Bulk Malt/Hops/Yeast other than CB

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Anyone know where else I can get bulk prices on Joe White Malts and others. Craftbrewer has alot but no JWM and SImpsons for bulk buy.

Also hops, ellerslie has decent prices but not all types like simcoe, columbus, admiral.

Also Yeast, CB has(some out of stock) some 500g bricks, which is what im chasing, any other places sell 500g bricks. might have t o look overseas?

Craftbrewer is almost a one stop shop for bulk, just sourcing other options with different products. I have found Bintani but not sure if they sell bulk to the public or need to setup a business account?
If you want cheap bulk hops from a local supplier, check out Yob's website (the link is just to the discussion though).

I haven't purchased from him yet, but sounds like he's got nothing but happy customers.

There's US retailers as well such as yamika valley hops and niko.

Bulk yeast and grain though, either ask your local HBS what they can do, otherwise places like CB will be your best bet.
Might be worth giving Donnie at Southern Highlands Homebrew a call. He has the cheapest prices for liquid yeast and hops around so may be able to do grain too. His website isnt up and running yet (just a dodgy one) but theyre moving into a bigger premise soon and taking it to the next level.
you have done one of the nicest looking hop shots around Yob... I'd be watermarking your image if people are going to be so lazy and rip it.
Yob said:
How rude, he didnt even ask me if he could use my image for the hops he's displaying...
Send him an invoice, number of uses of the photo on his website x the licence fee of $50pcm(They are a premium picture after all!!) per image per use.
Should add up to enough for a shinny new 3v system for your troubles.
I'm sure MHB would be happy to quote for you, as his grain prices are quite good.

He also has blocks of yeast.

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