Bull Bar Ban

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Do you have a Bull Bar

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Can I just ask WHO THE F*CK has hit more than 20 animals?

WTF are you doing, driving through paddocks of sheep on the way home from work?? You know bugs don't count yeah?

I understand, country areas bring a lot of animals on the road and up north you get a few kangas and emu's but seriously, 20+ animals?

You don't need a Bull Bar you need glasses and better brakes.

not that hard for someone on the road every day

my old man was chatting with a trucky years ago that cleaned up about 30 emu's in 1 go when a flock of them ran on to the road out somewhere on the Hay Plaines
I really think the American "John Wayne" attitude to guns is kinda funny. We all need to have 50 guns each for self-defence, because if someone broke into my home i'd put a bullet into them blah-blah-blah.
and only if we could do that here in Australia, what's wrong with that.. only 50
if someone broke in to you house and threatened you.. what just call the police.. when seconds count the police are just minutes away

If however the weapons were actually stored properly you're house would be all nice and robbed before you got it out of the safe, assembled it and loaded it.

Keeping a pistol on the night stand where your three year old can reach it is pretty much the opposite of making the house safer.

that is why you have a safe with a combo lock or a biometric lock ( fingerprint) that you can get quick accesses to the firearm

funny that the people that normally want things banned also want everything else banned and the government to control there lives caus they can not think for them selves

wait till some AA group start wanting home brewing banned...

the more and more of this crap that happens makes me wonder what ever happened to the real world seems to be turning in to a latte MFW every day

the problem is most shepple don't give a **** how things like this affect others ( that use it every day or as there hobbies ) and just go with the flow unless it affects them directly that is why we end up getting bent over again and again, also look in to what the Greenies what to do with fishing, they would ban that if they could.
Well the way I understand gun laws (which admittedly is not much, but my brother has a few rifles), is that they're to be stored in a disabled state and the ammo stored separately.

So one lock to open the gun safe. Another for the trigger lock (if fitted) or to open the rack that holds them to the safe. Then stuff around installing the bolt. Another lock to get at the ammo, then stuffing around to load it.

It might only take a minute or two, but if you're actually in a home invasion situation I doubt that it's going to do much good.

Biometrics are terrible for a whole bunch of reasons. And have fun trying to remember your combination and enter it when under stressed. And your ammo still has to be stored separately.

I have no problems with guns themselves (well, rifles & shotguns anyway). If people want to hunt, work on a farm or have some other good reason, then fine. They do however need to be stored safely, which generally precludes their use for self-defence.

Not too many people need access to a handgun though. I understand that in Australia you can have/use them, but they must stay locked up at a shooting range. Kinda makes it a bit pointless having one really.
Well the way I understand gun laws (which admittedly is not much, but my brother has a few rifles), is that they're to be stored in a disabled state and the ammo stored separately.
yes that is correct. however it can be a little different state to state.

So one lock to open the gun safe. Another for the trigger lock (if fitted) or to open the rack that holds them to the safe. Then stuff around installing the bolt. Another lock to get at the ammo, then stuffing around to load it.

It might only take a minute or two, but if you're actually in a home invasion situation I doubt that it's going to do much good.

Biometrics are terrible for a whole bunch of reasons. And have fun trying to remember your combination and enter it when under stressed. And your ammo still has to be stored separately.

yes that is correct and also in Australia Self Defence is not a justification or purpose of use for a Firearm ( excluding security )
I was more talking about the US more in my post as I know a few people there that also have CCW permits and they also are trainers and informed me of there setup's at home and a couple have kids about so there firearms are locked away or in there control not sitting about the place in a draw or behind a door

I have no problems with guns themselves (well, rifles & shotguns anyway). If people want to hunt, work on a farm or have some other good reason, then fine. They do however need to be stored safely, which generally precludes their use for self-defence.
correct how about sporting shooting.

I would keep them locked up in a safe any way as I have a kid in the house.

Not too many people need access to a handgun though. I understand that in Australia you can have/use them, but they must stay locked up at a shooting range. Kinda makes it a bit pointless having one really.

nope they don't need to be stored at a club you can store them at home.
there is a bit more to legally one them and more training that you need to do but you do them and it is a lot of fun
PM me if you want more info

remember this is for legal owner ship as criminals don't need to worry about all of that.
I dont believe in bullbars on suburban vehicles...I mean WTF do you need a bullbar for if you never leave the city/town. In fact WTF do you need a bloody big 4WD just to get around town

But, they do have there place. In my previous life as a Comms Tech in rural NSW, travelling vast distances, sometimes at night, a bullbar was a godsend.

If any of you think that as you are travelling at 100-120kmhr, you can stop for skippy that decides to play chicken, then you really do need to get a life

Even recently I have damaged 3 different cars on back roads when skippy decided to play chicken...you just cant pick the bloody things

If I had bull/roo bars on these vehicles, I would have saved the front ends of each car. You would be suprised at how much damage even a small roo will do at 80km/hr

I am all in favour of these newer style bullbars that are smoothed and have never agreed with those that have protusions.
If I hit you with a car with or without a bullbar, your going to be bloody sore regardless

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