Here are the links to the Ultimate Brewing Systems
For the past 10 months I've been making the kit beers such as Coopers and other brands as per instructions on the can with some enhancers such as Coopers 1 & 2. Nothing too fancy. After reading the forums here, I decided to go all the way for a better beer.
I have thought about making my own equipment. Got a 20 litre urn for the hot water. Got a big esky for the mash. Got a 50 litre vessel ready to be cut down and converted to a boiler. Got 3 rolls x 18 metres each of 1/2" copper pipe for cooling the wort. Taps and fittings are at Bunnings. (The copper rolls from Bunnings @ $50 per 18 metre roll compared to $110 from the plumbing shop).
I am just too lazy to pull my finger out and put it all together. Although it will do the same job, it won't look as fancy as the professional kit.
So far I have made 25 brews this year. Each 23 litre brew gives me 2 1/2 cartons. I save on average $45 per brew.
That's $1125 I've saved by not going to the bottle shop this year.
4 years at this rate and the 'you beaut mickey mouse system' will have paid for itself. When I retire next year, I'll have more time to drink and make more than 25 brews. That'll make it less than 4 years to pay for itself. As I also make a bit of 'shine, the savings will bring the time down to about 2 years........Maybe less.
Sounds good in theory........but the initial outlay will be painful
Might try and make it myself and use the savings towards a 'newer' car (1981 up).