into nooks and crannies where you thing germs might hide.

This is not my work. Someone prepared a word document and posted a link to this forum. I will try to find the original reference for the credit. Posted here for all the noobs like me.
i'm just changing over to the bleach/vinegar method myself - i'll report back on it.

but the cascade kit s, yeah. i did their pale ale, and it was a fart and a half! and i don't think they would'a supplied it with a lager yeast. i fermented at 18degrees, where they said it could be at temps up to 22 or more.
so not a temp issue. a stinky yeast fart gas issue.

Sorry deleted. Not relevant.

Bleach/Vinegar as above works fine never had a problem so far and have not noticed any 'off tastes'.

In fact at those dilutions you will have a very hard job to detect any chlorine type odours.
You are clearly young, and new to this site. I forgive you your sins. You obviously understand the humour in a good fart joke. :lol:

I 'm a newbie too,
I don't think there could be many people on this board who don't grin when they blast out a good fart.

I can't hang out with anyone who doesn't find farts amusing.
ok I have made the same mistake here I currently have two cascade kits down at the moment, I have a double batch of Lager down at my mates palace and I have the chocolate porter down at my place, They both have the lovely smell of rotten eggs.

I normally would not be too worried about this, from my experience suphur dioxide is nothing a few months in the bottle can't fix.

However I have just moved to kegging, What is the secret of getting rid of the sulphur smell form kegged beer?

Is it just a matter of kegging it up and leaving the keg in the fridge for a couple of weeks?

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