Can A Wyeast Packet Burst?

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Did a search and couldn't find the answer.

I smacked a wyeast packet around lunch yesterday thinking it would take about a day to swell (from past experience), but by last night it was full and very tight.

Earliest I can brew is this afternoon, so I put it back in the fridge hoping to avoid a burst. This morning, in the fridge, it still feels tight (as expected) and has not burst.

Have I done it any damage by fridging? (can't see why but wanted to check)

Can the packets acutually burst from yeast activity?

Should I just transfer the yeast to a 1L starter so that I can control it's activity till brew time?


I've heard of people bursting them by smacking them but not by them swelling so much they burst. No damage done by cooling it down but def warm it up again before pitching either into your starter or brew itself.
Exactly what he said.
I've had packets swell faster than I was ready a number of times.
In the fridge, bring them out to warm up before pitching in wort or starter.
Quick edit: I have no idea whether a pack can burst from activity. I doubt it, but do you really want to potentially waste a yeast to find out? :)
I have never had one burst but I suppose there might be a first time. I have had a couple of duds through being in the fridge to long.

Those things are tough, have had them really straining but never burst. I would certainly pop it into the fridge, you really don't want the thing finished out, best to pitch any yeast at high krausen. Chilling it will slow things down and give you a little breathing space.

Cheers guys for the responses. Eases my mind.

In fridge still, and seems to be the same.

Will brew this arvo though and pitch once temps are normalised.

I've had a pack burst when I tried to smack it. It had swelled slightly on its own and the inner bulb wasn't ruptured. I've also had one pack burst when fully swelled but I happened to be shaking it at the time so I'm not sure if it would have let go if I hadn't been playing with it. Not a common occurence as I've used well over 150 packs over the years.
I've also had one pack burst when fully swelled but I happened to be shaking it at the time so I'm not sure if it would have let go if I hadn't been playing with it.

:blink: Even so, you'd think they'd build in a bit more of a pressure buffer than that! Bit close for comfort...
Bit close for comfort...

I'll say.....I got soaked with 3068 (my wife's favourite - she happened to be standing there at the time). I'm standing there blinking and wondering WTF just happened and my wife, grinning ear to ear, says "You look like you've been in a porno." <_< Funny. Say, who do you suppose is going to brew your weizen for you now?
I'll say.....I got soaked with 3068 (my wife's favourite - she happened to be standing there at the time). I'm standing there blinking and wondering WTF just happened and my wife, grinning ear to ear, says "You look like you've been in a porno." <_< Funny. Say, who do you suppose is going to brew your weizen for you now?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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