Bullies At Ahb - Why Do They Bother Posting Here?

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wow there are bullies here? i am so ignorant and here i thought this forum was full of fun loving hippies! :huh:
Trolls? For sure
Dickheads? There's one in every group
Bullies? Geez, I mean I was a bullying victim at school (who wasn't?) but I thought most of us were past that. The closest I've come would be peer pressure to go AG & kegging. But that could be seen as encouragement.

Just about everyone I've met here in person has been a great bloke - sure you'll have a case of personality clashes, but I've made some great friends out of it.
Shut up & give me your lunch money :angry:


id like to point out the little button on the bottom left of every post. if you feel its over the top hit it and state your reasons.
other than that as pervious people have stated its an adult forum with beer being consumed while posting. its going to happen that someone over steps the mark.
I thought the AHB forum was a place for like minded people to openly ask questions and share ideas about brewing beer at home. Am I wrong?

Most people can understand and accept that not everyone shares their opinions. They can interact in a mature and civil manner, making cases for their opinion and against the opinion of others that they disagree with. I am keen to read the opinions of civil people, even when I disagree with them, and sometimes, their writing sways my opinion.

The minority think that if someone has a different opinion to them, then that person is ranting, simplistic, unintelligent, bashing, ignorant and arrogant so that's what they call them. Pots calling the kettles black. They are tough men and use aggressive language on an internet web site. I think they are hypocritical bullies.

If you can't constructively add to a thread, I'm not sure why you bother to take your time to read and then post. Unless you get off being a bully?

I'd rather forget about the 'craft brewer v home brewer' thread but since Maxt bought it up, its an example of a thread to which Miachael I think is referring. In that thread I presented my point of view backed up with some logical arguments and I have no problem with people presenting alternate points of view and counter-arguments. However the responses seemed to be mainly - who's calling you that? or you're a whinger or this thread is shit?. Seems to be there are a few people who beleive anything they don't agree with is shit. I could put them on ignore but they most likely have some good stuff to contribute also.

I'm not sure Michael is referring to over the top bullying that would require reporting to moderators but rather a more concealed type of derision. Using the ignore function aside, the problem with this type of attitude is that it puts people off contributing or asking questions, as they can feel bullied as Michael put it which leads to the impression of this being a 'closed shop'.
Whenever I'm conveying a message electronically, whether its an SMS, email, or forum post, most of the times if I am fired up enough, I'll write it and not post it... come back to it after 10-20 minutes after I've gathered my thoughts and think "shit, was I actually going to send that?"

Sometimes its best to do walk away and think about it rather than just post something in the heat of an argument to avoid this shit. Sure it may keep my post count down a bit, but I honestly can't think of any shit slinging fights I've had on this site.

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