Budvar For Sale ?

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Doctor's Orders Brewing
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God I hope not. Imagine if AB bought it !! :angry:


Feb 23, 2007 - Czech brewery Budejovicky Budvar NP, which has been fighting a long legal battle with Anheuser-Busch, may eventually be put up for sale.

The process would depend on the outcome of the trademark dispute with Anheuser-Busch, he said.

Until now, various Czech governments have said there were no plans to privatize the brewer, which has been battling with A-B over the exclusive rights to the Budweiser name for nearly a century.

On Tuesday, Trade Minister Martin Riman suggested that Budvar could be sold at the same time as Prague's Ruzyne International airport, the state-run airline CSA and the Czech Post to help the government cover a fiscal budget gap.

Riman put the brewery's value at somewhere between $935 million and $1.4 billion.
It is happening.
From here

PRAGUE, Czech Republic (AP) - Czech brewery Budejovicky Budvar NP, which has fought a century-long legal battle with U.S. beer giant Anheuser-Busch Cos. Inc. over the name "Budweiser," will take the first step toward privatization, a minister said Friday.

"We want to start transforming the national enterprise into a joint-stock company," Agriculture Minister Petr Gandalovic, whose ministry is in charge of the state-owned company, said in a statement. "We have to make such a step to make room for the brewer's development," he said.

Hopefully it is for the longevity of the brewery.


Got a link to the prospectus?

I'd be happy to go into debt to buy a decent amount of shares and keep those evil A-B people's grubby hands off the "Beer of Kings".

Just got me thinking that Stone Brewing was prob thinking of the other A-B when they coined the name of "their" AB.

As a shareholder, I'd have to visit the operations regularly to ensure that all is well. :beerbang:

Beerz (and bloody good ones too)
Stone-Cold Sober Seth :beer:

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