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Bye the way I still have a couple of the Forbidden Fruit from the last Private collection. Strain 3463
Wyeast arrived last night. There were a few not supplied by Wyeast. I'll PM those with shortages later today.
Cheers Steve
Wyeast order is going in this weekend.

Let me know if there's anything you want on this order.

Cheers Steve
I have a cancelled order on a Wyeast PC.

PC-1581- Belgian Stout. This one is fresh off the plane, one only.

First in gets it.

Note this yeast wont come around again for quite a while being a Private Collection.

Cheers Steve
Wyeast order time.
And it is a new range of Private collection yeasts.

These have not been seen for some time. I think this may be the first time 2001 Urquell has been made available as a PC.

I need to place an order ASAP my stocks are low. Get in fast if you want these babies.

Here's the private collection.

2352-PC Munich Lager II
Species: Saccharomyces pastorianus
From a famous brewery in Munich, this strain is a low diacetyl and low sulfur aroma producer. An excellent choice for malt-driven lagers.

2001-PC Pilsner Urquell H-Strain
Species: Saccharomyces pastorianus
With a mild fruit and floral aroma this strain has a very dry and clean palate with a full mouthfeel and nice subtle malt character. It has a very clean and neutral finish.

1217-PC West Coast IPA
Species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
This strain is ideally suited to the production of West Coast-style American craft beers, especially pale, IPA, red, and specialties. Thorough attenuation, temperature tolerance, and good flocculation make this an easy strain to work with. Flavor is balanced neutral with mild ester formation at warmer temperatures, allowing hops, character malts, and flavorings to show through.

Cheers Steve
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Wyeast is in.

All orders are packed ready to go.

Note that I am placing another order this week if anyone wants to get on it.

The Private collections is the same as last order.

Cheers Steve
I am placing a Wyeast order this weekend if anyone wants some fresh yeast or something from the private collection.

This is the last month for this collection.

Here's the private collection.

2352-PC Munich Lager II
Species: Saccharomyces pastorianus
From a famous brewery in Munich, this strain is a low diacetyl and low sulfur aroma producer. An excellent choice for malt-driven lagers.

2001-PC Pilsner Urquell H-Strain
Species: Saccharomyces pastorianus
With a mild fruit and floral aroma this strain has a very dry and clean palate with a full mouthfeel and nice subtle malt character. It has a very clean and neutral finish.

1217-PC West Coast IPA
Species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
This strain is ideally suited to the production of West Coast-style American craft beers, especially pale, IPA, red, and specialties. Thorough attenuation, temperature tolerance, and good flocculation make this an easy strain to work with. Flavor is balanced neutral with mild ester formation at warmer temperatures, allowing hops, character malts, and flavorings to show through.

Cheers Steve
Brewman Aussie Post - Express Post special.

For a limited time, the 3Kg express post satchel price is the same as the 1Kg Express post satchel price. $14.50

The 5Kg Satchel price is reduced from $26 to $17.50.

These are Australia wide Express via Aussie Post.

Check the Dealz page at Brewman, Here.

Cheers Steve

I have been asked how long this postage offer will last.

Until the end of the month.

The satchels can be used for any products, not just dealz.
So you could get a 5Kg grain recipe kit in a 5Kg Satchel.
But note the weight is strictly 3kg... 5kg, not a gram over.

Cheers Steve

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