Carbon Dioxide Tax

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There is a degree of what we can control, there is also a degree of what we can't control.......

Perhaps I should re-word that statement for the simpletons.....

"What is it with humans thinking that can control concepts so very much larger than themselves?"

Consider the Serenity Prayer.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

Precisely. We can't change the concept (greenhouse effect), but we can change our rate of greenhouse gas emissions.
Rather silly to botch the wording of your own statement in the first place. What was that about simpletons.

Ehhh, this is now boring me.......

the carbon tax will fix nothing. if we really believe that australia can make a difference on a global scale in terms of gas emissions or political pressure we are kidding ourselves. the idea that taxing the big companys while compensating every one else is also a rort.even with the so called compensation it will be us the consumer that gets hit with the extra cost, and even if the so called big polluters do manage to cut emmisions and save on carbon tax, can any one see prices ever going back down on the end price of goods to match? the big companies are there to satisfy the needs of everyday consumers, so unless there is less demand at the end of the supply chain the big boys arent going to stop supplying fuel,energy or goods . it is basically a do nothing tax to make it appear that politicions really care, while its really just a way for julia to rake in more dollors to make up for the stupid amount of money this government has thrown away since gaining power.if we want to do something meaning full about the problem the whole compensation package should be scrapped and the money used to build solar power plants or some other meaninfull solution. of course this wont happen because the same poeple who rant about global warming will also rant when it hits theyre own pockets.
I might choke a kitten and ring Ray or Allan to get their view on it.

MMm.... How much carbon is there in a standard kitten :unsure:
I might choke a kitten and ring Ray or Allan to get their view on it.

MMm.... How much carbon is there in a standard kitten :unsure:

Choking kittens shouldn't be a problem, choking chickens on the other hand could be a touchy subject with Jonsey..
I might choke a kitten and ring Ray or Allan to get their view on it.
MMm.... How much carbon is there in a standard kitten :unsure:

Oh come on now, be bleetin serious! How are you gunna do that in your dirty big V8 running down the hippies?
Whoaaaa there!!! This is getting outta hand! Let's not ever discourage this from happening;
As yummy as that looks, I'm still not sure it's worth the risk of seeing the other 99% of offenders.

Just call it what it is. A wealth re-distribution tax. Bob Brown doesn't stand for conservation and "green". He stands for socialist agenda, along with ex Young Communist Julia.

When you compensate people for out of pocket expenses, where is the incentive to change your habits. Climate science aside, this tax won't do a damn thing about reducing pollution, but will grease a lot of palms and create a lot of bureaucracy. A lot of people stand to get rich from trading carbon.
Wealth Redsitribution spun as saving the planet
So are you saying that we shouldn't try to reduce our CO2 emissions? I don't see a problem with us attempting to pull our weight, so to speak. Given that our CO2 emissions are rising at twice the global rate, and are almost 4 times the global average per capita, our target of 5% below year 2000 levels isn't really that ambitious. It's a drop in the ocean really, but at least we can give ourselves a pat on the back, and be that little bit more smug.

So are you saying that we shouldn't try to reduce our CO2 emissions? I don't see a problem with us attempting to pull our weight, so to speak. Given that our CO2 emissions are rising at twice the global rate, and are almost 4 times the global average per capita, our target of 5% below year 2000 levels isn't really that ambitious. It's a drop in the ocean really, but at least we can give ourselves a pat on the back, and be that little bit more smug.

Do our CO2 emissions make any difference to the world temperature. Not in a measurable way. Consider the CO2 emissions from one volcano.

Our CO2 might have been rising at twice the global rate back in 2007 when that article was written but I'd say countries like China and India are well and truly outstripping us now. Up to date links might be useful in proving your point.

"4 time the global average per capita". If we took out the per capita part, I wonder where we would rank. Down near the bottom. But hell don't let reality affect the statistics.

And if CO2 is SO BAD then why aren't they taxing petrol used by cars? Why don't they tax farmers? Why are only 500 companies being taxed and not the 1000 that was originally slated? And why did Ross Garnaut and Professor Lindzen say that at $23.00/tonne, its not going to change any company or person's behaviour. I'll tell you why, it's because this is about wealth redistribution

My question is that why do those who so fervently believe in this tax are either going to: a) profit from it, or b. not lose their jobs because of it?
We also only contribute 1.3% of total emissions. Qatar heads the list per capita yet only contributes 0.23% of total emissions.

Do you know how much energy goes into making the nickel for NiMH batteries to power a Prius?

This a tax orchestrated by the same Govt you couldn't put pink batts into roofs, made the BER bungle and want to charge $400 for a set top box worth $50. Sorry, but I fail to see where the environmental saving is.

I hope you're feeling smug now:
sheesh. as I said, our efforts are a drop in the ocean.
The Prius thing was a joke, & I absolutely love the smell of my own farts. :blink: