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For those that ordered Wyeast in the last week as part of the pre purchase they are on the way. Delivery is expected next week.

New Wyeast Order

Orders for yeast are crazy and it looks like I need to place another order to cover supplies for various home brewers and commercial breweries in the next week.

This order is not full, so if you missed the last order and need something, get on this one, there's a few available for off the plane deliveries. You will get allocated yeasts off this delivery.

Just a note that any odd Wyeasts / Sour strains are all based on a order as requested basis they are not stocked, so if you want a Lacto / Brett / Ped, now is the time to order.

WA guys, your invited to get on this one too.

Cheers Steve
Bump the Wyeast Order needs to go in this weekend.
Wyeast order going in tonight.

It is memorial day in the US on Monday so orders going in a day earlier.

Let me know today if you want anything special or fresh off the plane.
Hello Steve
Is it possible to get

Extreme Fermentation

Hey Steve, what's the best way to use the hop syringes (are they pre-isomerised)? Do they have to be used during the boil or can you add them to kegs for some kick? Everytime I'm on the dealz page I look at them, wondering.. haha!
Hey Steve, what's the best way to use the hop syringes (are they pre-isomerised)? Do they have to be used during the boil or can you add them to kegs for some kick? Everytime I'm on the dealz page I look at them, wondering.. haha!
With the "resin" syringes they are not preisomerised and need to be boiled. They are best used before the 20 minute mark. I know people have used them later than that and inside cubes, so maybe those guys could comment on their results?

Use typically between 60 and 20 minutes.

Cheers Steve
With the "resin" syringes they are not preisomerised and need to be boiled. They are best used before the 20 minute mark. I know people have used them later than that and inside cubes, so maybe those guys could comment on their results?

Oh okay, thanks, I no-chill so I'd be interested to know if anyone uses them when cubing etc,. Cheers!
Wyeast arrived today.

In the fridge and ready to go.

On the Aussie hops, should becoming available now. I need to meet with the supplier and will confirm.

Cheers Steve
Time to order some more Wyeast.

Let me know if you want anything.

I'll get the seasonals and post back here in the next day or so.

Cheers Steve
Just got a new batch of Stainless Steel wands for the wort aeration kit knocked up.

For the next week I have reduced the price from $24.95 to $18.95. It comes with the 2 clamps to fit to the standard aeration kit.

Once fitted with a stone the length of the wand is 500mm.

If you have the kit without the wand, might be time to add this. It makes things so much easier.

Cheers Steve
Here are the Private Collection form July to September.

Late notice I know. I want to place this order in the next 24Hrs, so if you want one of these or something else let me know asap.

3864-PC Canadian/Belgian Ale

3789-PC Trappist Style Blend (I will be getting this one)

3463-PC Forbidden Fruit
Cheers Steve